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Title page for etd-0801117-160440
The simultaneous demonstration of leader authoritarianism and benevolence and paternalistic relational identity
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benevolence, paternalistic relational identity, Response surface methodology, Patriarchal Leadership, polynominal Regression, authoritarianism
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本研究針對台灣及中國大陸地區共168位不同產業之員工進行研究,結果發現:(一) 恩與威兩者展現程度一致時,會比兩者展現程度不一致時,獲得較高的家長式關係認定;(二) 當恩與威兩者展現程度一致時,家長式關係認定會隨著恩威展現程度的增加而提升;(三) 恩與威兩者展現程度不一致時,恩多威少情況下的家長式關係認定,將高於威多恩少;(四) 透過多項式迴歸分析與反應曲面法的三維圖示呈現,明確地看出當恩威並濟領導行為施展時,在中等程度以上之恩威並濟便可達到尤佳的家長式關係認定,並非要到高度恩威並濟之領導行為才會有明顯的家長式關係認定反應。
The objective of this research is to explore the relationship between paternalistic leadership and subordinate responses. In particular, the research seeks to find out when under the simultaneous demonstration of authority and benevolence in a leadership style, whether paternalistic relationship becomes a mediating mechanism that would affect subordinate responses.
This research was conducted among 168 employees from various industries in Taiwan and China. The purpose of the study are as follows: (1) When the levels of benevolence and authority being demonstrated are equal, the paternalistic relationship is better identified when both of these levels are high as opposed to when both of these levels are lower.(2) The effect is better when the levels of benevolence and authority are demonstrated equally compared to when the levels of benevolence and authority are not demonstrated equally. (3) When the levels of benevolence and authority demonstrated are not equal, having a higher level of benevolence will result in more paternalistic relationship being identified. (4) Through polynominal regression and response surface methodology, the three dimensional map shows that when the levels of benevolence and authority being demonstrated are equal, under the circumstance that the levels being demonstrated are medium or above, good paternalistic relationship will be identified. Furthermore, it is not necessary that high and equal levels of benevolence and authority need to be achieved in order to have apparent paternalistic relationship being identified.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
表次 vi
圖次 vii
第一章 研究動機與目的 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 家長式領導 3
壹、家長式領導 3
貳、威權領導 10
參、仁慈領導 13
肆、家長式領導相關研究 14
伍、小結 16
第二節 家長式領導研究之中介機制及影響效果 18
第三節 家長式關係認定 21
第四節 恩威並濟與家長式關係認定之相關研究 25
第三章 研究方法 28
第一節 樣本及程序 28
第二節 研究工具 29
壹、研究變項的衡量 29
貳、資料分析方法 32
第四章 研究結果 35
第一節 各類變項內之相關分析 35
第二節 多項式迴歸分析及反應曲面法之探討 37
壹、多項式迴歸及反應曲面法之分析程序 37
貳、恩威並濟與家長式關係認定之主要效果 39
第五章 研究討論與建議 42
第一節 重要結果 42
第二節 理論貢獻 43
壹、家長式關係認定量表修正 43
貳、多項式迴歸分析與反應曲面法 44
第三節 實務貢獻 45
第四節 研究限制與未來方向 46
壹、家長式關係認定與結果變項之關係釐清 46
貳、家長式關係認定與情感性的信任或組織中的自尊之研究 46
參、研究對象可擴大為整個華人地區通盤進行研究 46
肆、展現恩威並濟領導行為操作模式及其因果關係有待後續研究 47
參考文獻 48
附錄一 58
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