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A study of female managers' coping behvaior with work-family conflicts in terms of sex-role attitudes, life-style and job involvement
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coping behavior, job involvement, sex-role attitudes, work-family conflict, life-style
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資訊時代的發展,開放了更多只要求腦力而非體力的工作機會,尤其在講求效率與競爭力的管理工作上有越來越多的女性參與,她們努力打破所謂的玻璃天花板(glass ceiling),在管理階層大放異彩。許多專業女性管理者的表現受到矚目,女性管理人力的議題也愈受重視,例如職業婦女的工作-家庭衝突之議題。根據Mintzberg(1973)所定義經理人十種工作角色,可知管理工作艱鉅的責任與加長的工作時間;在如此工作角色的要求之下,女性經理人以有限時間與資源,必須同時滿足工作角色與家庭角色雙方面的需求,想必是比擔任非管理職位的職業婦女來得艱辛。工作與家庭雙方面的負荷,使得有些女性主管不得不辭職因而中斷已進入高峰的事業發展階段,或轉入臨時勞動市場以取得工作與非工作的平衡;以人力資源的角度而言,對於企業組織與女性管理者本身而言都是一大損失。
本研究以Greenhaus & Beutell(1985)所提出之三種角色間衝突的型態與Hall(1972)所提出之三種調適角色間衝突的策略為基礎,並以人力資源之觀點探究女性經理人面對角色間衝突時其調適衝突的行為,同時以性別角色態度、生活型態、工作投入之角度探究此三個因素如何交互作用並影響女性經理人調適角色間衝突的行為。
(一) 工作角色較凸顯的女性經理人傾向採取TypeⅡcoping『個人角色再定義』之調適衝突的方法,只是將衝突當時的某個角色暫時忽略,選擇先滿足當時較重要的角色需求。

A Study of Female Managers’ Coping Behavior with Work-Family Conflicts in Terms of Sex-Role Attitudes, Life-Style and Job Involvement


In terms of human resources, female managers has come into a spotlight for their outstanding professional performance, efficiency and competitiveness in today’s business world.

According to the 10 managerial roles defined by Mintzberg(1973), female managers are required to take greater responsibility and spend longer working hours at their managerial job. Furthermore, family role expectations also require a female manger’s time and energy. Therefore the fact that multiple role-demands compete a female manager’s limited time is seen, and it is found that female managers are considered to face work-family conflicts more than their female counterparts working at the non-management level.

The focus of this dissertation is based on the time-based interrole conflict proposed by Greenhaus & Beutell(1985) and is in accordance with three types of coping behaviors suggested by Hall(1972). This study was conducted in terms of sex-role attitudes, life-style and job involvement to understand how these factors interact with each other, affecting a female manager’s coping behavior as a whole. Furthermore, how each of these factors affects a female manager’s coping behavior with work-family conflicts is also discussed. Four Taiwanese female managers, who are working at the senior management level are interviewed, producing the quantitative data in this study. A case study approach was utilized and a semi-structured interview framework was used based on three factors mentioned above.

This study concluded that sex-role attitudes, life-style and job involvement indeed affect a female manager’s behavior to cope with work-family conflicts. It also suggested that better supportive organizational programs, sensitive family supports, and self-identity-clarified by a female manager herself- will aide them in handling work and family obligations, and will provide a “no trouble back home” environment, allowing them to devote themselves to their managerial work.

Keywords: sex-role attitudes, life-style, job involvement, work-family conflict,
coping behavior
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第壹章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究問題 5
第四節 名詞界定 6
第五節 理論觀點 7
第貳章 文獻探討 9
第一節 性別角色態度 9
第二節 生活型態 22
第三節 工作-家庭衝突相關理論 26
第四節 工作投入相關理論 40
第五節 角色衝突的調適行為與策略 50
第參章 研究方法 55
第一節 研究架構 55
第二節 研究過程 56
第三節 研究對象 60
第四節 研究限制 61
第四章 個案描述 62
第五章 結果分析 81
第一節 女性經理人的性別角色態度 81
第二節 女性經理人的生活型態 87
第三節 女性經理人的工作投入 95
第四節 女性經理人調適角色間衝突的行為 105
第五節 本研究之概念性架構 114
第陸章 結論與建議 115
第一節 結論 115
第二節 建議 122
參考文獻 126
附錄 139

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