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博碩士論文 etd-0804110-010310 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0804110-010310
Adolescent Girls Online Shopping Community To Share And Growth
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Community, PTT, Adolescent Girls, Online Shoppin
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When adolescent girls growe up in the adolescence, facing physiological and psychological changes, they dress as a means to create the image of the body and to build their own social image ─ how to be the right young girl in other’s eyes. But there is no system to teach them how to change and self-shaping. When they are confronted with social demands and the capitalist or patriarchal shock, how to adjust their behavior.
Online shopping has become a major shopping channel of many female students, female graduate students or the young female office workers. Today, using online shopping to purchase dress is also an important leisure entertainment to many adolescent girls. The e-shopping of PTT has become the gathering place of adolescent girls. Not only as an online shopping related information exchange field, but also become an important field of adolescent girls grow up group with emotional exchange.Shopping content and aesthetic criteria will be prevailed by e-shopping collective view. After the shopping experience, they expect supports of e-shopping. In addition to mother, sisters or classmates, colleagues, e-shopping has become an important reference, and some even replaced.
The thourghts of adolescent girls are different to adult women and adolescent boyes. However, thinking and growth experience of adolescent girls have not been taken seriously, or limited to stereotype. In this study, the text of the form of direct contact with young girls in the e-shopping which comes from the real behavior are usd to understand the culture and values of adolescent girls between groups in online shopping. Through this e-shopping tunnel, the adolescent girls like through the rite of passage ceremony, into a mature woman.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 4
第三節、研究問題 6
第二章、文獻探討 7
第一節、女性的美貌與自我認同 7
第二節、青少女與成長 11
第三節、身體感與服飾 15
第四節、女性網路社群 20
第三章、研究方法 26
第一節、研究流程 26
第二節、質性研究法 27
第三節、研究場域 PTT e-shopping版(網路購物版) 32
第四節、抽樣 37
第四章、文本分析 41
第一節、青少女在e-shopping版的行為展現與文化 41
第二節、購物享樂主義 53
第三節、e-shopping社群中建構的美貌價值 68
第四節、e-shopping社群中的群體認同感 86
第五章、結論 93
參考文獻 100
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