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Title page for etd-0807105-002531
台灣西南沿海黑邊鰏(Leiognathus splendens, Cuiver 1829)分布、成長及生殖之研究
Distribution, growth and reproduction of splendid ponyfish, Leiognathus splendens (Cuiver 1829) in the coastal waters off southwestern Taiwan
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Leiognathus splendens, temporal-spatial distribution, length-frequency, reproduction, coastal waters off southwestern Taiwan, South China Sea
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本研究以臺灣西南沿海底拖魚類調查中的最優勢魚種-黑邊鰏(Leiognathus splendens)為研究對象,探討其在臺灣西南沿海分布、成長及生殖的時空差異,以明瞭台灣西南海域產黑邊鰏的生物學特徵。從2001 年1 月到2004 年1 月間,每隔1-2 月在台灣西南沿海由南到北,包括枋寮(FL)、林邊(LB)、大鵬灣(DP)、林園(LY)、中洲(JJ)、左營(ZY) 及茄萣(JD)等七個測站,以蝦拖網於水深15米及25 米左右處進行採樣,共有24 航次303 網次,其中黑邊鰏的出現率為61.72%,共得25,518 尾。
結果顯示黑邊鰏在此海域的分布有明顯的季節、測站及深度差異。月別豐度變化上,以4、7 和12 月的豐度較高,1 月則為最低,且只有在6-11 月,才能在中洲以北捕獲黑邊鰏。測站間的差異則呈現林園以南測站的豐度顯著高於林園以北的測站,以林園為界分為南、北兩群聚,其中南群聚更可區分為近岸和離岸群。至於深度的差異則呈現較深的水層有體型較大的現象。
本研究中黑邊鰏的全長(TL)範圍為15.32 至 121.01 mm,其極限體長為128.20 mm,成長係數為0.16 yr -1。卵巢中的卵徑頻度分布為多峰型,介於101.01∼966.37 um,以500∼600 um為高峰。GSI平均值以3-5 月為最高,在大鵬灣至林邊海域產卵。採樣期間以雄魚的豐度較高,而雌、雄最初成熟全長(L50)為72.93 mm和68.22 mm,所採獲的魚體中以59∼60 mm TL為主,平均全長為61.21 mm。
黑邊鰏的分布受到水文、季節及海流的影響。在海水溫度愈高(相對的鹽度、密度、溶氧較低),且吸光值(可提供光合作用的輻射量)愈高時有較多的捕獲。西南季風期(5-9 月)南海水及高溫低鹽的南海表層水北進,可能是影響黑邊鰏往北分布的重要因子。另外,由接近3-5 月的產卵期,大魚及成熟的雌魚群集於近岸海域,以及4、7 和10 月出現大量的小魚,推測生殖活動及補充群的加入為影響其在近岸大量出現的重要因子。同時,颱風帶來的淡水及陸上營養物質的注入亦都會使得黑邊鰏的捕獲數量激增。
This study investigated the distribution, growth and reproduction of splendid ponyfish (Leiognathus splendens), the most dominant fish species in the catches of demersal trawls, along the coastal waters off southwestern Taiwan. Samples were collected once every 1-2 month (7-8 times per year), from January 2001 to January 2004 at seven stations, including Fangliao, Linbian, Dapeng Bay, Linyuan, Jhongjhou, Zuoying and Jiading, in southwestern Taiwan.
The results showed that the distribution of L. splendens had significant differences among seasons, sites and water depths. The monthly mean abundance peaked in April, July and December, whereas lowest in January. L. splendens appeared in the north of Jhonhjhou only in the period from June to November. Based on their occurrence, the ponyfish could be separated into south and north groups at Linyuan. The south group can be further divided into inshore and offshore subgroups. The south group was more abundant than the north group.
The size of L. splendens ranged from 15.32 mm to 121.01 mm (TL=total length), with an asymptotic length (L∞) of 128.20 mm and a catabolic growth coefficient (K) of 0.16(on a yearly basis). The ova diameter raged from 101.01 to 966.37 um with a peak between 500 and 600 um. The reproductive characteristic of L. splendens postulated as an asynchrouous spawner, who may spawn from March to May at Dapeng Bay and Linbian. The sex ratio (female/male) was less than 0.5 in total samples, and their first maturity length (L50) for female and male were 72.93 mm and 68.22 mm respectively.
The distribution of L. splendens is associated with hydrology, season and ocean current. Higher abundance is normally coincided with low salinity, density, oxygen dissolution, and high water temperature and high value of Cpar (corrected irradiance-photosynthetically available radiation). The SCSW (South China Sea Water) and SCSSW(South China Sea Surface Water) with high temperature and low salinity flowing northward into the Taiwan Strait during the southwest monsoon season of May-September may deeply influence the northward distribution of the fish. Bigger fish and mature female capture during the spawning season from March to May, besides, smaller fish (TL< 20 mm) abundance on April, July and October. Additionally, the rainfall and nutrient wash away from onshore by typhoons, are the factors increase catches of L. splendens in the coastal waters of southwestern Taiwan.
目次 Table of Contents
壹、 前言
1.1 黑邊鰏簡介…………………………………………………….1
1.2 文獻回顧
1.2.1 國外有關黑邊鰏的相關研究……………………………1
1.2.2 國外鰏科魚類的相關研究………………………………2
1.2.3 國內鰏科相關之研究……………………………………2
1.3 研究目的……………………………………………………….3
貳、 材料及方法
2.1 樣品來源……………………………………………………….4
2.2 標本處理及步驟
2.2.1 魚體前處理流程………………………………………..5
2.2.2 孕卵數及卵徑測量…………………………………… .5
2.2.3 生殖腺組織切片………………………………………..6
2.2.4 生殖腺組織的染色………………………………………7
2.3 數據處理
2.3.1 水文……………………………………………………..8
2.3.2 分布……………………………………………………...8
2.3.3 分布與水文………………………………………………9
2.3.4 成長……………………………………………………...9
2.3.5 生殖…………………………………………………….10
參、 結果
3.1 水文變化
3.1.1 溫度…………………………………………………….12
3.1.2 鹽度…………………………………………………….12
3.1.3 密度…………………………………………………….12
3.1.4 溶氧…………………………………………………….13
3.1.5 吸光值………………………………………………….13
3.1.6 T-S 圖…………………………………………………...13
3.2 黑邊鰏豐度變化
3.2.1 月別變化…………..……………………………………14
3.2.2 測站間的差異…………………………………………..14
3.2.3 分性別的分布變化……..………………………………15
3.2.4 群聚的月別及測站變化………………………………..16
3.2.5 體長與深度的關係……………………………………..16
3.2.6 體重與深度的關係……………………………………..17
3.3 豐度與水文之相關性分析………………………………….. 17
3.4 成長
3.4.1 成長參數………………………………………………..18
3.4.2 體長頻度變化
3.4.3 體長與&#63886;齡的關係……………………………………..24
3.4.4 體長與各形質的關係…………………………………..24
3.5 生殖
3.5.1 生殖腺發育的形式……………………………………..24
3.5.2 生殖腺指&#63849;及生殖期…………………………………..26
3.5.3 孕&#63772;&#63849;及&#63772;徑…………………………………………..27
3.5.4 性比……………………………………………………..28
3.5.5 最初成熟體長及&#63886;齡…………………………………..28
肆、 討&#63809;
4.1 水文變化……………………………………………………..30
4.2 黑邊&#39951;時空分布的差&#63842;……………………………………...30
4.3 成長與其他研究的比較……………………………………...33
4.4 生殖與其他研究的比較……………………………………...34
4.5 綜合討&#63809;……………………………………………………...36
伍、 &#63851;考文獻……………………………………………………...37
&#63955;、 表……………………………………………………………...41
柒、 圖……………………………………………………………...53
捌、 附表…………………………………………………………..123
玖、 附&#63807;…………………………………………………………..145
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