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Title page for etd-0729104-165917
Influences of River Fluxes on Biogeochemical Processes of Carbon and Nutrients in the Kaoping Coastal Zone
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Kaoping Coastal Zone, nutrients, limitation
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高屏溪流域豐、枯水期之月流量差約達十二倍之多,隨著流量大小差異,其陸源物質(DOC、POC、DSi、DIN、DIP、TDN及TDP)輸出至高屏海域之通量相差三至十餘倍不等,造成高屏海域碳、營養鹽及其他水文化學參數之季節性分佈差異。高屏海域DOM(dissolved organic matter)、POM(particulate organic matter)及Nutrients表水之季節性空間分佈皆呈現高屏溪口濃度最高,三者之濃度隨離岸距離增加而減少。此外由DOC/TOC及ΔPOC/ΔPN比值分佈亦反應出高流量時陸源物質輸出之影響。由DIN及DIP分佈及比值特徵同時顯示高屏海域透光層水體中浮游植物生長受氮(DIN < 1μM,N/P < 10)所控制之機率大於磷(DIP < 0.2μM,N/P < 30)的限制,但整個海域於觀測期間因季節變化而使得氮限制之機率有所不同,約為4%-42%(冬夏>春秋),受磷限制之機率則微乎其微。
GP(gross production)與DCR(dark community respiration)於春季時為708-19819 mg C m-2d-1及970-6284 mg C m-2d-1、夏季為2451-16230 mg C m-2d-1及861-12418 mg C m-2d-1及冬季為844-5549 mg C m-2d-1及997-5781 mg C m-2d-1。其分佈顯示夏季有高GP與DCR,暗示著可能受高屏溪輸入之大量陸源物質所影響;另由temperature、nutrients與salinity對GP與DCR之間分別呈現顯著正負相關,顯示高屏溪陸源水之注入及水溫的變化可能為調控高屏海域GP與DCR之主要因子。高屏海域夏、冬兩季之BCD(bacterial carbon demand)分別佔GP的15%及64%,暗示GP對於冬季之BCD供應比夏季來得重要。對於GP/DCR比值之季節變化而言,河口測站B1由於全年受高屏溪沖淡水的直接影響,導致於觀測期間其GP/DCR > 1,為自營性系統;A1、C1、B3與B5站之海域則於夏季高屏溪流量大時,受沖淡水的影響大,使得其GP/DCR > 1,為自營性系統;冬季時高屏溪流量減少,除B1站GP/DCR > 1以外,其餘測站GP/DCR 皆小於1,則為異營性系統。整體上看來,高屏海域除冬季時離岸站可能為異營性系統,其餘時期皆為自營性系統。
This study aims to understand the influence of external forcing (i.e. climate, human influences) changes on the inputs of terrigenous materials from the Kaoping River as well as the biogeochemical responses of carbon and nutrients to riverine fluxes in the Kaoping coastal zone.
The Kaoping River exhibits contrasting patterns in water discharge and material fluxes between wet and dry seasons. In general, river discharge is about 12 times higher in the wet season than in the dry season. Riverine fluxes of terrigenous materials (DOC、POC、DSi、DIN、DIP、TDN and TDP) are about 3 to 10 times higher in the wet season than in the dry season. Consequently, distribution patterns of carbon, nutrients and hydrochemical parameters are significant difference among four seasons in the Kaoping coastal zone. Distributions of DOM (dissolved organic matter), POM (particulate organic matter) and nutrients in the Kaoping coastal zone show that the highest concentration is generally found in the area close to the Kaoping estuary, and the concentration decreases with the distance away from the land. The riverine fluxes also affect the ratios of DOC/TOC and ΔPOC/ΔPN in the coastal zone. The characteristics of DIN and DIP distributions and their ratios imply that the primary productivity may be largely limited by nitrogen (DIN < 1μM,N/P < 10) rather than phosphorus (DIP < 0.2μM,N/P < 30) in the Kaoping coastal zone. The occurring probability of nitrogen limitation varies from season to season during the study period, roughly ranging from 4% to 42% (winter, summer > spring, autumn).
The GP (gross production) ranges from 708-19819 mg C m-2 d-1 in spring, from 2451-16230 mg C m-2 d-1 in summer, and from 844-5549 mg C m-2 d-1 in winter. The DCR (dark community respiration) ranges from 970-6284 mg C m-2 d-1 in spring, from 861-12418 mg C m-2 d-1 in summer, and from 997-5781 mg C m-2 d-1 in winter. Both GP and DCR display the highest value in summer, indicating the significant influence of terrigenous fluxes on biological production and respiration during summer. Meanwhile, correlations are significantly positive between GP (DCR) and temperature and nutrients, but significantly negative between GP (DCR) and salinity, also indicating the impacts of terrigenous inputs on GP and DCR. In the Kaoping coastal zone, the BCD (bacterial carbon demand) is about 15% GP and 64% GP, respectively, in winter and summer, inplying that the contribution of GP to BCD is more important in winter than in summer. Judging from the ratio of GP/DCR in different seasons and sampling stations, we conclude that the study area near the Kaoping estuary is likely to be autotrophic throughout the study period, the other stations are also likely to be autotrophic during summer. Nevertheless, the offshore stations appear to be heterotrophic during the winter season.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄

第一章 緒論………………………………………..……………………….1
第二章 研究區域…………………………………..……………………….4
2-1 研究區域……………………………..……………………….4
第三章 研究材料及方法…………………………..……………………….9
3-1 採樣時期及方法……………..……………………………….9
3-2 實驗方法…………………………...………………………..10
第四章 結果與討論…………………………..………….………………..24
4-1 台灣高屏海域水文環境……………...……………………..24
4-2 高屏溪陸源物質輸出通量之季節性變化……….…………36
4-3 高屏海域營養鹽之分佈、季節性變化及其可能之控制

4-4 總懸浮顆粒物質(TSM)與顆粒有機碳、氮(POC、PN)之分佈及季節變化…………………………..………….…………..54
4-5 溶解有機碳、氮及磷(DOC、DON及DOP)之分佈及季節變化………………………………..………………...…………68
4-6 高屏溪輸出流量對高屏海域碳、氮及磷之影響……..…….83
4-7 高屏海域之粗生產力(Gross production, GP)與群聚呼吸速率(Dark community respiration , DCR)……….……..…..88
4-8 細菌在海洋生態系中所扮演的角色………………..……...99
第五章 結論……………………………………………………..……….110
圖2-2、(a)高屏溪流域2001~2002年月雨量(歷年平均為1971~2000年之月平均值,資料取自高雄氣象站) (b)里嶺大橋測站之月平均流量(歷年平均為1991~2001年之月平均流量,資料取自經濟部水資源局)……………………………………………….……………………..……….6
圖4-5、研究期間於高屏海域Transect A 溫度(℃)分佈圖…………….…………..31
圖4-6、研究期間於高屏海域Transect A 鹽度分佈圖………………………………..31
圖4-7、研究期間於高屏海域 Transect B 溫度(℃)分佈圖………………………..32
圖4-8、研究期間於高屏海域 Transect B鹽度分佈圖………………………………..33
圖4-9、研究期間於高屏海域 Transect C 溫度(℃)分佈圖………………………..34
圖4-10、研究期間於高屏海域Transect C 鹽度分佈圖………………………..……..34
圖4-15、研究期間於高屏海域 Transect B 之溶解態矽(DSi)分佈圖…………….45
圖4-16、研究期間於高屏海域 Transect B 之溶解態無機氮(DIN)分佈圖………….46
圖4-17、研究期間於高屏海域Transect B 之溶解態無機磷(DIP)分佈圖……….47
圖4-19、高屏海域[DIN]/[DIP]與鹽度之關係圖。( + )表示當DIP < 0.2μM時[DIN]/[DIP]之比值;( □ )表示當DIN < 1μM時[DIN]/[DIP]之比值。(----)為N limitation(N/P < 10)及P limitation(N/P > 30)…………………...51
圖4-21、研究期間於高屏海域POC/TSM(%)、Chl. a與TSM之關係…….………..56
圖4-22、研究期間於高屏海域之POC/Chl. a、POC與Chl. a之關係……………...57
圖4-23、研究期間於高屏海域之DOC/POC與Chl. a之關係……………….………59
圖4-26、研究期間於高屏海域 Transect B 顆粒態有機碳(POC)分佈圖……..….62
圖4-27、研究期間於高屏海域 Transect B 顆粒態氮(PN)分佈圖…………….….63
圖4-28、研究期間於高屏海域Transect B 總懸浮顆粒物質(TSM)分佈圖…………64
圖4-29、研究期間於高屏海域Transect B透光層Chl. a、總懸浮顆粒物(TSM)、顆粒態有機碳(POC)及氮(PN)積分值之時序變化………………...…………65
圖4-30、研究期間於高屏海域POC與PN之關係(euphotic zone)………….……….66
圖4-31、研究期間於高屏海域POC與PN之關係(aphotic zone)……………..……..67
圖4-35、研究期間於高屏海域Transect B之溶解態有機碳(DOC)分佈圖………….74
圖4-36、研究期間於高屏海域Transect B之溶解態有機氮(DON)分佈圖………….75
圖4-37、研究期間於高屏海域 Transect B 之溶解態有機磷(DOP)分佈圖……….76
圖4-42、高屏溪輸出流量對高屏海域各化學參數(DOC、DON、DOP、POC、PN、TSM、Chl. a、DSi、DIN及DIP)平均濃度分佈之影響…………………….85
圖4-43、高屏溪輸出流量與比值對高屏海域DOC/DON、POC/PN及DIN/DIP 之比值分佈圖……………………………………………………………………....87
圖4-44、粗生產力(GP)與群聚呼吸率(DCR)對水文(Temperature、Salinity、PAR、Chl. a、DIN及DIP)之關係圖…………………………………….91
圖4-46、研究期間於高屏海域Chl. a與Biomass之關係圖………….…………..….95
圖4-49、GP/DCR比值對Temperature、Salinity、Chl. a、DIN及DIP之關係……….100
圖4-50、研究期間高屏海域GP/DCR Ratio於各站位之分佈圖…………………….101
圖4-51、Bacteria production(BP)與鹽度之關係圖………………………………….104
圖4-52、Bacteria production(BP)與Chl.a、NO3-、NH4+及PO43-之關係圖……….106
表4-2、高屏溪POC/PN、POC/PIC、DSi/DIN、DSi/DIP及DIN/DIP輸出率(export ratio)……………………………………….…………………………………..39
表4-3、高屏海域於研究時期DIP<0.2μM、DIN<1μM、P及N limitation zone之百分比………………………………………………………………………..…….52
表4-4、高屏海域顆粒態有機碳、氮(POC、PN)之比值( euphotic zone )…………….69
表4-5、高屏海域顆粒態有機碳、氮(POC、PN)之比值( aphotic zone )………..…….69
表4-7、各航次GP、DCR、Chl.a、Biomass (Avg.)及GP/DCR之數據表………………89
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