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博碩士論文 etd-0803100-165102 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0803100-165102
A Personalized News Recommendation Method for Electronic Newspapers
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News Recommendation, Use and Gratification, News Filter, Mass Communication, Electronic Newspapers
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Electronic Newspapers has become one sort of important communication medium with the rapid growth of audiences on Internet. In Taiwan, the majority of famous news media have their own Electronic Newspapers, which provide a large amount of online news. Though audiences can receive a mass of news, it is difficult for them to find the news in which they are really interested within limited time. Therefore, this current study focused on the research of the mechanism for filtering and recommending news based on the Use and Gratification Theory. The purposes were to develop a personalized news recommendation method for Electronic Newspapers and to examine the effect of the recommendation methods.
The results of the empirical study showed that the system with recommendation mechanism was superior to the one with none in both usage performance and overall satisfaction. In this study, there were two recommendation mechanisms. One of them is time-based mechanism which refers to derive the interest automatically by analyzing how much time the audiences spent on reading news, the other is feedback-based mechanism which refers to derive the interest by asking audiences explicitly. It was found that there were no significant differences between the two mechanisms in either usage performance or overall satisfaction. Therefore, the time-based mechanism is helpful for audiences in finding personal news.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 5
第三節 研究目的 7
第四節 研究方法 8
第五節 論文之結構 10

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 使用與滿足理論 11
第二節 資訊處理相關理論 15
第三節 過濾推薦系統的相關研究 17
第四節 閱聽人興趣推導的相關研究 21
第五節 績效衡量的研究 24

第三章 推薦機制
第一節 新聞過濾推薦機制之架構 26
第二節 新聞結構分析 27
第三節 閱聽人輪廓分析 32
第四節 評分推薦機制 37
第五節 學習機制 40

第四章 雛型系統
第一節 雛型系統架構 42
第二節 使用軟體介紹 44
第三節 使用流程 48
第四節 系統彈性與使用限制 57

第五章 實證研究
第一節 研究模式與變數 59
第二節 變數的衡量 60
第三節 研究假說 66
第四節 實驗設計 67
第五節 實驗進行流程 70

第六章 結果分析與討論
第一節 效度與信度 72
第二節 基本敘述統計分析 74
第三節 自評推薦機制的效果 76
第四節 系統推薦機制的效果 80
第五節 不同推薦機制的效果比較 85
第六節 個人特質變數對效果的影響 89
第七節 系統參數設定之探討 92
第八節 結論 93

第七章 結論
第一節 研究結果與貢獻 94
第二節 研究限制 96
第三節 後續研究 97

參考文獻 98

附錄一:閱聽人行為記錄範例 103
附錄二:問卷 106

簡歷 112
參考文獻 References


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