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博碩士論文 etd-0729102-145151 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0729102-145151
The Content of Information Sharing Based upon Supply Chain Type and Uncertainty:A Case Study of Convergent Assembly Supply Network
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information sharing, supply chain management, uncertainty
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因此本研究參考供應鏈型態與不確定性兩個構面,彙整成研究架構。針對收斂組裝型供應鏈(Convergent assembly supply network),透過個案訪談方式對汽車產業進行調查,以分析汽車產業的供應鏈策略與所面臨的供應鏈不確定性。而根據研究結果,現有汽車供應鏈的資訊分享以供應商端最多,可是由於受到製造、採購和需求不確定性的影響,導致目前中心廠發生產銷不協調,以及在中心廠導入供應鏈管理後,反而使得供應商必需保有更多的庫存。探究其原因,可以發現目前汽車供應鏈採用庫存生產方式是造成供應鏈無效率的主因,而部分產品已屬於創新性產品,必需採用市場回應的供應鏈策略。此外,汽車的製造過程部分屬於連續流程,在此階段雖然使用的原料較少,但是由於較高的製造不確定性,導致後續製程在交貨上的困難。而需求端的波動過大,以及大量客製化的要求,供應商必需額外由經銷商處取得及時的銷售資訊,才能快速回應訂單。


Original equipment manufacture(OEM) is typically the role played by the high-tech or traditional industries in Taiwan, and is marked by highly efficient vertical supply chains where division of manufacturing function is done very well. Supply chain management could help companies to integrate their business process and information systems. Moreover, what kind of strategies needed to be adopted, and what kind of information needed to be exchanged transaction. The research issues regarding supply chain strategy and information sharing become apparently important.

In the study, supply chain type and supply chain uncertainty are the two major constructs that guide our research. Convergent assembly supply network is type of supply chain selected for case study, and the automotive industry is the actual case for research. The research results indicated that information sharing is most intensive between suppliers and manufacturers. The lack of coordination between production and sale in manufacturer was resulted from supply chain uncertainty which can be addresses by the aspects of procurement, manufacturing, and demand respectively. The current supply chain strategy of manufacturer has push more inventory to its suppliers. This is due to the made-to-stock(MTS) method applied by the manufacturer. In addition, continuous flow process has occupied part of the manufacturing process for automobile production, and high uncertainty resulted from this stage often led to problems for delivery of product parts in the subsequent stages. Furthermore, demand uncertainty and mass customization requirement from the manufacturer have push suppliers to get timely sale information in order to have quick response to orders.

Based on the case findings, this research suggested propositions regarding supply chain strategies and information sharing for the convergent assembly supply network. Because of relatively high procurement and demand uncertainty, the MTS production strategy should be switched to assembly-to-order(ATO). In addition, it is necessary for the manufacturer to establish stable relationship with suppliers, and incorporate them into product development process. This will help the manufacturer to achieve ATO and shorten product development time due to the notion of design for assembly and concurrent engineering. For information sharing in supply chains, the focus is upon shop floor information transparency between suppliers and the manufacturer, exchange of sale information between suppliers and distributors, and exchange of information regarding quality, management capability, product development between suppliers and the manufacturer.

目次 Table of Contents
目錄索引 I
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 供應鏈管理 5
2.1.1 供應鏈管理的定義 5
2.1.2 供應鏈的鏈結架構 7
2.1.3 供應鏈管理模式 9
2.1.4 供應鏈分類 12
2.2 供應鏈的不確定性 14
2.2.1 需求不確定性 17
2.2.2 製造不確定性 20
2.2.2 採購不確定性 22
2.3 資訊分享 26
2.3.1 長鞭效應 27
2.3.2 資訊分享層級 28
2.3.3 資訊分享內容 30
2.4 組織間合作關係 31
第三章 研究方法 36
3.1 研究架構 36
3.2 研究設計 37
3.2.1 分析單元 38
3.2.2 個案選擇 39
3.2.3 資料收集與分析方法 39
第四章 個案描述 41
4.1 汽車產業概況 41
4.1.1 汽車製造業 44
4.1.2 汽車零件業 45
4.2 國內汽車產業供應鏈 46
4.2.1 中心廠 47
4.2.2 供應端 49
4.2.3 需求端 50
4.3 中華汽車公司 51
4.3.1 供應鏈現況 52
4.3.2 生產計劃 54
4.3.3 銷售端 56
4.3.4 品質與供應商管理 57
4.4 福特六和汽車 57
4.4.1 供應鏈現況 58
4.4.2 生產計劃 61
4.4.3 銷售端 63
4.4.4 品質與供應商管理 63
4.5 大億交通工業製造公司 64
4.5.1 生產計劃 65
4.5.2 現有資訊分享 66
4.6 東陽實業廠 67
4.6.1 生產計劃 68
4.6.2 現有資訊分享 69
第五章 個案分析 70
5.1 供應鏈不確定性 70
5.1.1 製造不確定性 71
5.1.2 採購不確定性 74
5.1.3 需求不確定性 78
5.2 供應鏈與產品特性 81
5.2.1 收斂組裝型供應鏈之策略 81
5.2.2 個案之供應鏈策略分析 84
5.2.3 供應鏈夥伴關係 88
第六章 命題建構 89
6.1 綜合分析 89
6.1.1 供應鏈不確定性 89
6.1.2 收斂組裝型供應鏈之策略 92
6.2 研究命題 94
6.2.1 收斂組裝型供應鏈之整合策略 94
6.2.2 供應鏈型態與不確定性之關係 95
6.2.3 製造商與供應商的資訊分享 96
6.2.4 製造商與經銷商的資訊分享 98
6.2.5 經銷商與供應商的資訊分享 99
第七章 結論與建議 100
7.1 研究結論 100
7.2 研究貢獻 101
7.3 研究限制 101
7.4 後續研究 102
參考文獻 103

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