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博碩士論文 etd-0801105-150821 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0801105-150821
Design of Sliding Surfaces for A Class of Mismatched Perturbed Large-Scale Systems to Achieve Asymptotical Stability
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Date of Exam
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sliding surface, mismatch perturbation, large-scale
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本論文基於李亞普諾夫理論(Lyapunov Theorem),針對具有非匹配擾動大型分散式系統提出一個順滑平面設計方法。在設計順滑面時導入適應控制器,以使得當子系統進入順滑模態時,經由控制器使子系統達到穩定。並且由於控制器引入調適機制,控制器將自動調適未知擾動上界,以致擾動上界的資訊是不需要的。最後,本論文提供一個數值和一個實際裝置的範例以驗証控制器之可行性。
A methodology of designing a novel sliding surface for a class of large-scale systems with matched and mismatched perturbations is proposed in this thesis. The main idea is that some adaptive mechanisms are embedded both in the sliding surface function and in the controllers, so that not only the mismatched perturbations are suppressed during the sliding mode, but also the information of upper bound of perturbation is not required except the upper bound of perturbation from input channel. The proposed controller of each subsystem contains two parts. The first part is measurable feedback signals, and the second part is an adaptive control mechanism, which is used for overcoming the perturbation of each subsystem as well as interconnections among subsystems. The dynamics of the controlled system can be driven into the sliding surface in a finite time, and the property of asymptotical stability of each subsystem is guaranteed. Two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methodology.
目次 Table of Contents
Abstract i
List of Figures iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation........................................1
1.2 Brief Sketch of the Contents......................3
Chapter 2 Control Design 4
2.1 System Descriptions and Problem Formulations......4
2.2 Design of Sliding Surface Function........6
2.3 Design of The Controllers........12
Chapter 3 Numerical Example
3.1 Numerical Example..........24
3.2 Example 2..................27
Chapter 4 Conclusions 46
References 47
參考文獻 References
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