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Title page for etd-0730113-162539
Tide-Related Variability of Suspended Particles Characteristics off the Mouth of Zhoushui River
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particle settling velocity, turbulence, tide, flocculation, salinity, biological particle, River plume, EOF
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水體懸浮顆粒於河口近岸環境當中,往往扮演著攜帶著有機物和重金屬離子的載具角色。因此為了要能理解這些載體的命運,對於載具特性的了解,則具有一定程度的必要性。根據前人研究,水體懸浮顆粒特性主要會受到 (1) 顆粒水體間之交互作用,(2) 底邊界層的效應,以及 (3) 生物性的轉化作用影響。而於河口和近岸環境當中,這些因子往往又會受到來自陸源的沖淡水影響,使本身之性質具有不同的變化,進而間接或直接性的影響水中懸浮顆粒的特性。所以,為了要能理解水體懸浮顆粒特性,在受到沖淡水和動力作用的影響之下,其變化原因和機制,本研究選擇在台灣濁水溪河口近岸,進行了定點連續性的觀測。
觀測的時間從2012年7月6日至同年的7月9日,研究方法為每兩小時下放一次搭載著LISST-100X的CTD Rosette,進行現場水樣的採集和水文剖面的量測,並於研究船上利用多層網目過濾系統 Catnet,將水樣中的顆粒過濾成四個不同粒徑的群組。除此之外,研究船旁還繫著搭載AQUAdopp流速剖面儀的浮筒,同步記錄濁水溪河口近岸區域流場剖面的變化。
根據此次的實驗結果,濁水溪河口近岸區域由於受到了強烈的半日潮作用影響,使得水體中的水文性質和懸浮顆粒特性有著潮汐週期性的變化。當觀測位置受到高鹽的海洋環境影響時,表層的水體懸浮顆粒主要是以細顆粒 ( < 10 μm、10 ~ 63 μm) 所組成,SSC 約為 10 mg/l。當濁水溪沖淡水到達至觀測位置後,表層SSC則可增加至40 mg/l ~ 60 mg/l,且水體懸浮顆粒是以體積較大,但重量較輕的生物性顆粒和絮凝顆粒型式存在。除此之外,當觀測位置於沖淡水鋒面處時,由於受到流場間的輻合作用影響,水體中的絮凝體會因破裂而產生容積密度較高的懸浮顆粒。本研究利用了 EOF 分析,探討了沖淡水對於水文性質和懸浮顆粒特性三種不同的影響機制。且根據 Stokes Law 的估算,顆粒沉降速度在 > 153 μm 粒徑的部分,至少會大於 0.314 mm/s;在 63 ~ 153 μm 的部分,至少會小於 12.001 mm/s;在 10 ~ 63 μm 的部分,會小於 1.139 mm/s;在 < 10 μm 的部分,則至少會小於 0.138 mm/s;總體顆粒沉降速度的範圍則為0.54 ~ 30.93 mm/s。
The suspended particles always play an important role as a carrier of organic carbon and heavy metals in the nearshore area and around the river mouth. Therefore, to understand how the carriers control the fate of these carried substances, we need to understand the variation of suspended particle characteristics.
According to previous studies, the nature of suspended particle properties would be influenced by three factors, which are water-particle interaction, boundary layer effect, and biotransformation. The feature of these factors also would be changed by the river plume, under different hydrodynamic conditions. The physical process would affect the particle characteristics directly or indirectly, making the physical and biogeochemical process more complex. Consequently, we heired R/V Ocean Researcher III and conducted a field experiment from July 6 to July 9, 2012 to focus on the temporal variations of the suspended sediment characteristics and fators that influence them at a fixed location off the Zhuoshui River mouth, Taiwan.
The CTD rosette was deployed with a laser in-situ scattering and transmissometry (LISST) to record the hydrographic profile (salinity, temperature, fluorescence, and volume concentration of suspended particle) and near-surface water samples (taken at 3 m depth). These samples were filtered onboard by Catnet (a nested filtration system) to separate the particle into four different grain-size classes. In addition, a floating platform was tethered to the research vessel on which a downward-looking ADCP (AQUAdopp, 1200 kHz) was mounted for measuring the current velocity during this experiment.
The results indicated the tidally modulated fluctuation of the river plume off the mouth of the Zhuoshui River is the most important factor controlling the water column stability and characteristics of the suspended sediment. In the ambient seawater condition, the surface particle consisted of the fine-grained size-classes (< 10 μm、10 ~ 63 μm). The SSC value was about 10 mg/l, and sometimes increased via the resuspension process by the tidal current. In the river plume regime, the SSC value could reach 40 mg/l ~ 60 mg/l, and the surface particles presented a status of fluffyness which means heavily large volume but less weight and that was consisted of bio-particle and flocs. In addition, the flocs were likely broken due to the turbulence in the convergent zone of the river-plume front whose water column was unstable, and resulting in particles of high bulk density values.The EOF (Emperical Orthogonal Function) results showed the river plume affect the hydrographic condition and suspended particle characteristics within three different physical processes. The time series result of settling velocity of different size classes was calculated according to the Stokes Law, and they showed the value of > 153 μm class was larger than 0.314 mm/s, and the values of 153 ~ 63, 63 ~ 10, and < 10 μm classes were smaller than 12.001, 1.139, and 0.138 mm/s respectively. The average particle settling velocity is 0.54 ~ 30.93 mm/s
目次 Table of Contents
致 謝 i
中文摘要 iii
Abstract v
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xv
第一章 序論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 沖淡水動力 3
第三節 水體懸浮顆粒 10
第四節 研究目的 14
第二章 研究區域 15
第一節 濁水溪地理位置及水文概況 15
第二節 前人研究 21
第三章 研究流程和分析方法 26
第一節 實驗設計 26
1-1 站位規劃 26
1-2 實驗和採樣過程 28
第二節 儀器介紹 33
2-2 現場雷射粒徑分析儀 (LISST) 34
2-3 多層網目過濾系統 (Catnet) 35
2-4 聲學都卜勒流速剖面儀 (AQUA-dopp) 35
2-5 碳氫氮元素分析儀 (CHN Analyzer) 36
2-6 電子顯微鏡 (Scanning Electron Microscope;SEM) 36
第三節 參數計算與分析 38
3-1 靜力場穩定度 (Static Stability) 38
3-2 調和分析 (Harmonic Analysis) 38
3-3 顆粒容積密度 (Particle Bulk Density) 39
3-4 顆粒沉降速度 (Particle Settling Velocity) 40
3-5 底床剪應速度 (Bottom Shear Velocity) 40
3-6 經驗正交函數 (Empirical Orthogonal Function) 43
第四章 結果 46
第一節 潮位及流場資料 46
第二節 風場結果 51
第三節 波浪場結果 51
第四節 底床邊界剪應速度結果 53
第五節 水文時間序列剖面 55
第六節 顆粒體積濃度結果 60
第七節 現場水樣分析結果 64
第八節 顆粒容積密度 68
第九節 顆粒沉降速度 68
第十節 顆粒性有機碳和顆粒性有機氮分析結果 71
第十一節 經驗正交函數結果 77
第五章 討論 83
第一節 濁水溪河口近岸區域水文性質變化 83
第二節 濁水溪河口近岸區域底床再懸浮機制 86
第三節 濁水溪河口近岸區域表層懸浮顆粒特性變化 88
第四節 生物性顆粒與絮凝機制之討論 90
第五節 經驗正交函數討論 95
第六章 結論 97
參考文獻 100
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