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博碩士論文 etd-0802107-232949 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0802107-232949
The Study of the Development Process on Innovative Science Teaching Material and Its Instruction Effect in the Sixth Grade
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實驗教學、T. M. Amabile、自然科創意思考教材、科技創造力
T. M. Amabile, technology creativity, instruction experiment, science teaching material
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5757 times, has been downloaded 2280 times.
  本研究旨在開發創意思考教材並探討創意思考教材對學生科技創造力、問題解決能力以及自然科學科測驗的影響。因此,研究主要分為教材的開發與實驗教學二部分。首先,在開發教材方面,由七位平均教學年資24年的國小自然科教師組成「創意教材開發團隊」,透過定期的小組討論與專業分享,依據鄭英耀、王文中、張川木(2003)所建構的創意思考教學模式(Creative Thinking Instruction Model, CTIM),設計出國小六年級自然與生活科技領域的創意教材,包括天氣的變化、簡單機械、燃燒等三單元。此外,進一步訪談撰寫創意思考教材的科展績優教師,以Amabile(1997)的個人創造力成份模式(componential model of creativity)為架構,分析其從撰寫創意教材前的計畫思考階段到教材完整呈現間之創作歷程因素。


  The purpose of this study was to devise the innovative science teaching material and to investigate the instruction effect of innovative science teaching material. Thus, there were two major parts in this study, including the development process of teaching material and the instruction experiment. Firstly, seven award-winning science teachers with average 24 years seniority were gathered and organized as “an innovative science teaching material development team.” Through regular team discussion and sharing, the team devised three teaching units— “the weather variety,” “simple machine,” and ”burning” based on Creative Thinking Instruction Model(CTIM). Besides, we used case study as the method and through in-depth interviews, we realized the factors that contribute to an award-winning science teacher' creative teaching material based on Amabile's(1997)componential model of creativity.

  Secondly, the purpose of the instruction experiment was to investigate how the teaching material executed. The experienment group teacher received a 3-day instruction demonstration and reflection from the workshop by the team, while the contrasted group teacher didn’t. We selected 110 sixth graders in one Kaoshiung primary school and proceeded 8-week different instructions. We took a quasi-experiment design and used ”Technology Creativity Test”, “Creative Problem Solving Test”, and self-developed science achievement tests as assessment tools. The applied analysis methods were descriptive statistics, One-Way ANCOVA, One-Way MACOVA, and Rasch-analysis.

  The main findings were as follows: (a) the creative product of the award-winning science teacher conformed to Amabile's theory; (b) it seemed that the creative instruction workshop facilitated teachers to learn from award-winning science teacher; (c) the innovative science teaching material had significant effects on enhancing sixth graders’ technological creativity; (d) students in different groups did not perform differently on problem solving abilities; (e) the innovative science teaching material had partial significant effects on enhancing sixth graders’ science academic performance. Finally, some suggestions were proposed for educational instruction and future studies.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目 次 III
圖 次 V
表 次 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 6
第三節 名詞釋義 7
第四節 研究範圍與限制 9

第二章 文獻探討11
第一節 從創造力定義談創意思考教材的創作歷程因素11
第二節 創意思考教學的理論基礎18
第三節 創意思考教學及其相關研究 27
第四節 創意思考教學模式(CTIM) 41
第五節 研究假設45

第三章 研究方法47
第一節 研究架構47
第二節 研究對象 51
第三節 研究工具54
第四節 實施程序65
第五節 資料處理與分析67

第四章 研究結果與討論 71
第一節 開發創意思考教材 71
第二節 創意思考教材之教學成效 92
第三節 綜合討論103

第五章 結論與建議113
第一節 結論113
第二節 建議 117

附錄1 「天氣的變化」教案 129
附錄2 「簡單機械」教案134
附錄3 「燃燒」教案149
附錄4 創意思考教學檢核表155
附錄5 科技創造力測驗同意書157
附錄6 問題解決測驗乙式同意書158
附錄7 國內創意思考教學(2002-2007)之相關研究159
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