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博碩士論文 etd-0731111-162948 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0731111-162948
A Study of China's Financial Security-The Sino-U.S. Conflict on Currency Exchange Rate
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Foreign Exchange Reserves, Real Exchange Rate, Renminbi, Sino-U.S. Relations, Financial Security
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The RMB exchange rate started to be a widely international issue discussed with Sino-U.S. relations of Economic since 2002.The main Objective of this study is finding the causes of undervaluing and pressures of facing. However, China’s Financial Security is closely related to the process participating in the international system of finance, so this article is concentrated in the scope of correlate research of RMB exchange rate, and analyzed to find what pressures China facing and what policies China choosing. The causes which nominal exchange rate was biased against the real exchange rate are discriminated between labor factor and interest factor, with observing the change of balance of payment and foreign exchange reserves, so the foreign market unequilibrium can be explained further by analyzing the flow and capital. Finally, the strategic consider of U.S. is also the one of factors that influences RMB exchange rate despite of the economic risks in China. perspectives of international politics in Pressuring RMB exchange rate or opening markets are considered on the coordination of interest groups、congress and government of United States.

The conclusion revealed the main reason that China is now facing major secure threats, there are looseness in capital controls, and rigidity in foreign exchange regimes. This threats result in failing to diversify its investment risk of foreign exchange and causing its monetary policy much pressure. The other hand, The purposes of putting pressure on RMB exchange rate by U.S. reflected that they not only transferred the responsibility of unemployment and deficit but also showed the need of domestic politics and the consideration of international politics, so the strength of pressure was not the same in the time series. Therefore, the study argues that the dispute of Sino-U.S. exchange rate was not only the outcome of interaction between two countries’ trade but also this regime of China and purpose of U.S. should be discussed and observed continually.
目次 Table of Contents
第壹章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機與目的1
第二節 文獻回顧 8
第三節 研究方法、範圍與限制18
第四節 研究架構與流程圖22
第貳章 人民幣匯率理論、政策與外匯準備的探討25
第一節 一般均衡匯率的理論分析25
第二節 中國匯率政策與中美經貿關係的變化38
第三節 中國國際收支的變化與外匯準備的運用46
第四節 人民幣匯率失衡與中美爭議63
第參章 從人民幣匯率探討中國金融安全與經濟成長67
第一節 匯率的金融安全問題67
第二節 匯率的決定與匯率缺口73
第三節 匯率對經濟成長的影響77
第四節 實質有效匯率與中美經貿關係84
第肆章 美國應對人民幣匯率問題的戰略分析93
第一節 匯率政治經濟的理論探討93
第二節 利益集團與國會的互動98
第三節 國會與行政部門的互動105
第四節 匯率問題與美國政府的角色110
第伍章 研究結論、發現與建議115

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12. U.S. Department of Treasury, 2005/9/15. “Remarks of Under Secretary of the Treasury Timothy D. Adams before the U.S.-China Business Council,” U.S. Department of Treasury Press Center, <>.
13. U.S. Department of the Treasury, 2007/5/9. “Testimony of Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Mark Sobel on Currency Manipulation and its Affect on U.S. Business and Workers,” U.S. Department of Treasury Press Center, <>.
14. U.S. Department of the Treasury, 2007/5/23. “Transcript of U.S. Delegation Press Conference-Second Meeting of the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue,” U.S. Department of Treasury Press Center, < >.
15. William H. Overholt, 2004/1/22. “It’s So Easy to Blame China for Everything,” International Herald Tribune, <>.
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