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博碩士論文 etd-0802111-154208 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0802111-154208
Media Literacy and the Third-Person Effect of Product Placement in the Television News
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media literacy, advertorial, product placement in the television news, media censorship, the third-person perception differential, third-person effect
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   This study aimed to examine the third-person effect of product placement in the television news, for clarifying the effect of persuasiveness of news with product placement and comparing the assessment of the impact on others and themselves. The study also concerned about the media literacy if it can help the audience to identify the messages of persuasive intention, to evaluate the impact of product placement in the television news is greater on others than on themselves, and to support the government to prohibit product placement in the television news.
   In this study, the main research method was questionnaire survey, and the research participants were junior high school students from three sections in Kaohsiung. There were 476 valid questionnaires totally. Data were analyzed by methods of independent t-test, paired t-test, correlation and hierarchical regression analysis. The results found that product placement of television news would cause the third-person effect: messages of product placement of different levels would result in different intensities of third-person perception. Compared to implicit-style placements in the television news, obvious ones triggered strong media impact on others, but did not trigger third-person perception differential. It meant people tend to view product placement in the television news had impact on others as well as on themselves.
   Another focus of this study was personal media literacy ability. Analytic results showed that literacy ability was a better predictor of the third-person effect perception. The result of the study was similar to the findings of the past research: media literacy could assist in identifying the purpose of product placement in the television news, and could avoid the perceived effect of media messages on themselves (Cohen, 1982; Rucinski & Salmon, 1990; Wei, Lo & Lu, 2008).
   Most importantly, this study contributed to the growing literature on behavioral component of the third-person effect by demonstrating that the third-person effect perception was a great predictor of support for restriction of product placement in the televiton news than the third-person perception differential. The reason was that the third-person perception differential could not distinguish perceived effects of product placement in the television news on others as well as themselves (Wen-Hui Luo, 2000b). As research result of Xu and Gonzenbach on the behavioral component of the third-person effect, third-person perception differential was the most significant predictor of support for media censorship. Therefore, this study suggests that future research could probe into the mechanisms through which the third-person effect of product placement in the television news occurs.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………7
一、置入性新聞的第三人效果及其干擾變項………… 20
二、置入程度對第三人效果的影響…………………… 32
四、第三人效果與規範行為…………………………… 38
第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………42
壹、樣本選取之前測……………………………………… 42
貳、正式問卷之研究對象…………………………………… 43
参、研究架構、研究假設與實驗設計 ………………………44
肆、實驗流程 ………………………………………………45
伍、變項 ………………………………………………………47
陸、問卷內容修訂…………………………………………… 57
第四章 資料分析與討論………………………………………………67
壹、描述性統計分析………………………………………… 67
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………80
問卷3-1:第一則「明顯置入性新聞」之檢測問卷………… 112
問卷3-2:第一則「無置入性新聞」之檢測問卷…………… 114
問卷3-4:第二則「隱含式置入性新聞」之檢測問卷 ………118
問卷3-6:第二則「無置入性新聞」之檢測問卷 ……………122
問卷3-7:「媒體認知」之檢測問卷 …………………………124
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