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博碩士論文 etd-0729108-140728 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0729108-140728
A Study of Wavefront Measurement Applied to the Coupling between Lasers and Fibers
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Hartmann, wavefront, phase retrieval
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本論文係提出大發散角雷射波前的量測技術,此波前量測技術是改良Hartmann和Shack-Hartmann波前量測儀所建構出來的,相對於Hartmann和Shack-Hartmann波前量測儀僅能量小角度波前,本研究所提波前量測技術具有180度的動態量測範圍且量測精密度可達 0.02度,由於儀器本身是利用孔徑對待測波前進行取樣,使得所量測到的波前標準差受限於繞射極限下(~λ/d)。
We have proposed and demonstrated a technique for the measurement of the wavefront of a diode laser beam with a large dynamic range. Our technique is a modified version of Hartmann and Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor. The modified version is capable of providing a large dynamic range (180 degrees). The wavefront measurement exhibits a precision of ( 0.02 degrees), subject to a standard deviation governed by the diffraction limit (~λ/d).
Using the physical measurement of the wavefront, we are able to reconstruct the electric fields of a diode laser beam at any location, including the far-field and near-field. The reconstructed electric fields were computed form the data of the intensity and the phase distribution by means of Fourier transform. The information about the electric field can be very useful in the design of microlens for the efficient coupling of light source into optical components. The results indicate that the wavefront sensor with large dynamic range can provide a reliable method for measuring the wavefront distributions of diode lasers with large divergence angles. However, the numerical near-field intensity is 150% deviated from the measured near-field intensity because of the inherent inaccuracy in the wavefront measurement.
In this study, we have measured the near field intensity distribution directly with an objective and a CCD camera. We found that the distribution of the mode field was symmetric at a distance of 8μm from a diode laser and the mode field diameter was 4.75μm. Using the phase retrieval algorithms, the radii of the near-field wavefront in the vertical axis and the horizontal axis were 8μm and 41μm, respectively. Through the geometrical optics, the optimum curvatures of elliptic-cone-shaped lensed fiber for efficient coupling in the vertical axis and the horizontal axis were 4μm and 20.5μm individually. Once we know the optimum curvatures of elliptic-cone- shaped lensed fiber, we can fabricate it using grinding and fusing.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
英文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅱ
誌謝 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅲ
目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅳ
圖目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅷ
表目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ⅩⅢ
第一章 緒論 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 前言 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究動機 --------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.3 文獻回顧 --------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.3.1 高斯光束 ------------------------------------------------------- 5
1.3.2 繞射理論 ------------------------------------------------------ 11
1.4 論文架構 -------------------------------------------------------------- 13
1.5 參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------- 14

第二章 波前量測技術 ------------------------------------------------------- 17
2.1波前剪切干涉術 ------------------------------------------------------ 17
2.1.2 側向剪切干涉術 --------------------------------------------- 18
2.1.2 側向剪切干涉的操作原理 --------------------------------- 19
2.1.3 側向剪切干涉波前建構 ------------------------------------ 21
2.1.4 大發散角雷射波前的量測 --------------------------------- 22
2.2 Hartmann波前量測系統 -------------------------------------------- 24
2.2.1 Hartmann波前量測系統介紹 ------------------------------- 24
2.2.2 波前量測裝置及量測原理 --------------------------------- 25
2.2.3 波前斜率 ------------------------------------------------------ 28
2.2.4 波前相位還原 ------------------------------------------------ 29
2.2.5 總結 ------------------------------------------------------------ 30
2.3 參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------- 31

第三章 具大動態量測範圍波前量測系統 ------------------------------ 32
3.1具大動態範圍之波前量測儀 --------------------------------------- 32
3.2 波前量測的量測操作 ----------------------------------------------- 35
3.3建構空間中雷射光束場型分佈 ------------------------------------ 40
3.4 雷射波前行進角度的量測 ----------------------------------------- 42
3.5 雷射光束相位分佈的建構 ----------------------------------------- 44
3.6 計算空間中光束光場 ----------------------------------------------- 47
3.7 近場光束還原 -------------------------------------------------------- 51
3.8 誤差可能原因 -------------------------------------------------------- 52
3.9 參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------- 56

第四章 近場能量分佈量測及波前建構術 ------------------------------ 57
4.1 相位補償演算法 ----------------------------------------------------- 57
4.2 雷射近場能量量測 -------------------------------------------------- 60
4.3 雷射近場相位的重建 ----------------------------------------------- 65
4.4 模態耦合與光纖透鏡 ----------------------------------------------- 69
4.5 總結 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
4.6 參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------- 74

第五章 橢圓光纖透鏡 ------------------------------------------------------ 76
5.1橢圓光纖透鏡的設計 ----------------------------------------------- 76
5.1.1橢圓光纖透鏡研製方式 ------------------------------------ 76
5.1.2 橢圓錐形光纖成型原理 ----------------------------------- 77
5.2 光纖研磨系統 ------------------------------------------------------- 82
5.2.1光纖研磨機台簡介 ------------------------------------------ 82
5.2.2週期性變動扭矩系統 --------------------------------------- 84
5.3 橢圓光纖透鏡製程 ------------------------------------------------- 88
5.3.1光纖簡介 ------------------------------------------------------ 88
5.3.2橢圓光纖透鏡之製程 --------------------------------------- 88
5.3.3橢圓光纖透鏡之研製 --------------------------------------- 91
5.4 橢圓光纖透鏡兩軸曲率半徑之控制 ---------------------------- 96
5.5 橢圓光纖透鏡研製結果 -------------------------------------------- 96
5.6 橢圓錐光纖透鏡外型量測 --------------------------------------- 101
5.7 耦合效率實驗與模擬的分析 ------------------------------------ 106
5.8 參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------ 109

第六章 結果與討論 ------------------------------------------------------ 110
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