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Title page for etd-0730102-140611
A Research on the feasibility for Cable TV system entering into Leased-Circuit service providers
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CATV, compete, Leased-Circuit service providers
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摘 要
台灣自民國82 年7 月中旬完成有線電視法立法,經過一連串的競爭及整合,至今形成了五大集團。86年開始電信自由化,88年5月交通部公佈固定通信網路電信業務管理規則,完成開放的預定目標,確定有線電視與電信事業互跨經營之法源。
有線電視跨電信產業經營雖已有法源依據,但如何經營電信產業,突破有線電視原本經營限制,包括雙向網路的建構、資金的籌措、跨產業後人力資源管理的問題等,將是有線電視業者的當務之急。固網開放以來,新固網業者面對著中華電信完整網路建構的優勢,有著「最後一哩(The Last Mile)」的問題存在,有線電視業者因(一)區域經營,接近顧客;(二)業者已完成部分雙向網路建構;(三)對於線路鋪設,有鋪設邊溝下水道的權力。等三項優勢,可與新固網業者策略聯盟的形式,將電路出租給新固網業者,成為其「最後一哩」問題的解決方案。


Traditionally, voice, data, and graphics have to be transmitted via different media/channels, resulting in the separate developments of various industries such as telecommunication, cable TV, etc. in the past years. Nowadays, with the help from advance technology, the boundaries of those industries have gradually become vague which brings in the possible competition among those individual industries. In addition, the new developments also provide increasing chances for consolidation as well as a new trend for cross-boundary co-operations among those traditional industries.

Since the pass of “ Law of Cable TV ” in July 1993, five big conglomerates groups are gradually formed in Taiwan’s Telecom Sector after a series of competition and integration. Started in 1997, The Ministry of Transportation and Communication completed the liberalization of Taiwan’s telecommunication market after publishing the regulations governing the fixed-network communication business in 1999 and established the fundamental law regulation for cross-business between fixed network and telecommunication sectors.

Despite regulations has provided the legitimate base for a new age for telecom industry, the most crucial and timely thing for the cable TV system operators is how to run the business in the new telecom industry in order to break-through the existing limitations for cable TV business which includes construction of infrastructure, money raising, human resources management, etc. Since the open up of Taiwan’s fixed network market, “Last-mile network construction” is a common issue faced by new fixed-line network providers when they compete with Chunghwa Telecom Co. Ltd for its fully integrated connection with end users. Nevertheless, “The Last Mile” issue could be mitigated for cable TV system operators given that on 1) they are closer to users in regional operations; 2) they have partially completed a dual-direction cable service system; and 3) they have the right to construct drainage system for lay out cable line . With these three advantages, the local cable operators could form business alliance with new fixed-line network firms to provide solutions to “the last mile” issue.

In this thesis, the author We chooses the local cable operators in Kaoshiung City as examples and has interviewed four companies in order to have an understanding of their synergy and difficulties incountered by those cable operators when entering into the new telecom industry and forming business alliance with new fixed-line network firms. By the end, the author provides three suggestions including 1) to speed up their construction for dual-direction cable service system, 2) to consolidate “ independent local cable systems”, and 3) to form strategic alliances with fixed-line network firms.

The alliance between cable operators and fixed-line network firms will not only motivate cable operators to build up dual-direction cable service system but also to enhance their experience and train talented staff in telecom sector through the help from fixed-line network firms. In addition, it will also provide an easy access for fund raising to support their business expansions. As a result, we expect a more and more thorough national network system to bring in good benefits to the whole country.

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論……………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景及動機…………………………………………………..1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………………..3

第二章 文獻探討………………………………….5
第一節 目前相關研究…………………………………………………5
第二節 整合的定義與發展……………………………………………7
第三節 資源基礎論…………………………………………………..12
第四節 Collis & Montgomery的策略研究…………………………..….…21
第五節 經營策略與競爭優勢的關係…………………………………25
第六節 企業成長與多角化…………..…………….………………..38

第三章 研究方法………………………………….51
第一節 研究個案與範圍……………………………………………51
第二節 研究方法……………………………………………………52
第三節 研究設計與限制……………………………………………54
第四節 研究流程…………….………………………………………56
第五節 研究架構…………..………………………………………..58

第四章 有線電視跨電信產業經營分析…………60
第一節 電信產業……………..….…………………………………..60
第二節 台灣有線電視跨足寬頻市場規範…..…………………………..67
第三節 有線電視跨足電信產業類型………………………………69
第四節 有線電視業者系統電路出業務……………………….…………71
第五節 有線電視經營電信產業及電路出租業務………………………..81

第五章 個案研究:高雄市有線電視系統………85
第一節 高雄市有線電視系統演進………………………………….85
第二節 高雄市有線電視系統未來發展…………………………….87
第三節 訪談資料分析………………..…………………………….94

第六章 結論與建議………………………………105
第一節 結論……………………………………………………………...105
第二節 研究建議……………………………..………………………...110

附錄一 有線電視系統…….………………………118
附1-1 有線電視系統演進…………………..………………………118
附1-2 有線電視系統發展現況….………………………………….124
附1-3 有線視訊寬頻網路的發展 ………………………..…………132
附1-4 有線電視系統未來發展…………….……………………….148
附錄二 訪談計畫與問題………………………….154
附錄三 電信法…………………………………….156


表2-1 資源基礎理論相關論述彙整表………………………………14
表2-2 策略的定義彙整 …………………………………………….26
表2-3 策略的層級彙整………………………………………………29
表2-4 競爭優勢的定義彙整…………………………………………31
表4-1 我國電信業者分佈概況…………………………………….64
表4-2 我國電信開放自由化業務時程…………………………….66
表4-3 市內國內長途陸纜電路出租業務核可名單……………….80
表5-1 高雄市有線電視業者比較………………………………….87
表6-1 有線電視SWOT分析………………………………………….106
表a1-1 我國有線電視跨業經營電信服務的比較…………………139
表a1-2 CATV系統三種架構的特性比較…………………………….145

圖 2-1 策略三角結構………….…………………………………………..22
圖 2-2 企業營業循環………………………………………………………27
圖 2-3 持久的競爭優勢之獲得…………………………………………..32
圖2-4 競爭優勢要項架構圖……………………………………………..33
圖2-5 資源基礎策略………….……………………………………..……34
圖2-6 企業核心競爭力的建立 ….……………………………………….35
圖2-7 策略與競爭優勢之關係….………………………………………..36
圖2-8 競爭優勢、能力與策略間的關係…………………………………37
圖 3-1 研究流程 ……..……….……………………………………………….57
圖 3-2 研究架構…….…………………………………………………………59
圖 5-1 網路系統架構……………………………………………………….89
圖5-2 未來有線電視服務關聯圖…………………………………………92
圖a1-1 台灣有線電視普及率…………………………………………………121
圖a1-2 寬頻上網用戶數………..…………..…………………………………128
圖a1-3 寬頻上網方式…………………………………………………………129
圖a1-4 Cable Modem和ADSL用戶數……………..……………………….129
圖a1-5 ADSL與Cable Modem 之用戶數……………..…………………….133
圖a1-6 寬頻上網用戶數資料來源:資策會…………………………………133
圖a1-7 傳統的CATV系統架構………………………………………………142
圖a1-8 未來的CATV寬頻網路架構…………………………………………146
圖a1-9 未來有線電視服務架構………………….……………………………149
圖a1-10 有線電視的商機……………….………………………………………153
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