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博碩士論文 etd-0729103-114327 詳細資訊
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Integrated income tax system, Shareholder deductible tax, Undistributed surplus
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Effective January 1, 1998, Republic of China’s income tax turned from an independent duty to a 2-in-1 system. The move was mainly to eliminate repeated taxation created when it was an independent duty. The move also allowed business tax paid by companies be allocated to shareholders at the same time when distributing bonuses as a deductible item from the combined income tax to be filed by shareholders as individuals, making all business income be levied only once. The new tax system may be good, fair and reasonable, only the poorly prepared maximum deductible amount set by the government to shareholders and the 10% business income tax imposed on pending yield of companies made the new system unreasonable in many ways or kept the system itself from successful implementation. Excessively complicated computing triggered disputes and discontent among taxpayers, making the government taxation even a more difficult task. It is expected that this study, with its discussions and recommendations on the regulations concerning shareholders’ deductible tax rate and 10% business income tax imposed on pending yield of companies in Republic of China’s 2-in-1 tax system, could serve as reference in future amendments waged by the government.
As of shareholders’ deductible items, the different times of effectiveness of shareholders’ deductible could create vacuum in leasing plans for businesses, we would like to suggest final accounting estimates of payable or paid income tax into balance of shareholders’ deductible accounts. Owing to the maximum deductible amount set for shareholders, when a company having the income tax paid for the year is different from its financial income or when asked to make up income tax of past years or income tax for pending yield, discrepancy in the definition of income tax given in financial accounting rules and income tax laws would result in deficits in computing shareholders’ deductible rates, making successful allocation less probable. On the contrary, companies eligible for preferential treatments in terms of deductible taxes for investments are exempted from said maximum amount. Further, businesses, either of sole capital or association, having not to establish any shareholders’ deductible account per income tax, are exempted from the maximum amount as well. Besides, it is stipulated in the income tax law that, when a company allocates its yield to directors, controllers as remuneration and bonuses, deductible items must be excluded and totally eliminated. These are all considered to be unreasonable practices as they mean counter -elimination of traditional industry in the Republic of China, making it necessary to review, improve or even revoke the stipulation in the income tax law concerning shareholders’ maximum deductible amount and allocation.
In terms of the 10% business income tax imposed on pending yield of companies, the major dispute arisen from the tax reform focuses on the definition of company’s pending yield as specified in the income tax law. Pending yield computed per Art. 66-9 of the income tax law is different from the pending yield given in the financial accounting rules and business accounting law on one hand, on the other, is differs from the text of other provisions of the income tax law. The narrow sense and missing in company’s pending yield defined in the article would allow a company produce pending yield and the 10% business income tax imposed on pending yield could trigger helical effect of additional tax. Further, other issues such as pending yield for stock interests a company is assigned to, the problematic tax deduction for deductible shares of overseas Chinese and foreign shareholders for pending yield, listing of deduction loss reserve for overseas investment when computing pending yield overseas investments conducted by companies as approved by competent authorities, failure to listing pending yield as deduction by a company adjusting or negotiating on adjustment of revenue with tax offices are all unreasonable issues created by the 10% business income tax. Besides, statistics indicate that the 10% business income tax imposed on pending yield of companies does not mean help when it comes to state tax income, it only triggers entangled administrative tasks and disputes. This suggests that the 10% business income tax imposed on pending yield of companies needs discussion or revocation.
Finally, we like to discuss the medium and small companies in the Republic of China because of organization scale or cost factor that keep them from establishing sound accounting systems and internal controls that eventually would result in false registered capital, misappropriation of company loans, tax evasion by illegal issuance or access to invoices, the lack of books or even 2 books. The written review system implemented by the government is only created by the lack of manpower and as a way to simplify the procedure. The system allows that businesses having revenues of not exceeding a specific amount and with income subject to allowable adjustments and net yield rates at specific levels be exempted from submitting books, as approval would only be granted on written documents Besides, difference between the revenue subject to allowed adjustment and the revenue registered on books would be listed as deduction as pending yield. Such a system will never invite medium and small businesses establish sound accounting systems and internal controls and become an unfair system to businesses having books and filing their tax and, consequently, needs further discussion and improvements.

Key word:Integrated income tax system , Shareholder deductible tax , Undistributed surplus
目次 Table of Contents
目    錄
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………………………….1
第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………………………………….1
第二節 研究方法與限制……………………………………………………………….3
第三節 研究目的與預期貢獻………………………………………………………….4
第四節 研究架構與流程……………………………………………………………….6
第二章 法令制定過程與文獻探討………………………………………………………….7
第一節 兩稅合一制之發展與方法…………………………………………………….7
第二節 我國推行兩稅合一制之歷程………………………………………………...14
第三節 我國兩稅合一制之規定……………………………………………………...19
第四節 我國實施兩稅合一制之目標與預期效益…………………………………...34
第五節 國內外相關研究文獻………………………………………………………...37
第三章 各國採行兩稅合一制之規定與比較……………………………………………...48
第一節 國際間採行兩稅合一制之情形……………………………………………...48
第二節 我國與新加坡兩稅合一制之比較…………………………………………...63
第四章 我國兩稅合一制之缺失探討與改進之建議……………………………………...74
第一節 股東可扣抵稅額帳戶規定之缺失探討與改進之建議……………………...74
第二節 未分配盈餘加徵10%營利事業所得稅規定之缺失探討與改進之建議……84
第三節 兩稅合一制下中小企業會計制度之缺失探討與改進之建議………………98
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………………………….109
第一節 結論………………………………………………………………………….109
第二節 建議………………………………………………………………………….111

圖 表 目 錄
圖2-1 兩稅合一制各項方法……………….……………………………………………....7

表2-1  合夥法例示……………………………………………………………………….8
表2-2  已付股利減除法例示…………………………………………………………….9
表2-3  已付股利扣抵法例示……………………………………………………………10
表2-4  雙軌稅率法例示…………………………………………………………………11
表2-5  股利所得免稅法例示……………………………………………………………11
表2-6  股利所得扣抵法例示……………………………………………………………12
表2-7  設算扣抵法例示…………………………………………………………………13
表2-8  新舊稅制對納稅義務人在稅務及帳務處理之影響(一)簡化部分……………24
表2-9  新舊稅制對納稅義務人在稅務及帳務處理之影響(二)與舊制相同部分……25
表2-10 新舊稅制對納稅義務人在稅務及帳務處理之影響(三)較舊制增加部分……25
表2-11 兩稅合一所得稅實施後稅收增減變動情勢……………………………………38
表3-1  法國設算扣抵法之所得計算例示………………………………..………………49
表3-2  法國平衡稅之計算例示…………………………………………..………………49
表3-3  德國分配股利予居住者股東之所得計算例示…………………..………………51
表3-4  德國分配股利予非居住者股東之所得計算例示(無租稅協定)…..…….……51
表3-5  愛爾蘭之所得計算例示…………………..………………………………………53
表3-6  葡萄牙之所得計算例示………………..…………………………………………54
表3-7  西班牙之所得計算例示…………..………………………………………………55
表3-8  英國之所得計算例示…..…………………………………………………………56
表3-9  加拿大之所得稅負計算例示……………………………………………………59
表3-10 採行兩稅合一制之國家彙整比較表……………………………………………61
表3-11 採行兩稅合一制國家之公司及個人所得稅稅率比較表………………………61
表3-12 我國與新加坡所得稅採行兩稅合一制比較表……………..……………………71
表4-1  僑外股東抵繳稅額之缺失例示……………………………..……………………92
參考文獻 References
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