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博碩士論文 etd-0803116-182234 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0803116-182234
國際政治地位理論: 日本的外交和安全政策個案研究
Status Theory of International Politics: A Case Study of Japan's Foreign and Security Policy
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Japanese foreign policy, international relations, hedging, status, alliance politics
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5939 times, has been downloaded 638 times.
本文旨在探討國際關係理論的重要問題:國際體制的本質為何?國際體制的結構是否僅(甚或通常都)以物質實力為基礎,或者其實一直(甚或通常)都是以概念為基礎?國家的動機為何?國家是修正主義者導向或現狀導向?其是否能盡全力保障其勢力或安全,或者其均另具其他角色?本文亦論及日本外交及安全政策的相關重大議題:日本是一個反應性/被動(現狀)國家,或者其屬於主動性(並可能是修正主義者) ?日本的外交政策是否可形容為「避險式」或「雙重障礙」?日本在美日聯盟或日本與中國關係中的地位,以何種方式來理解最為貼切?本文提出地位增強的原始理論,以作為解答上述問題的可行方案。地位增強理論主張,大多數國家-尤其是出現核武之後-無論如何都是地位增強者,通常根據「客觀」地位製造者(例如,軍事和經濟實力)和「互具主體性」地位製造者(於此意指:影響力、權威、正統性和聲望) 之特質,以社會上對於國家等級的認知,對地位增強者進行評等。地位增強理論主張,國際體制的結構具其社會性(可追溯至建構主義)和物質性(可追溯至肯尼思•沃爾茲的新現實主義)特質,再者,國家認同、利益與行為所展現的驅動力即代表國家得以擬出一個更理想的世界藍圖,並在這個更理想的世界中對外部環境取得更多控制力(可追溯至新古典現實主義)。本文探討有關形成該理論中許多的理論性和實務性問題-包括國際政治理論和日本相關理論,在進行變項的定義和操作之後,針對2006年九月至2014年十二月間,歷史上中日及美日關係中的地位增強進行檢視。結果顯示,雖然地位增強原始理論涵蓋的範圍有限,但可視為國際政治的可行理論。
This thesis wrestles with key problems in both international relations theory: What is the nature of the international system? Is the structure of the international system based solely (or even mostly) on material capabilities, or is it really ideas all the way (or even most of the way) down? What are the motivations of states? Are states revisionist- or status quo-oriented, are they power or security maximizers, or are they something else altogether? It also deals with key questions regarding Japan's foreign and security policy: Is Japan a reactive/passive (status-quo) state, or is it proactive (and possibly revisionist)? Can Japan's foreign policy be described as "hedging" or as a "dual hedge"? What is the best way to conceptualize Japan's place in the U.S.-Japan alliance or in Japan's relationship with the People's Republic of China? In this thesis, the proto-theory of status enhancement is put forth as a viable alternative to all of these questions. Status enhancement argues that, at the very least, most states most of the time--and particularly since the advent of nuclear weapons--are status enhancers, where status is akin to rank in a socially understood hierarchy of states based on "objective" status markers (for example, military and economic capabilities) and "intersubjective" status markers (here specified and defined as influence, authority, legitimacy, and prestige). Status enhancement argues that the structure of the international system is social (harkening back to constructivism) and material (harkening back to Waltzian neorealism) and that the driving force behind state identities, interests, and behaviors is the assertion that states can imagine a better world, that is, one in which they have more and not less control over their external environments (harkening back to neoclassical realism). After dealing with numerous theoretical and practical problems regarding the formation of such a theory, both with regard to international political theory and Japan-specific theories, and defining and operationalizing variables, this thesis then tests status enhancement against the historical period in Sino-Japan and U.S.-Japan relations from September, 2006 to December, 2014. It finds that, although limited in scope, the proto-theory of status enhancement is a potentially viable theory of international politics.
目次 Table of Contents
Examination Report i
Acknowledgements ii
Chinese Abstract iii
English Abstract iv
Chapter One: Introduction 1
Chapter Two: The Status-Quo Seeker/Revisionist
State Problem in International Relations Theory 8
1. Introduction 8
2. Realism, Realisms, and Contending Status Quo-Seeking and
Revisionist Visions 8
2.1. The Unidirectional Dualists: Either Status-Quo Seeking or
Revisionist States 10
2.2. The Dualists: Both Status-Quo Seeking and Revisionist
States 19
2.3. Neoclassical Realism 24
3. Social Theory 28
4. Summary 32
Chapter Three: Theory Formation: Status Enhancement 33
1. Introduction 33
2. From Status Quo-Seeking, Revisionism, and Constructivism to
Status Enhancement 33
3. Status Enhancement 40
3.1. Status 41
3.2. Status Markers 46
3.3. Objective Status Markers 46
3.4. Intersubjective Status Markers 48
4. Enhancement 52
5. Summary 57
6. Operationalization of Status Enhancement 58
7. Summary and Conclusion 61
Chapter Four: Status Enhancement and Sino-Japan and U.S.-Japan Relations 63
1. Introduction 63
2. Japanese Foreign and Security Policy: The Theoretical Debate 63
3. Japan as Status-Quo Seeker or Revisionist State? 65
4. Alliance Politics and U.S.-Japan Relations 67
5. Exploring Japan's "Dual Hedge" 71
6. Status Enhancement, Hedging, and Japan's Relations with China
and the United States 77
7. Sino-Japan and U.S.-Japan Relations, September, 2006 to
December, 2014 80
7.1. Sino-Japan Relations in the Post-Koizumi Era 82
7.2. Koizumi's Immediate LDP Successors and China: Abe,
Fukuda, and Aso 82
7.3. The DPJ Holds the Reins, 2009-2012: Hatoyama, Kan,
and Noda 86
7.4. From Bad to Worse: LDP, Abe Return (December, 2012-
December, 2014) 90
8. U.S.-Japan Relations in the Post-Koizumi Era 96
8.1. Koizumi's Immediate LDP Successors and the United
States: Abe, Fukuda, and Aso 97
8.2. The DPJ and the Alliance, 2009-2012: Hatoyama, Kan,
and Noda 100
8.3. LDP, Abe Return (December, 2012-December, 2014) 104
9. Summary and Analysis 109
10. Conclusion 112
Chapter Five: Conclusion 114
Bibliography 118
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Ph.D. Dissertations

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Articles Presented At Conferences

Novak, Nathan W., "Leveraging the Alliance: Asymmetries, Bargaining Power, and Japan's Search for a More Equal Alliance," paper presented at the National Sun Yat-sen University Center for Japanese Studies 2013 International Conference "Abe-ministration: Reforms and Challenges," (Nov. 2, 2013)

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