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Title page for etd-0730102-102631
The correlative research of reduing civil servants, flexible strategy and organization performance Based on the example of the Water Resources Agency the Ministry of Economic Affairs
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Reinventing Government, flexible human resources, organization performance, staff reduction, re-organization
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面對日益激烈的全球競爭,為了確保國家競爭力,政府急需建立一個重廉潔、有效能、有遠見、有活力、且具高度彈性和應變能力的治理模式…。尋求良善的治理模式,是每個民主體制政府的期望,我國也不例外,自『新政府運動』一書出版後,「政府再造運動」蔚為風尚,各國政府有感於民意的殷切需求變革、勵精圖治,紛紛投入政府改革行列,期盼此能提昇政府行政效能,也由於政府「行政效能」是『國家競爭力』的重要指標,而政府的運作是一種典型的人力密集活動,是以政府績效良窳的關鍵即在公務人力資源管理。回顧一九八0年代以來,歐美等先進國家為因應全球市場化的競爭壓力,以及提昇服務品質的要求,紛紛採取策略性人力資源管理,試圖藉由提昇公部門的人力素質與績效管理,來提昇國家競爭優勢。其主要變革的方向,係將傳統的「人事管理」(personnel management )轉變為強調分權化、彈性化以及具有市場競爭機制的「人力資源管理」(Human resource management)。
一、 探討個案機關人力運用現況與問題。
二、 依據研究架構,對於個案機關員工進行便利抽樣的問卷調查,據以驗證本研究所提出的研究假設。
三、 探討個案機關員工,在各個研究構面認知上的差異,以及各研究構面的互動關係,並以其對組織績效之影響做相關性分析。
二、 適度員額縮減,對於存在冗員的機關而言,可提昇組織績效;但對臨時人力精簡可否提昇組織績效,驗證結果是不成立。
三、 人力彈性措施中,就公部門現階段而言,實施員額彈性運用措施, 將有利於組織績效提昇;其餘外包、功能與薪資彈性、作業彈性等等,受限於制度僵化性,未能彰顯其彈性,對組織績效提昇顯現不出其功 能。
(一) 員額規模應繼續精簡化,採總量管制,秉持「當用則用、當減則減」原則,有效運用員額。
(二) 參考美國政府的彈性化職位設計,員額調配彈性化。
(三) 活化公務人力適時安排機關主管人員至民營企業交流研習,或選送至國外績優之民間機構研習等措施。
(四) 重建臨時人員法制,建立「革新事務性人力資源管理」。
(五) 推動未涉公權力之政府業務委外。
(六) 推動志工參與公共服務。
(七) 建立彈性退休制度。
(八) 推廣績效獎金制度及落實執行與考核。
(九) 試辦任務編組組織,並加入落日條款,明訂組織廢止之日。

In order to maintain strong national competitiveness, the government needs to establish a management model composed of incorruptibility, efficiency, foresight, vitality, flexibility, and emergency capabilities. Having an appropriate management model is the expectation of all democratic states. After publishing the book of “Reinventing Government ” the “Reinventing Government” has become a trend. Many countries are making a great effort to reform and enhance the efficiency of government’s function due to people’s requests. An efficient government is a major indicator for national competitiveness, and the function of the government is a typically manpower intensive activity, consequently human resource management of civil servants is the key to an efficient government. Since the 1980s, countries such as those in Europe and the U.S.A have been trying to adopt strategic human resource management practices for improving the quality of civil servants, government efficiency as well as develop national competitiveness while facing the challenge of globalization and the demand of high-quality service. The main direction of government reformation is to strengthen the “Human Resource Management” that features in empowerment, flexibility and market competitive mechanism, which is different to the traditional “Personnel Management.”

Purposes of the study:
1. To study the status and problem may have caused upon applying human resources.
2. According to the research framework, sampling surveys will be taken, so as to verify the assumption provided in the research.
3. To study the variation of recognition and interaction of civil servants in the research framework and analyze the influence to the achievements in an organization.

All sampling surveys were administered to the first till the tenth of the River Basin Management Bureau and three Water Resource Bureaus located in the north, center, and south of Taiwan. Approximately 290 surveys were given on April 16, 2002 and 207 surveys were received on May 10, 2002. Two surveys were invalidated after a one-month survey period and the collection rate of valid surveys was 71.38%.


1. After reforming the organization, the achievements of an organization can be obviously higher, if the recognition of civil servants has higher positive effect and the organization values its staff more than before. Due to the unique biological organization, however the negative effect is still there, yet the achievements of an organization are enhanced and the civil servants still feel it strongly.
2. Proper manpower reduction can improve efficiency for certain organizations with redundant personnel, but it cannot be applied to a temporary manpower reduction.
3. In the present stage, the measure of flexible human resource management can enlarge the efficiency in an organization. On the other hand, the flexibility of subcontract, function, payroll, and operation cannot be seen because of the inflexibility in government system.
4. The measure of flexible human resource management is the strength to apply manpower reduction. However, subcontract merely affects the implementation of manpower reduction.

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論 ------------------------------------------ 1-8
第一節 研究背景與動機 ---------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的 ---------------------------------- 4
第三節 研究範圍及研究架構 ------------------------ 6
第四節 研究流程--------------------------------------- 7
第二章 文獻探討 -------------------------------------- 9-44
第一節 文獻審閱 ---------------------------------- 9
第二節 組織整合與重組 ---------------------------- 12
第三節 人力精簡與人力彈性理論 -------------------- 14
第四節 委託外包理論與實務 ------------------------ 30
第五節 組織績效 ---------------------------------- 34
第三章 研究設計與研究假設 ---------------------------- 45-54
第一節 研究架構及變數之操作性定義 ---------------- 45
第二節 問卷設計 ---------------------------------- 48
第三節 抽樣方法 ---------------------------------- 49
第四節 研究假設 ---------------------------------- 49
第五節 資料分析方法 ------------------------------ 52
第六節 研究限制 ---------------------------------- 55
第四章 研究分析與探討 -------------------------------- 56-102
第一節 訪談整理 ---------------------------------- 56
第二節 問卷回收與樣本結構------------------------- 70
第三節 問卷之項目分析----------------------------- 73

第四節 人力精簡及彈性策略與組織績效之描述性分析--- 73
第五節 各研究構面因素分析與信度檢定--------------- 76
第六節 各研究構面因素與組織績效之相關分析--------- 79
第七節 員工及組織特徵與各研究構面因素的差異性分析- - 81
第八節 人力精簡及彈性策略與組織績效之迴歸分析----- 90
第五章 研究結論與建議---------------------------------- 103-106
第一節 研究結論 ---------------------------------- 103
第二節 建議 -------------------------------------- 106
第三節 後續研究建議 ------------------------------ 111
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------- 1-4
附錄一:訪談問卷 -------------------------------------- 1-6
附錄二:研究問卷 -------------------------------------- 1-3
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