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博碩士論文 etd-0730101-161934 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0730101-161934
ATM 網路連線允入管理技術的研究
A Ratio-Based Call Admission Control for ATM networks
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
ratio-based, QoS, measure-based, switch, call admission control
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5820 times, has been downloaded 2724 times.
在這一篇論文中,我們利用Ratio-Based 允入控制( Call Admission Control, CAC)來計算既有連線所需求的頻寬,並依此來判斷當新的連線要求到達switch時,switch是否該允許建立新的連線。我們的方法計算了實際在switch上傳輸的流量和UPC參數所宣告的流量,用這兩者的關係來計算既有連線所需求的頻寬。過去Model-Based允入控制是利用UPC參數所宣告的流量來計算既有所需要的頻寬,但是UPC參數內所宣告的流量往往是最差情況,以至於使用Model-Based的方法頻寬無法有效利用。Measure-Based允入控制則量測過去的實際流量來計算既有連線所需要的頻寬,在一般清況下Measure-Based能夠更準確計算實際需求的頻寬,達到更好的頻寬使用率; 然而當Measure-Based允許一個新的連線建立後,必需要一段時間估計值才會穩定,這時就很容易造成判斷錯誤而允許過多的連線建立。我們的方法結合了Model-Based和Measure-Based兩種方法的優點和特性,在沒有新連線加入的情況下Ratio-Based所估算的跟Measure-Based一樣,當有新連線加入時能夠像Model-Based一樣立即反映在需求頻寬上,並且快速的達到估計值的穩定。
We propose a novel call admission control which makes use of ratio-based traffic measurement to estimate the required bandwidth when a new call is issued. Existing approaches fail to estimate properly the required bandwidth. To alleviate the problem, we calculate the ratio between the measured mean rate and the mean rate declared by UPC parameters. The ratio and the target cell loss rate are used to estimate the required bandwidth to make decision if a new call is accepted or rejected. Because of more accurate estimation of required bandwidth, our method can provide a better control on quality of service.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 簡介 1

第二章 CAC概論 4
2.1 CAC簡介及研究動機 4
2.2 Model-Based 的機制 8
2.3 Measure-Based 的機制 12
2.4 Model-Based和Measure-Based的優缺點 15

第三章 Ratio-Based的機制 17

第四章 分析與模擬 21
4.1 數學分析 21
4.2 模擬結果 27

第五章 總結 36

參考文獻 38

參考文獻 References
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