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Title page for etd-0730103-161503
The Role of Heat Shock Proteins at the Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla in Experimental Endotoxemia in the Rat
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Sympathetic vasomotor tone, Rostral ventrolateral medulla, Lipopolysaccharide, Heat shocks protein, Survival and mortality
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當細胞受到外界壓力或傷害時會產生大量熱休克蛋白 (heat shock proteins, HSPs) ,一直以來 HSPs 被認為是一種維持細胞生命所必須的蛋白質,平時主要維持正常細胞之生理機能但其生理機制尚未明確,本論文欲探討於大白鼠延腦鼻端網狀腹外側核區 (rostral ventrolateral medulla, RVLM) 中 HSP60、HSP70 及 HSP90 在實驗性內毒素敗血症 (experimental endotoxemia) 過程的生理意義。
來自成熟雄性 Sprague-Dawley 種系大白鼠全身動脈血壓訊號頻譜訊號分析顯示,在 propofol (25 mg/kg/h) 維持麻醉深度下,股靜脈注射 E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 30 mg/kg; 型號 0111:B4) 使產生 endotoxemia 。在 experimental endotoxemia 過程其 vasomotor components (頻率介於 0-0.8 Hz) 功率密度略受抑制 (稱之為 Phase I) ;爾後 vasomotor components 功率密度大幅增加 (稱之為 Phase II, 也稱之為 pro-life) ;接著再次 vasomotor components 之功率密度持續降低 (稱之為 Phase III, 也稱之為 pro-death) 。如此的 vasomotor component 頻率功率密度改變主要是受到來自於心血管調控中樞,也就是 RVLM 的調控。接續以西方墨點分析 RVLM 中 HSP60、HSP70 及 HSP90 在 experimental endotoxemia 各分期蛋白質表現,結果顯示 HSP60 於 Phase II 及 Phase III蛋白質表現具有統計意義增加; HSP70 於 Phase II 蛋白質表現具有統計意義增加;但 HSP90 蛋白質表現量於 experimental endotoxemia 過程中並無統計意義改變。
進一步探討 RVLM 中 HSP60、HSP70或 HSP90 於experimental endotoxemia 過程扮演的角色,分別微量注射的專一特性 anti-HSP serum (HSPAb; 1:20) 或 antisense oligodeoxy- nucleotide (hsp AODN, 50 pmol) 至雙側 RVLM 中,使拮抗或阻斷特定 HSP 使該 HSP 蛋白質無法發揮其功能作用或不製造,此外以 normal mouse serum (NMS) 、 sense oligodeoxynucleotide (hsp SODN) 以及 scrambled AODN (hsp SC) 為對照組,結果顯示於 RVLM 以 HSP60Ab 或 hsp60 AODN 預處理,使得 experimental endotoxemia 的死亡率升高、存活時間減少、Phase II 時間縮短, Phase II vasomotor component功率密度增加幅度減少,以及 HSP60 蛋白質表現量減少,因此認為在 experimental endotoxemia 過程 RVLM 中 HSP60 扮演 pro-life 的角色。同樣的在 RVLM 以HSP70Ab 或 hsp70 AODN 預處理,結果顯示在 experimental endotoxemia 過程 RVLM 中 HSP70 扮演更重要的 pro-life角色。而在 RVLM 中以 HSP90Ab 或 hsp90 AODN 預處理,不具統計意義影響 experimental endotoxemia 過程,因此 RVLM 中 HSP90 不參與 experimental endotoxemia 致死過程。
在 experimental endotoxemia 致死過程於 RVLM 中的 HSP60 及 HSP70 影響首在 Phase II ,並且 HSP60 及 HSP70是扮演 pro-life 角色,而 RVLM 中的 HSP90 不參與 experimental endotoxemia 致死過程。
Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are abundantly produced in cells that are under stress or injury by acting as a chaperone or promoting folding, unfolding, packing, degradation or denaturing of proteins or peptides. This study evaluated the role of HSP60, HSP70 or HSP90 in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), in experimental endotoxemia in the rat.
Adult, male Sprague-Dawley rats maintained by i.v. infusion propofol (25 mg/kg/h) were used. During experimental endotoxemia induced by intravenous administration of E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 30 mg/kg; serotype 0111:B4), the power density of the vasomotor component of systemic arterial pressure (SAP) spectrum underwent a decrease (Phase I), followed by an increase (Phase II; “pro-life”) and a secondary decrease (Phase III; “pro-death”). Western blot analysis revealed that HSP60 expression in the RVLM was significantly increased during Phase II and Phase III endotoxemia; and HSP70 expression was maximally increased during Phase II. HSP90 protein expression in the RVLM was not significantly changed during endotoxemia.
We further studied the role of HSP60, HSP70 or HSP90 at the RVLM in experimental endotoxemia by pretreating animals with bilaterally microinjection of an anti-HSP serum (HSPAb, 1:20), normal mouse serum, antisense oligodeoxynucleotide (hsp AODN, 50 pmol), sense oligodeoxynucleotide (hsp SODN) or scrambled AODN (hsp SC). Pretreatment with HSP60Ab or hsp60 AODN resulted in significantly higher mortality, shorter survival time and shorter Phase II duration. In addition, the augmented power density of the vasomotor component of SAP signals during Phase II endotoxemia was significantly reduced. Even more detrimental effects were obtained on local application of HSP70Ab or hsp70 AODN into the RVLM. Pretreatment with HSP90Ab or hsp90 AODN was ineffective.
We conclude that the expression of HSP60 and HSP70 in the RVLM may play a “pro-life” role in fatal experimental endotoxemia; and HSP90 may not be involved.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 2 – 4
英文摘要 5 – 7
第一章 緒論 8 – 17
第二章 研究動機與目的 18 - 19
第三章 實驗材料與方法 20 – 26
第四章 實驗結果 27 – 35
第五章 討論 36 – 48
第六章 結論 49 – 50
第七章 未來展望 51 – 52
參考文獻 53 – 61
實驗圖表 62 –140
參考文獻 References
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