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Title page for etd-0731106-211540
A Taxonomic Study of Liparis L. C. Rich. (Orchidaceae) of Taiwan
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Taiwan, Taxonomy, Orchidaceae, Liparis
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本研究利用外部形態、生態及地理分布等資料,針對台灣產羊耳蒜屬(Liparis L. C. Rich.)植物進行分類研究。在外部形態方面,假球莖的有無、葉的數目、唇瓣及蕊柱為區別台灣產羊耳蒜屬植物之重要的特徵。葉部顯微及種子顯微形態的特徵可用在劃分亞屬及節的有用特徵,亦可作為種間分類的輔助特徵。地理分布方面,楠櫧林帶內分布11種羊耳蒜,其中的高士佛羊耳蒜(Liparis somai)、彎柱羊耳蒜(L. campylostalix)、鬚唇羊耳蒜(L. waryi)、齒唇羊耳蒜(L. henryi),分布狹窄。台灣產20種羊耳蒜中有6特有種1特有變種。台灣產沼蘭族(Malaxideae)植物支序分析結果顯示,羊耳蒜屬植物並非單系群,而是一個並系群。根據上述研究結果,將台灣產羊耳蒜屬植物處理為22個分類群,包含了一個變種及2個存疑種,其中長穗羊耳蒜(L. japonica)之學名訂正為L. elongata、小花羊耳蒜(L. cespitosa)之學名訂正為L. laurisilvatica;原先併入長葉羊耳蒜(L. nakaharai)的川上氏羊耳蒜(L. kawakamii) 確認其為獨立種;亦將原先併入長穗羊耳蒜(L. japonica)的德基羊耳蒜(L. derchiensis)確認為獨立種;而白花羊耳蒜(L. amabilis)及明潭羊耳蒜(L. hensoaensis),因資料不足暫處理為存疑種。
The genus Liparis in Taiwan was taxonomically revised based on morphological,
phytogeographical and ecological evidences. Pseudobulb articulation, leaf number, lip and column are the most valuable characters for the classification within the genus in Taiwan. The morphology of leaf epidermis and seed coat also provide useful information in subgenus or section level. Geographically, eleven species are distributed in Machilus-Castanopsis zone, in which the species L. somai Hayata, L. campylostalix Rchb. f., L. wrayi Hook. f., and L. henryi Rolfe have strict distributional range. According to cladistic analysis, the result reveals that Liparis is a paraphyletic group rather than a monophyletic group. As a result of above studies, twenty-two taxa, including one variety and two uncertain species, are recongnized. L. japonica (Miq.) Maxim. and L. cespitosa (Thouars) Lindl. are synonyms of L. elongata Fukuy. and L. laurisilvatica Fukuy., respectively. L. kawakamii Hayata and L. derchiensis Ying are instead conspecific to L. nakaharai Hayata. and L. japonica (Miq.) Maxim. L. amabilis Fukuy. and L. hensoaensis Kudo. are treated as uncertain species due to insufficiency of evidence.
目次 Table of Contents

壹、 前言------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
貳、 前人研究------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
參、 材料與方法-------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
肆、 形態特徵----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
伍、 分類處理----------------------------------------------------------------------------------72
陸、 討論---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150
柒、 參考文獻---------------------------------------------------------------------------------152
參考文獻 References
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