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博碩士論文 etd-0804108-215703 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0804108-215703
Peritonitis-induced Peroxynitrite Production of Hematopoietic Cells and Lung Damage Depends on the JNK Signaling Pathway
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JNK, Peroxynitrite
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腹膜炎是一種腹腔發炎所導致的疾病,其發生的原因是腹腔內器官破裂、發炎或細菌感染所致。嚴重的腹膜炎會造成多重器官衰竭而導致死亡。本研究以小鼠腹膜炎為模式,探討腹膜炎引發肺部損傷時,c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)所扮演的角色。首先,誘發小鼠發生腹膜炎後,分別測定血液中reactive oxygen species (ROS)的含量;測定肺部嗜中性白血球浸潤的程度及肺部血管滲漏程度;並觀察肺部外觀型態的受損情形;接著,藉由施予JNK抑制劑、採用JNK基因剔除小鼠、基因嵌合小鼠(chimeric mice),觀察JNK訊號傳遞路徑所扮演的角色。實驗結果顯示,小鼠發生腹膜炎後會引發肺部損傷,在施打JNK抑制劑SP600125或lefunomide後,腹膜炎引發肺部損傷的情形均獲得改善。當進一步使用JNK基因剔除小鼠時,腹膜炎引發肺部損傷情形亦較為舒緩。最後利用基因嵌合小鼠證實,腹膜炎引發肺部損傷是經由造血細胞的JNK訊號傳遞路徑,進一步引發肺部組織的iNOS產生NO,最後產生過量的peroxynitrite而造成組織器官的傷害。
Abdominal sepsis is a common, life-threatening condition in the critically ill patients. The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is known as a stress-activated protein kinase, in order to study the role of JNK on peritonitis-induced lung injury, the changes of plasma dihydrorhodamine 123 (DHR 123) oxidation level; the myeloperoxidase (MPO) and extravasations of Evans blue dye (EBD) of lung in wild-type (WT) mice with P. aeruginosa-induced peritonitis were determined first. Second, the specific JNK inhibitor, SP600125 or lefunomide, was given to WT mice immediately after P. aeruginosa injection and DHR oxidation, MPO activity, and EBD extravasations were examined. Third, JNK1-/- mice and JNK1+/- mice were subjected to peritonitis and assayed for DHR 123 oxidation, MPO activity, EBD extravasations, and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Fourth, chimeric mice (WT → WT, JNK1-/- → WT, WT→JNK1-/-) were generated and used to determine the role of hematopoietic cells in peritonitis-induced lung damage. The results show that peritonitis induced DHR 123 oxidation; MPO activity and EBD extravasations in lungs and administration of specific JNK inhibitor decreased the peritonitis-induced DHR oxidation and lung damage. Also, both JNK1-/- and JNK1+/- mice showed a decreased DHR oxidation and lung damage after peritonitis. Finally, the decrease of DHR 123 oxidation, ROS, and lung damage in JNK1-/- → WT chimeric mice suggests that that peritonitis-induced expression of iNOS and subsequent peroxynitrite production and lung damage depends on the JNK1 signaling of the hematopoietic cells.
目次 Table of Contents
Abstract in Chinese …………………………………………………1

Abstract in English ………………………………………………… 2

Introduction …………………………………………………………3

Materials and Methods………………………………………………9




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