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博碩士論文 etd-0803110-134131 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0803110-134131
The study of "Cross-region operation" and "Performance Enhancement" of regional banks- take K bank as an example
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
local bank, ECFA, non-performing loan, diversified operation, interest rate spread, return on equity, MOU
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長期以來,在整個金融體系中,銀行一直扮演資金儲蓄及支出供需的重要角色,成為現代支付金融體系不可缺的一環。然而經歷了1997 年亞洲金融風暴以及2008 年漫延全球的金融危機,國內銀行的市場結構已顯現過度競爭下的劣質經營現象,不但獲利能力逐年下降,資產品質更是普遍惡化。隨著金融商品同質化,各類金融業務區隔差異逐漸模糊,透過同業合併與跨業整合進行多樣化之經營,才可發揮營運乘數效果以支應客戶多元化需求。於此之時,鼓勵地區性銀行跨業經營及金融機構採取策略聯盟方式合作,應更有助提升金融競爭力及改善金融機構經營困境。
1991 年是國內金融界的重要分水嶺,當時財政部一口氣開放16 家新銀行設立,在新種業務及金融創新不足下,加上金融機構營運績效受制於傳統產業、股市及房市不景氣、資金外移、及金融同業惡性競爭搶食日益縮小的金融大餅等,致使銀行逾期放款不斷上升而淨值報酬率不斷下降。近十年來,銀行業存放款利差由原先3%以上,到近年來的1%。本國一般銀行由原先的特許保障行業,分行
家數由1991 年的1,046 家、2000 年底的2,411 家至2009 年底的3,155 家,增幅驚人;如加計外國銀行台灣分行、信用合作社、中小企業銀行、農會和漁會信用
部以及中華郵政公司,合計分行營業據點多達5973 家,以總人口不到2,300 萬的台灣,帄均每家分行分配僅3850 人,使此一行業演變成紅海。全球金融市場金融危機後,各國政府無不壓低市場利率,加上兩岸關係解凍,金融MOU 簽訂,雙邊ECFA 洽商,在在都使國內金融機構間之差異,漸趨一致,金融機構跨業經營之情形更加普遍,對於現有非金控體系的地區性金融機構,如何自立自強創造自我的經營優勢,方為正道。
Bank has always played an important role as capital saving and supply and demand of expenditure since long time ago in the whole financial,and it has become an essential part of our financial system.However,because of the 1997 Asia financial crisis and 2008 financial storm all over the world,the structure of domestic banks has shown bad operation quality situation under the over-competitive environment,also,the profitability and asset quality are decreasing year by year. Along with the similarity of financial products,the segment among financial practices is blurring,it can has the multiple operation effect to meet the diversified demands of customers only by the merge of industry and cross-industry integration to operate in different industry.At this time,to encourage local banks to operate in different industry and encourage financial industry to cooperate via strategic alliance,it can help to enhance competency and improve the dilemma of financial institution.
1991 is the important divide for the financial industry.The ministry of finance gave green light to the erection of sixteen banks,the lack of new practices and finance creativity,plus the effects of financial institution are confined to traditional industry,stock market,the depression of house market,the capital outflow,and the evil competitive of finance industry let the finance market decreasing,lead to the non-performing loan of banks is increasing and return on equity is decreasing.Over the past ten years,bank's interest rate spread decreased from 3% to 1% recently.The local banks,franchising guaranteed industry,1046 branches in 1991 increased to 2411 branches in 2000 and 3155 branches in 2009,if includes foreign banks' branches in Taiwan,medium and small size business banks,credit union of farmer's and fisherman's associate,Chunghwa Post Co.,the branches can up to 5973,on average,one bank can only has 3850 customers out of 23 million people in Taiwan,let the industry become red sea.After the financial storm,governments all over the world emphasize on suppressing market rate, plus the defrost of the relationship between Taiwan and China,the conclusion and sign of MOU,negotiation of ECFA,all let the difference among financial institutions decreasing,and more and more financial institutions operate in different industry,for those local financial institution not belonged to financial holding companies,it's critical for them to figure out how to create their own operating advantage.
In terms of this, under the never-end competitive environment, this study got the following conclusion, economic of scale has effects on bank industry, but after the on-site interview on local banks' operating effects, do research on the main factors of banks, not only the external environment effects the profitability of branches, but manager's operation of individual project and the copy of success model, to erect cross-region local bank's optimal operating model. It has benefits on bank's overall effects;the comparative advantages can create higher value for it under the depression.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的4
第三節 研究流程5
第四節 研究範圍與限制6
第二章 文獻探討7
第一節 銀行經營指標7
第二節 績效評估探討10
第三節 代理理論探討13
第四節 經營策略PES16
第五節 SWOT分析19
第六節 波特五力分析26
第三章 研究方法28
第一節 研究設計28
第二節 經營指標之選擇29
第三節 效益指標推導32
第四章 銀行環境變遷與地區性銀行危機與商機34
第一節 台灣金融業簡介34
第二節 我國銀行產業目前所處的環境分析40
第三節 地區性銀行其面臨的問題及挑戰43
第四節 國外跨區經營政策及現況45
第五節 中國相關研究結果50
第六節 台灣相關研究結果52
第五章 分行營運模式與執行策略53
第一節 案例分析53
第二節 案例參數設定56
第三節 建立績效評估程序及流程63
第四節 個案績效指標分析65
第六章 結論與建議69
第一節 結論69
第二節 建議70
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