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博碩士論文 etd-0806109-172038 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0806109-172038
The influence of temperature on the development of astrocyte of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus
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5-HT, development, astrocyte, tilapia, temperature
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硬骨魚類的腦部構造和功能和脊椎動物一樣具有兩性相(sexual dimorphism),而腦的性別分化(brain sexual differentiation)源自於腦部神經系統之發育。神經系統之發育可受到生物體本身之基因調控,除此之外亦受到外在環境的影響,其包括物理性(如:溫度)與化學性(如:性類固醇,神經傳導物質…等)。血清素(5-hydroxytrptamine, 5-HT)主要為神經傳導物質(neurotransmitter)和神經修飾物質(neuromodulator),在神經發育上扮演著重要的角色。星狀神經膠細胞(Astrocyte)在中樞神經系統扮演著支持與保護神經細胞的功能,在腦的發育上有著重要的角色。本論文以雌性莫三比克口孵吳郭魚(tilapia,Oreochromis mossambicus)下視丘的初代星狀神經膠細胞培養(Primary Astrocyte Culture)探討溫度及血清素系統對星狀神經膠細胞發育的影響與機制。結果說明血清素血清素與血清素1A受體(5-HT1A receptor)不參與星狀神經膠細胞增生的作用,卻會影響血清素細胞的比例。血清素增加血清素細胞的比例,血清素1A受體拮抗劑則降低血清素細胞的比例。此說明血清素細胞的比例與血清素1A受體相關。而高溫促進星狀神經細胞的增生,與血清素受體無關。
The structure and function of brain show sexual dimorphism in vertebrates. Brain sexual differentiation is resulted from the neural development. The neural development of brain is determined by genetic regulation and also influenced by external environmental factors(ex: temperature、 neurotransmitter ). Serotonin (5-hydroxytrptamine, 5-HT) function as a neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulator in the central nervous system. Serotonin plays a important role in the development of the central nervous system via serotonin receptor。Astrocyte has the role of neural supporting and neural protection in CNS. Astrocyte has the important role of brain development. In the present study, the influence of temperature on the proliferation of astrocyte was investigated.These results show that the proliferation of astrocyte are varied with the temperature. Serotonin is not involved in the proliferation of astrocyte .Wherease,but has an effect on the ratio 5-HT+-cell in the astrocyte culture via the 5-HT1A receptor.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 ……………………1
英文摘要 ……………………2
目錄 ……………………3
附圖(表)目錄 ………………4
壹、前言(實驗目的) ………6
貳、實驗材料與方法 ………9
参、結果 ……………………22
肆、討論 ……………………29
伍、參考文獻 ………………31
陸、附圖(表) ………………34
參考文獻 References
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