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博碩士論文 etd-0729110-224531 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0729110-224531
Attitude of Innovative Technology on Using Smartphone
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Smartphone, User Interface, Innovation Diffusion Theory, Technology Acceptance Model
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為了讓手機的服務能夠和使用者真正的聯結,必須要具備良好的操控介面,然而業者所認定的需求不一定符合使用者的需求,忽略使用者的想法往往會導致產品的失敗,掌握使用者的需求才是成功的關鍵。因此本研究以科技接受模型(TAM)為理論基礎,加入創新擴散理論(IDT)與歸納的人機介面(或稱為User Interface,UI)設計原則、趨勢(多樣性、直覺性)做為外部變數,進一步探討智慧型手機之使用態度。

With the evolution of communication and hardware technology, mobile phones evolved from the voice communication to the multi-function, the scope of mobile phone applications had completely changed. In this era of rapid technological progress, the shorter product lifecycle and higher replacement rates of smartphone induce competition in the relevant industry become more intense. Various industries introduce new products and applications in efforts to cope with the increasing challenges, but how many features are used by users?

In the cause of real connection between mobile phone and users, the control must with a good user interface, but the needs of industries identified do not necessarily conform to user's needs, ignoring the user's thoughts often lead to product failure, master the needs of user is the key to success. Therefore, this study uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the theoretical foundation, adds the Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) and the induction of the human-machine interface (or User Interface, UI) design principles (diversity, intuition) as external variables, to further explores the attitude of using smartphone .

The results: (1) diversity, compatibility, positive influence on perceived usefulness, but intuition don't influence significantly; (2) diversity, intuition, compatibility, positive influence on perceived ease of use; (3) perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, relative advantage positive influence on the attitude of use; (4) trialability, observability influence on the attitude of use is not significant, and trialability existence negative relationship with the attitude of use.
目次 Table of Contents
圖目錄............................................................................... III
表目錄................................................................................ IV
第一章、緒論........................................................................... 1
第一節、研究背景....................................................................... 1
第二節、研究動機與目的................................................................. 3
第三節、研究範圍與對象................................................................. 4
第四節、研究流程....................................................................... 5
第二章、文獻探討....................................................................... 6
第一節、智慧型手機發展現況............................................................. 6
一、智慧型手機界定..................................................................... 6
二、作業系統(Operating System,OS)介紹 ................................................ 8
第二節、國內智慧型手機相關文獻探討.................................................... 11
第三節、人機介面(Human-computer Interface) ........................................... 13
一、人機介面設計原則.................................................................. 13
二、手機人機介面之發展趨勢............................................................ 20
第四節、科技接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model,TAM) ............................... 25
第五節、創新擴散理論(Innovation Diffusion Theory,IDT) ............................... 29
一、創新的定義與擴散.................................................................. 29
二、創新決策過程...................................................................... 30
第三章、研究方法...................................................................... 33
第一節、研究架構...................................................................... 33
第二節、研究假說...................................................................... 35
一、智慧型手機 UI 創新技術 ........................................................... 35
二、有用性認知、易用性認知............................................................ 37
第三節、研究變項與操作性定義.......................................................... 38
一、自變項............................................................................ 38
二、中介變項.......................................................................... 42
三、依變項............................................................................ 43
第四節、研究設計...................................................................... 45
一、研究對象與抽樣設計................................................................ 45
二、資料分析方法與工具................................................................ 45
三、問卷設計.......................................................................... 46
第四章、研究分析與結果................................................................ 51
第一節、敘述性統計.................................................................... 51
第二節、驗證模型與假說................................................................ 54
一、測量模型分析(Measurement Model Analysis) ......................................... 54
二、結構模型分析(Structural Model Analysis) .......................................... 60
第三節、研究討論...................................................................... 64
第五章、結論與建議.................................................................... 66
第一節、研究結論...................................................................... 66
第二節、研究貢獻...................................................................... 68
第三節、研究限制...................................................................... 69
第四節、後續研究建議.................................................................. 70
參考文獻.............................................................................. 71
附錄、研究問卷........................................................................ 76
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