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博碩士論文 etd-0730115-222407 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0730115-222407
Evaluating the reproduction efficiency of Ag-Au-Pd alloy wires by pyrometallurgy
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silver alloy, precious metals, hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy, reproduction, smelting
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根據2013年聯合國環境規劃署國際資源小組(United Nations Environment Programme environment for development)的報告,全球未來對金屬的需求可能比現在多出近10倍,相關產業有必要重新思考現行的回收做法,以因應可能造成的市場需求與環境負面衝擊。新的回收方式瞄準產品特定成分,並考量產品生命週期結束後的複雜性,以便設計出分離及回收這些成分的方法。此「產品為中心」觀念在全球的主流化,將是朝高效率回收系統、資源效率、綠色經濟所跨出的重要步伐。
According to a report released by the United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2013, the growth in demand for metals is expected to increase by almost ten times in the future, suggesting a need to rethink of recycling practices in order to address the future market and possible negative environmental impacts. New approaches that target specific components in a product are required to consider the complexity as the life of the product ends, in order to design appropriate methods to separate and recover the components of interest. The concept of such a product-centric view is a remarkable step towards development of effective and efficient recycling of resources and green economy. Currently, a number of methods have been employed to recycle precious metals such as gold, silver, or palladium in electronic wastes (scraps), providing valuable reusable raw materials for great economic benefits.
Recycling precious metals in metal-containing wastes is a complex technology. The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of reproducing silver-gold-palladium (Ag-Au-Pd) alloy wires from industrial scraps and flawed products (also known as silver alloy wires scraps) by pyrometallurgy and to demonstrate the treatment efficiency and product quality. From the viewpoint of recycling, two important concerns, which included reducing the recovery cost and increasing the recovery efficiency, as well as providing high purity of alloy wires to avoid further refining steps, were the major directions of interest in this study.
The pyrometallurgy method used in this study was different from the traditional metallurgy technology. Four operational parameters including melting times, casting speed, temperature of molten metal, time of keeping warmth were investigated and three levels were tested in the simulation experiments to look for the optimal operational parameters for the pyrometallurgy method. The quality of smelted Ag-Au-Pd alloy wire products at different compositions between raw and those silver alloy wires scraps was further explored. By reproducing the Ag-Au-Pd alloy wire products in different compositions (for example, 30%, 50%, 70% and 100% of the products were made of scraps), the characteristics of the products such as the mechanical properties and chemical compositions were analyzed to identify the optimal compositions to apply the pyrometallurgy method. In the results, the contents of N and C slightly increased with the number of melting, while the impurity and other gases were consistently and equally distributed. When the produces were made of 100% new or scrap materials, the presences of impurity were slightly reduced and the chemical compositions, tensile properties at room temperatures, and cast abilities were not significantly changed, indicating that the pyrometallurgy was effective and efficient in different circumstances. In the cost benefit analysis, the cost of treating flawed or wasted silver alloy wires by pyrometallurgy reduced the cost by approximately 14.4% as compared to the cost when the materials were treated by hydrometallurgy. The cost difference was estimated to be $26,131 in New Taiwan Dollar (NTD) per kg of product. Besides the cost effectiveness, treating raw or flawed Ag-Au-Pd alloy materials or scraps by pyrometallurgy exhibited a treatment performance similar to that of hydrometallurgy but with a shorter manufacture time and ease operation, providing the opportunity to re-produce the Ag-Au-Pd alloy wire products more effectively and efficiently.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 金屬線產業應用 4
2.2 全球貴金屬需求現況 9
2.2.1 銀礦產資源 10
2.2.2 金礦產資源 11
2.2.3 鈀礦產資源 12
2.3現有產業貴金屬回收方法 13
2.3.1 濕法冶金 15
2.3.2 火法冶金 17
2.3.3 國內外貴金屬再生處理流程 18
2.4 貴金屬概述 21
2.4.1 貴金屬的物理化學性質 21
2.4.2 貴金屬對人體健康危害 25
2-5相圖(Phase Diagrams) 26
2.5.1 Ag-Au二元系相圖 27
2.5.2 Ag-Pd二元系相圖 28
2.5.3 Au-Pd二元系相圖 29
2.5.4 Ag-Au-Pd三元系相圖 30
2.5.5 合金固溶溶解度的條件(Hume-Rothrey法則) 32
2.6貴金屬的分析測定 33
第三章 研究方法及設備 34
3.1 實驗材料 34
3.2 實驗設備 38
3.3 實驗方法 39
3.3.1 合金熔煉參數設計 41
3.3.2 合金熔煉驗證 43
3.3.3 成分分析方法 45
3.3.4 熱差分析 47
3.3.5 金相觀察 48
3.3.6 硬度量測 48
3.3.7 電阻率與導電率量測 49
3.3.8 拉伸測試 50
第四章 結果與討論 51
4.1 合金再生料比例性能的影響 51
4.1.1 再生料加入對拉伸的影響 52
4.1.2 再生料加入對合金成分的影響 53
4.2 合金熔煉田口法(直交表)結果分析 55
4.3 合金再生料成分分析 59
4.3.1 雜質含量分析與分布 62
4.3.2 氣體含量分析 62
4.4 材料特性分析 66
4.4.1 再生合金外觀及金相觀察 66
4.4.2 熱差分析法 67
4.4.3 再生合金材料硬度、電阻率及導電率之量測結果分析 69
4.5 經濟效益評估 71
4.5.1 經濟成本效益計算 71
第五章 結論與建議 74
5.1 結論 74
5.2 建議 75
參考文獻 76
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