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博碩士論文 etd-0801120-000830 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0801120-000830
Study on the Body Corps Vocabulary in the Vietnamese Idioms Originated from Chinese
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Vietnamese idioms originated from Chinese, Sino-Annamite, body corps, metaphors
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第三章為越南漢源成語中身體詞語分析,以含身體詞語的越南漢源成語為深入研究對象。本章先探討前人對漢越身體部位詞語以及含身體部位詞語的成語之研究情況。接著,本文對136組含身體詞語的越南漢源成語分析包括:1. 進行分類;2. 分析身體詞語於成語中的分布情形;3. 從漢語成語到越南漢源成語的身體詞語演變,以及詞語演變之下語義有無變化。本章研究目的是揭示成語被借用後,成語語義如何受到身體詞語改換的影響,有哪些演變情況。
Vietnam and China are the two neighboring countries that have shared an entangled history for over two thousand years. In the ancient past, there were more frequent contacts among the people of these two nations. Anciently, a large number of Chinese people emigrated into Vietnam from Northern China. Therefore, there is an extensive and deep accumulation of the Chinese culture and language in the Vietnamese culture and language. Through the contact, many different levels of the Chinese language and culture were borrowed into Vietnamese in order to enrich the language vocabulary including the Vietnamese idioms.
In the Vietnamese idiom system, there are many idioms which are rooted in the Chinese language. There are many factors that are involved in borrowing the Chinese language. The factors are the requirement of describing social and cultural phenomena, the pressure of the Vietnamese cultures in selecting and using the Chinese idioms which result in establishing the form, the Sino-Vietnamese characters, and their semantics of the Vietnamese idioms. That is to say under the Vietnamese cultural model, the Chinese idioms were changed in order to fit in the system.
Idioms are not only language units, but also convey the social and cultural characteristics of the given language. This study collected its data from four dictionaries, including two dictionaries of Vietnamese idioms and two dictionaries of Chinese idioms. The dictionaries are the Nguyen, N.Y. (1993) Dictionary of Vietnamese idioms, the Nguyen, N.Y. (1994) Dictionary of Vietnamese idioms with Chinese origins (published in Vietnam), the Revised Chinese Dictionary released by the Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE), and the Liu, W.G. & Hou, W.F. (1994) An encyclopedic dictionary of Chinese idioms. The data included 675 groups of the Vietnamese idioms and their corresponding Chinese idioms. In the 675 groups of the Vietnamese idioms, there are 136 groups that are idioms using the human body part terms.
This corpus-based study employs a comparative analysis approach to explore and discuss changes in forms, structures, and semantics of the Chinese idioms after they came in the Vietnamese language and culture. Moreover, the study also uses the theory of cognitive linguistics to explain the reason for the semantic changes in the Chinese idioms by examining the metaphorical uses of the body part terms in the Vietnamese idioms that originated in Chinese. Then the result of this examination reveals the characteristic of the Chinese and Vietnamese cultures as well as their cognitive mechanism.
This study has five chapters including the preface and conclusion. Chapter 2 is the analysis of Vietnamese idioms that originated in Chinese. Chapter 3 is an exploration of the metaphorical uses of the body part terms in those idioms. And chapter 4 presents the metaphorical scope of the Chinese and Vietnamese cognition as well as the cultural characteristics of the metaphorical use of the body part terms in the Vietnamese idioms.
In chapter 2, first, the researcher presents and discusses the results of the previous studies related to the Chinese and Vietnamese idioms. Then, by data analysis, the researcher describes the developments in the form, structure, and semantics of the idioms, and then also discusses whether the changes in the form would affect the semantic changes of the idioms. This study points out that although the previous studies are plentiful and substantial, there are still shortcomings consisting of how morphological changes can lead to a semantic shift in the idioms, and in the Vietnamese cognition and cultural characteristics as well.
In chapter 3, the body part terms which are employed in the Vietnamese idioms that originated in Chinese are analyzed. First, this study reviews previous studies on the Chinese and Vietnamese idioms which contain the body part terms. Secondly, 136 groups of Vietnamese idioms that originated in Chinese that contains the body part terms are examined. Then I will categorize the idioms, analyze how the body part terms are used in these idioms, and identify the changes of the human body parts in the Vietnamese idioms compared to the Chinese ones. The result of this analysis will identify whether there was a semantic change in the idioms at the time of the idiom borrowings. This chapter concludes that the semantics of the idioms are affected by the changes in the uses of the body part terms after the idioms were borrowed and have become to be used in the Vietnamese language.
With the aim of finding the reasons which cause the semantic changes in the idioms, especially in the uses of the body part terms, chapter 4 uses the conceptual metaphor theory to analyze the structures of the idioms. Then it provides an explanation for the semantic changes of the idioms. Metaphorical expressions are different across languages and cultures. For the Vietnamese idioms which originated in the Chinese language, the semantic change of the idioms compared to the original Chinese ones, are due to the difference between the Vietnamese and Chinese conceptual systems. This chapter also indicates the influences of the Traditional Chinese Medicine, religions, the history of both countries, society and cultural life that influenced selecting and using the body part terms in the idioms in the two languages, and finally the differences between the two cultures are also pointed out.
This study not only shows the changes in the form, structure, and semantics in the Vietnamese idioms which originated in the Chinese language. This study more importantly shows, and determines what impacts the semantic changes of the idioms, and presents the differences between the Vietnamese and Chinese languages and cultures by looking at the body part terms that are used in the idioms in the two languages. The result of this study not only contributes to the theories of conceptual metaphor, cognitive linguistics but also to the second language acquisition theories and applications.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 viii
表格目次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
一、 研究動機 1
二、 研究目的 3
第二節 研究範圍與名詞釋義 4
一、 研究範圍 4
二、 名詞釋義 4
第三節 研究方法與語料來源 6
一、 研究方法 6
二、 語料來源 7
三、 研究步驟 9
第四節 研究架構 11
第二章 越南漢源成語分析 13
第一節 越南漢源成語概說 13
一、 越南漢源成語形成背景 13
二、 越南漢源成語界定 22
第二節 越南漢源成語相關研究與評述 29
一、 越南漢源成語相關研究 30
二、 從漢語到越南語形式變化 31
三、 從漢語到越南語語法結構變化 60
四、 從漢語到越南語語義變化 63
第三章 越南漢源成語中身體詞語分析 77
第一節 含身體詞語的越南漢源成語分類 77
一、 身體部位詞語相關研究回顧 77
二、 越南漢源成語身體部位概說 82
三、 越南漢源成語身體部位詞語分類 84
第二節 從漢語到越南語身體詞語的位置演變 92
一、 成語中出現一個身體部位詞語 93
二、 成語中出現兩個身體部位詞語 96
第三節 從漢語到越南語身體詞語演變 100
一、 成語中出現一個身體部位詞語 101
二、 成語中出現兩個身體部位詞語 112
第四章 含身體詞語的成語投射漢越認知 與文化特徵 135
第一節 譬喻理論 135
一、 概念譬喻理論 136
二、 譬喻映射(metaphorical mapping) 138
三、 永恆原則(invariance principle) 139
四、 轉喻(metonymy) 140
五、 肉體經驗 140
六、 譬喻與文化 141
第二節 越南漢源成語身體部位譬喻分析 142
一、 身體部位不變,譬喻結構相同 142
二、 身體部位不變,譬喻結構不同 149
三、 身體部位改換,譬喻結構相同 154
第三節 身體部位譬喻投射漢越文化特徵 162
一、 漢語身體部位投射漢文化特徵 162
二、 身體部位譬喻投射越南社會文化特徵 167
三、 漢越文化異同 174
第五章 結論 177
一、各章綜論 177
二、未竟與不足 181
三、未來研究展望 182
參考書目 183
附錄 194
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