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Population genetic variation of Mikania species in Taiwan
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population genetic variation, Mikania cordata, Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat(ISSR), Mikania micrantha
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為確認節位突起(enation-structure)以辨識蔓澤蘭(Mikania cordata (Burm.f.)B.L.Robinson)和小花蔓澤蘭(Mikania micrantha H.B.K.)的有效性及了解兩者族群遺傳變異的情形,自台灣地區北、中、南、東、及離島,各設置2~3個採集點,依據節位突起辨識法進行採集工作,利用分子標誌技術直接定序(PCR- Sequencing)分析兩者的nuclear rDNA ITS region及 chloroplast trn L intron、trn L-trn F IGS等基因組中變異較快的區域,作為近緣種的種間分子標誌。取84個小花蔓澤蘭及48個蔓澤蘭樣品的nrDNA ITS region,以及自Gene Bank中取得第三種蔓澤蘭屬有害雜草(米甘草,M. scandens(L.)Willd.)的ITS序列進行分析,其結果顯示nrDNA ITS region 可有效區分三種蔓澤蘭屬的有害雜草,根據鄰接法獲得的樹狀圖指出蔓澤蘭和小花蔓澤蘭的親緣關係較近,其序列有97%的相似度。另外,蔓澤蘭和小花蔓澤蘭的葉綠體 trn L intron(436bp)及trn L-trn F IGS(345 bp)序列完全相同,因此無法作為種間分子標誌。nrITS region和ISSR (inter simple sequence repeat)分子指紋分析的結果支持節位突起辨識的有效性,因此建議農政單位利用節位突起的辨識方法推廣「除蔓活動」,如此可降低對本土弱勢的蔓澤蘭所造成的衝擊。進一步以ISSR的數據分析蔓澤蘭和小花蔓澤蘭的族群遺傳變異,結果顯示兩種蔓澤蘭屬植物種內族群間有很高的遺傳分化(Gst>0.55),其中小花蔓澤蘭的遺傳距離與地理距離無關(r=0.0053,p=0.47),推測小花蔓澤蘭入侵台灣時有具不同的遺傳變異,受到人為活動隨機的散佈,各地族群由少數個體(先驅者)所建立,由於此種族群結構易受遺傳漂變(genetic drift)的影響,使對偶基因隨機漂失或固定,造成族群分化;而本土蔓澤蘭則與地理距離相關(r=0.44,p=0.025*),符合距離隔離模式(isolation by distance model),推測應是自然散佈的結果。整體來說,小花蔓澤蘭的族群結構呈現穩定的狀態,故建議防治研究應針對分化大的族群進行。
The objective of this study is to elucidate the efficiency of enation-structure (at node) recognition method at pre-flowing stage and to understand the population genetic variation of the Mikania weeds in Taiwan. The plant materials collected by recognizing enation-structure symptom method from North, Central, South and East Taiwan and off-shore islands. Using PCR– sequencing marker techniques, the sequencing revealed that nrDNA ITS region could identify three Mikania weeds and the 97% similarity of phylogenetic relationship between M.cordata and M.micrantha are more closer than that between M.cordata and M.scandens, whose ITS sequence is obtained from GeneBank. However ,the sequences of chloroplast DNA of M.cordata and M.micrantha at trnL intron(436bp)or trnL-trnF IGS(345 bp)are almost the same and could not be used as molecular markers. The recognizing techniques of enation-structure was supported by the nrDNA ITS region and ISSR results at the end, thus the finding can be recommended to the Council of Agriculture in order to eliminate the weed and to reduce the impact on M.cordata, which is native in Taiwan.
Moreover, the findings of ISSR analysis in the aspect of population genetic variation indicated that high genetic differentiation (Gst>0.5)was found among the M. cordata and M.micrantha populations. Based on the Mantle test, there was no relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance in M.micrantha(r=0.0053,p=0.47).This phenomenon revealed that populations of M.micrantha had complex population variability within the short-term invaded into Taiwan that might be resulted from the random dispersion of human activities. The population of M.micrantha was established by few individuals (founders) and grown rapidly in Taiwan, resulting in population differentiation via genetic drift. In contrast to M.micrantha ,there was relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance in M.cordata (r=0.44,p=0.025*).It revealed that populations of M.cordata agreed to the concept of isolation by distance model, which might be evolved from the result of natural dispersion. In conclusion, the population structure of M.micrantha in Taiwan is stable , suggesting that control of Mikania population should be based on different populations where have large differentiation among them .
目次 Table of Contents
參考文獻 References
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