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博碩士論文 etd-0801103-141234 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0801103-141234
"New Labour"-A Study of British Labour Party Transformed
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Date of Exam
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Labour Party, Tony Blair
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This study examines the process by which the British Labour Party is transformed into New Labour Party, under the leadership of Tony Blair. Tony Blair declared that the Labour Party Government was elected as New Labour and that they would be govern as New Labour in 1997. How did Tony Blair as leader seek to define New Labour to win an election for the Labour Party after four successive defeats?
“New Labour” the term used to describe the project of Tony Blair to continue the modernization of the Labour Party to enable it to win power. “New Labour” attempted to break with “Old Labour” by revising Clause Ⅳ of the Party Constitution, introduced direct democracy to rediscover their members, rebuild the party structure and policy-making process, weakening links with the trades unions, and accepting the Thatcherism agenda of lower levels of social protection and deregulated labour market.
“New Labour” went on to gain a landslide victory in the 1997 election, but there were criticism that “New Labour” had abandoned the historic aim of an equal society.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 序 論
第一節 研究動機
第二節 研究方法
第三節 論文架構與章節安排
第二章 工黨的崛起與新工黨的發展條件
第一節 工黨崛起的歷史因素
第二節 工黨的發展歷程
第三節 工黨內部左右路線的轉變
第四節 工黨外部社經結構的轉變
第三章 布萊爾主義
第一節 布萊爾團隊
第二節 布萊爾主義形成的背景
第三節 布萊爾主義立論基礎
第四節 布萊爾主義的具體內容
第四章 新工黨意識形態的轉向
第一節 工黨「國有化」意識形態的形成
第二節 黨綱第四條的改革
第三節 從國有化到鼓勵公私協力
第五章 新工黨的組織再造
第一節 工黨之組織、財政與其權力結構關係
第二節 工黨的組織再造計畫
第三節 新工黨的組織再造計畫
第六章 新工黨的政績及其困境
第一節 布萊爾的選舉策略
第二節 新工黨首次執政政績
第三節 新工黨組織改革後的新問題
第七章 結 論
附 錄
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