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博碩士論文 etd-0803106-003207 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0803106-003207
Investigation into Temperature and Size Effects on Behaviors of Water Nanoclusters
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hydrogen bond, size effect, dipole moment, water clusters
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本論文利用分子動力學的方法(Molecular Dynamics,MD)模擬水團簇在不同溫度及大小下之結構分佈,例如氧原子之密度分佈、氫鍵和偶極矩等特性行為等,而所採用的勢能為F3C水勢能模型(flexible three-centered water model)。文中分析水團簇的結果發現,隨著溫度的增加,氧原子密度分佈與平均一顆水分子所形成的氫鍵數目逐漸遞減,而在水團簇大小效應下,對於水團簇內水分子間之相互影響則較少。

Structure properties of water clusters are investigated in this study by means of molecular dynamics simulations. The oxygen density profile, dipole moment and hydrogen bond properties of water clusters are all examined. The temperature dependence and size dependence of the structure properties are also explored in the present study. Upon the molecular dynamics simulations, the flexible three-centered (F3C) water potential is used to model the inter- and intra-actions of the water molecule. It is found that as the temperature rises, the density of the oxygen and the average number of hydrogen bonds per water molecule will decrease. The effect of cluster size, however, is less significant on the structure properties.
The differences between the structural properties for the surface region and those for the interior region of the cluster are also investigated. It is found that as the temperature rises, the average number of hydrogen bonds per water molecule decreases, but the ratio of surface water molecules increases. After comparing the water densities in interior regions and the average number of hydrogen bonds in those regions, we find there is no apparent size effect on water molecules in the interior region, whereas the size of the water cluster has a significant influence on the behavior of water molecules at the surface region.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要............................................ 1

ABSTRACT............................................ 2

第1 章 緒論......................................... 3

1.1 研究動機........................................ 3
1.2 文獻回顧........................................ 6
1.3 本文架構.........................................9

第2 章 分子動力學理論..............................10
2.1 勢能函數...................................... 12
2.2 運動方程...................................... 15
2.3 溫度修正方法...................................16
2.4 週期性邊界條件................................ 19
2.5 徑向分佈函數.................................. 21

第3 章 分子動力學數值方法......................... 23

3.1 鄰近原子表列法................................ 23
3.1.1 Verlet List 表列法................................................23
3.1.2 Cell Link 表列法........................... 25
3.1.3 Verlet List 表列法結合Cell Link 表列法...... 25
3.2 無因次化...................................... 27

第4 章 結果分析與討論..............................29

4.1 水團簇..................................... 29
4.1.1 物理模型.................................... 29
4.1.2 氫鍵、偶極矩、氫鍵鍵長、O-H鍵長............. 30

4.2 外部與內部水分子之比較......................35

4.2.1 模擬系統................................35
4.2.2 密度分佈.....................................36
4.2.3 氫鍵.........................................36
4.2.4 外部水分子比例..............................37
4.2.5 徑向分佈函數.................................38

4.3 外部與內部水分子氫鍵動態特性之比較.............46
4.3.1 氫鍵動態特性...................... ..........46
4.3.2 氫鍵動態特性之定義...........................46
4.3.3 氫鍵動態特性之驗證...........................47
4.3.4 水團簇外部與內部之氫鍵動態特性...............48

第5 章 結論與建議................................. 54

5.1 結論.......................................... 54
5.2 建議與未來展望................................ 56
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