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博碩士論文 etd-0807106-145357 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0807106-145357
The Effect of New Generation Employee’s Upward Political Behavior on Income -- Compare the Differences between Public and Private Organizations
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new generation, upward political behavior, income, organizational political behavior
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New generation is going to be main power in the human resource market. According to the research, because of the different background of new generation, new generation has different work values and attitudes which could be valuable parts for businesses to use. On the side, we all understand that political behavior is one part of organization life. We can’t ignore the truth that political behavior exists in organizations. In addition, both of researches and evidences support that due to the uncertainty of organizational politics it usually makes the internal part of organization has a lot of complex political behavior. Among this, upward political behavior, the behavioral reflection of upward influence, is the important factor to employees to influence organizational efficiency. It means that in order to achieve their satisfaction of work and to improve organizational efficiency employees use strategies, build and maintain the relationship with their supervisors to develop the processes of upward influence. For this reason, the main object of this research is to discuss employees of new generation in the organizations and to find out if the political behavior they show will affect the income. Further, we will through discuss the difference between public and private organizations to discover and explain if there is any different finding of upward behavior to income. The main research results are:
1 Each aspect of upward behavior is a significant impact relative to income.
2 Among upward political behavior aspects, rationality and self-promotion have significantly positive effect on income. Moreover, ingratiation has significantly negative effect on income.
3 Each aspect of upward political behavior of new generational employees have no significant effect on income in public organizations.
4 Rationality has significantly effect on income in private organizations.

To sum up, according to the findings of this study, the practice suggestions are provided to the managers in public and private organizations to conduct the this issue, and further research suggestions are also discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 研究動機與目的 1
第一節 緒論 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 新世代就業者 6
第二節 向上政治行為 10
2-1 權力與政治行為 10
2-2 組織政治行為 12
2-3 向上政治行為 15
2-4向上政治行為與權力的使用 18
第三節 薪資所得的定義 20
第四節 各變數之間的關聯 22
4-1 向上政治行為與薪資所得的關係 22
第三章 研究方法 24
第一節 研究架構 24
第二節 研究假設 25
第三節 研究對象 28
第四節 變項之操作性定義與衡量方法 29
一、向上政治行為 29
二、薪資所得 30
第四章 分析結果 31
第一節 樣本特性分析與量表因素及信度分析 31
一、樣本特性分析 31
二、量表因素分析及信度分析 34
第二節 各研究變項之關係 36
第三節 向上政治行為對薪資所得之影響 39
第四節 公共部門及私部門之向上政治行為對薪資所得的影響 42
第五章 結論與建議 46
第一節 結論 46
第二節 研究建議 56
第三節 研究限制 61
參考文獻 62
一、中文部份 62
二、英文部份 65
附錄一 70

表2-1 不同世代的工作價值觀 9
表2-2 權力基礎的特徵 11
表2-3 政治行為定義相關文獻整理 12
表2-4 組織政治行為的構面 14
表2-5 向上政治行為方法分類表 16
表2-6 向上影響的方法一覽表 19
表2-7 薪資的定義及分類 20
表3-1 抽樣機關及問卷回收情形統計 28
表4-1-1 基本資料次數分配表 33
表4-1-2 向上政治行為因素分析及信度分析 35
表4-2-1 新世代就業者研究變項描述性統計及相關係數 37
表4-2-2 非新世代就業者研究變項描述性統計及相關係數 38
表4-3-1新世代就業者向上政治行為構面對薪資所得的複迴歸分析 40
表4-4-1 公部門員工之向上政治行為各構面對薪資所得的複迴歸分析比較表 43
表4-4-2私部門員工向上政治行為各構面對薪資所得的複迴歸分析比較表 44
表5-1向上政治行為對薪資所得之影響性分析結果彙總表 48
表5-2 向上政治行為各構面與薪資所得之複迴歸關係 52
表5-3公共部門及私部門向上政治行為各構面對薪資得之關係 54
表5-4 研究結果摘要表 55

圖3-1 研究架構 24
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