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博碩士論文 etd-0803101-172724 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0803101-172724
大型企業導入企業資源規劃系統之策略過程 --兩種不同導入策略的個案比較
The Process of Implementation Strategy of Enterprise Resource Planning in Large Companies --The Comparison of Two Implementation Strategies
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Date of Exam
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Strategies Model, Legacy Information System, Enterprise Resource Planning、Business Process、
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『企業資源規劃 (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP) 』主要是將企業內跨部門作業:財務成本、銷售運送、生產製造、物料管理等資訊資源整合起來,並能隨著產業環境、競爭者情勢、客戶需要等變化隨時調整系統的營運流程進行最佳配置,藉以達到降低成本、提昇作業效率並能及時提供有用的資訊以供管理者作決策等之目的。
『Enterprise Resource Planning』(ERP) is an integrated information system consists of different business functions including Financial/Cost, Sales/Distribution, Material Management, Production Planning, etc. It facilitates the business flexibility to adjust for environmental changes such as industries, customer needs, and the status of competitor. The purposes are to reduce the cost, enhance work efficiency, and generate sufficient information for the business decisions.
Two enterprises are studied for their ERP implementation in this thesis; they are the InfoChamp Systems Corporation (ICSC) and the Yageo Company (YC). ICSC which started in 2000 A.D. is a spinout company of the China Steel Company after it successfully constructed the ERP system. The strategy of the China Steel Company was to gradually extend the application function from the original management information system. On the other hand, the Yageo Company adopts the SAP package and discards the whole traditional information system. In order to discover how these two enterprises implement the ERP systems, the author interviewed their representatives several times. Besides, the company documents, publish papers and data from their web sites were collected and analyzed. The main conclusions are summarized as the following.
1. The enterprise needs to carefully consider the organization structure associated with possible constraints before the implementation of ERP system. Whether to extend the traditional management information system or to adopt a certain industrial package, the information integration among new systems and old systems is a very complicated issue.
2. The goal of the implementation project should be clarified and specified to all members in the enterprise. In addition, the project manager should be fully authorized to take charge of the whole implementation process.
3. As the enterprise expend their business functions, the information system also needs extra modules. It is not an enduring decision to simply adopt an available package. However, using interface development to integrate the informational system will result in high maintenance cost.
4. The two enterprises emphasis the importance by establishing the project control mechanism. The executive managers serve as the project leader in order to proclaim the ambition of the project success.
5. The contract negotiation with the consulting company requires careful communication. The cost, durations, customization, and the commitment of a successful project should be included.
6. The consistency of the business and information process may enhance business performance.
7. The bureaucratic organization and workflow need a reformation.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究目的 ------------------------------------------- 3
第二節 研究範圍與步驟與論文結構 ------------------- 3

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 ERP的定義與發展歷程 ------------------------- 6
第二節 ERP導入策略探討 ------------------------------- 8
第三節 影響ERP導入的關鍵因素 --------------------- 16
第四節 ERP導入方法論探討 ---------------------------- 21

第三章 個案研究之設計與方法介紹
第一節 研究方法的選擇 ----------------------------------- 30
第二節 個案的選擇與分析單位 -------------------------- 31
第三節 資料收集的方法 ----------------------------------- 31
第四節 問卷設計與訪談 ----------------------------------- 32
第五節 資料整理 -------------------------------------------- 33

第四章 個案一中鋼公司
第一節 公司背景介紹 --------------------------------------- 34
第二節 管理資訊系統發展的範圍、目標、原則 ------ 37
第三節 ERP規劃階段 --------------------------------------- 38
第四節 系統分析、設計與發展 --------------------------- 40
第五節 ERP績效 ---------------------------------------------- 44
第六節 ERP導入關鍵因素探討 ---------------------------- 45

第五章 個案二國巨電子
第一節 公司背景介紹 --------------------------------------- 55
第二節 導入ERP的動機與價值 -------------------------- 60
第三節 ERP導入的參考架構與執行過程 --------------- 62
第四節 ERP導入的關鍵因素探討 ------------------------ 70

第六章 個案比較分析、命題建立
第一節 ERP建置策略的比較 ------------------------------- 78
第二節 導入ERP動機的比較 ------------------------------ 80
第三節 ERP導入方法論的比較 ---------------------------- 82
第四節 ERP導入關鍵成功因素的比較 ------------------- 82
第五節 研究命題 ---------------------------------------------- 85

第七章 結論與建議
第一節 研究貢獻 ----------------------------------------------- 88
第二節 後續研究建議 ----------------------------------------- 89

中文部份 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 90
英文部份 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 90


圖1-1:研究步驟流程圖 ------------------------------------- 4
圖2-1:Gartner Research ERP II定義架構 ------------------- 7
圖2-2:資訊系統發展的因應策略 ----------------------------- 9
圖2-3:ERP專案生命週期 -----------------------------------23
圖2-4:SAP之ASAP導入流程 --------------------------------23
圖2-5:日本工業會ERP研究所--ERP導入的基本步驟 -----------25
圖2-6:WISDM導入流程 -------------------------------------26
圖2-7:三階段系統開發過程 ---------------------------------26
圖2-8:七階段系統開發過程 ---------------------------------27
圖4-1:中鋼公司組織架構圖 ---------------------------------36
圖4-2:中鋼公司整體資訊系統發展過程 -----------------------39
圖4-3:中鋼整體資訊發展方法 -------------------------------40
圖4-4:中鋼公司整體資訊系統發展架構 -----------------------42
圖4-5:專案月份提報程序 -----------------------------------47
圖5-1:國巨集團分布圖 -------------------------------------60
圖5-2:國巨公司系統發展方法 -------------------------------64
圖5-3:國巨專案組織圖 -------------------------------------65
圖5-4:國巨整體資訊系統架構圖 -----------------------------66
圖6-1:中鋼在生產計劃資訊分享層級架構 ---------------------81
圖7-1:ERP導入分析模式 -----------------------------------89


表2-1:ERP發展歷程 ---------------------------------------- 8
表2-2:ERP導入之關鍵影響因素 ------------------------------ 18
表4-1:應用軟體開發程序 --------------------------------------------- 43
表4-2:中鋼公司整體資訊規劃後所產生的效益 ------------------ 45
表4-3:中鋼公司推動ERP的優劣勢 ---------------------------- 53
表5-1:流程績效衡量指標 ------------------------------------ 61
表5-2:國巨電子第二階段企業藍圖工作計劃 -------------------- 71
表5-3:國巨專案管理兩週工作排程 ---------------------------- 72
表5-4:國巨專案管理兩週工作項目內容 ------------------------ 72
表5-5:國巨電子推動ERP的優劣勢 ---------------------------- 76
表6-1:ERP導入策略與關鍵構面影響程度 ----------------------- 79
表6-2:ERP 導入動機的資訊分享模式比較表 -------------------- 80
表6-3:企業ERP導入參考架構比較 ---------------------------- 82
表6-4:ERP 導入專案成功比較 -------------------------------- 83

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