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博碩士論文 etd-0729102-153259 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0729102-153259
Lesbianism in Adrienne Rich's Essays and Poetry
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Lesbian Literature, Adrienne Rich, Lesbianism, American Poetry
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本論文旨在探討安筑恩•瑞奇的詩與散文中所展現的女同志主義。自50年代起,瑞奇即以美國主要的詩人與散文作家享有盛譽。最受到注意的莫過於她精采絕倫的詩作與富有革新精神的散文。然而,當中卻鮮少有人針對女同志主義提出全面性的討論。因此,筆者試圖在本論文中呈現瑞奇作品中的女同志主義。第一章,筆者首先引證多家對“女同志”之定義,再為“女同志”做出定義。此外,本章將簡介各個不同理論觀點對女同志主義所做過的研究與討論。第二章,討論著重於瑞奇在“強迫性異性戀與女同志存在”一文中所提出的主要觀念:「異性戀的制度化」,「女同志存在」,和「女同志連續體」。 第三章,筆者將呈現女同志主義觀點在瑞奇詩中的發展。討論將分成三部份:一是關於女性受壓迫事實的揭露;二是強調「雌雄同體」觀念的討論;最後是展現瑞奇的概念—女性力量應奠基於女性親密關係。

The purpose of my thesis is to explore lesbianism in Adrienne Rich’s essays and poetry. Rich has earned her reputation as a major American poet and essayist since the 1950s. Most attention has been paid to her extraordinary poems and revolutionary prose. However, the issue of lesbianism has seldom been focused on or fully discussed. Therefore, I would try to present a panoramic view on how lesbianism has been developed in Rich’s works. In the first chapter, I have tried to delineate various definitions of “lesbian”, and formulate my own definition. Besides that, I have also introduced some theoretical perspectives of lesbianism. In the second chapter, the discussion is mainly on Rich’s concepts— “institutionalization of heterosexuality”, “lesbian existence” and “lesbian continuum”—which were brought up in the essay “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence.” In the third chapter, my aim is to delineate the development of Rich’s lesbian perspective in her poetry. The discussion consists of three parts: the first part covers the revelation of women’s oppression; the second is stressed on the concept of androgyny; the last part will present Rich’s idea that women’s power should be based on close relations among women.

目次 Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter I Definition of “Lesbian” and Theoretical Perspectives
on lesbianism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Chapter II Lesbianism in Adrienne Rich’s Political Essays . . . 40
Chapter III Lesbianism in Adrienne Rich’s Poetry . . . . . . . . 62
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 101
參考文獻 References
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