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Title page for etd-0729109-114752
Recuperation of History, Englishness, and Professionalism in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day
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stereotype, Englishness, discipline, The Remains of the Day, professionalism, history, the British Empire, memory, Kazuo Ishiguro
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論文第一章探討國族歷史大敘事如何影響和形塑個人記憶小敘事,從中思考文化記憶的傳遞。史蒂文斯對過往時光的懷舊,恰好反映了八十年代英國人後帝國憂鬱的徵兆。第二章援引霍米.巴巴(Homi Bhabha)有關族群刻板印象的理論,來分析小說中三類代表英國文化特質的象徵:英國田園風景、英國式的莊園以及英國紳士,藉以突顯英國特質絕非自然天成而是透過各種論述建構的產物。在此後帝國的年代,英國特質已經成為某種可供消費的文化商品。第三章挪用傅科(Michel Foucault)規訓、性特質和主體等概念分析史蒂文斯如何將自己塑造成一位專業的總管,同時探索史蒂文斯個人情慾以及專業信條的衝突。
This thesis attempts to analyze Japanese British writer Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day by tracing Ishiguro’s engagement with such problematic issues as the recuperation of history, the negotiation with Englishness, and the fetishization of professionalism. To critically study the thematic concerns of Ishiguro’s novel—its examination of the conflicts between memory and history, its critique of the discursive formation of Englishness, and its scrutiny of psychic costs of the subject formation of a professional butler, I adopt a critical stance that is hybridized in nature and read The Remains of the Day as an incisive deconstruction of the colonial cultural legacies that the English both embrace and disavow.
The first chapter explores the ways in which the macronarratives of the nation’s history impact and influence the micronarratives of personal memory. Stevens’s yearning for the glorious past of colonial Britain and his disavowal of his shameful memory well reflect the collective symptom of post-imperial melancholia that the British people experienced in the ’80s. The second chapter applies Homi Bhabha’s ideas of “stereotype” to study the discursive formation of Englishness through acts of cultural coercion and problematize the concepts of Englishness as discursively constructed fetishes. By paying concentrated attention on English imaginaries of the landscape of English country side, the English country house, and the English gentleman, Ishiguro mocks and questions, if not ridicule, the concepts of Englishness by making parodies of these three prototypes of Englishness. By using Michel Foucault’s concepts of discipline, sexuality, and subjectivity, the third chapter studies Stevens’s professionalism, his conflicts between personal affections and desire and his professional principles. Even though Ishiguro proffers a critique of Stevens’s blind loyalty and exposes the political consequences of the butler’s non-political stance, the novel ends with an open ending that leaves undecided how Stevens is to face the “remains” of his days, or, as an analogy, how the English are to tackle with the “remains” of their days.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Chapter One: Writing History, Writing Empire 18

Chapter Two: The Remains of Englishness 37

Chapter Three: Mr. Stevens’s Profession 56

Conclusion 78
參考文獻 References
Works Cited

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