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The impact of globalization in democratization and knowledge spillovers
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G20, democratization, globalization, knowledge spillover effects, spatial econometric models
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本研究以全球化概念為基礎,討論知識外溢、民主化與全球化之間鄰近效應的關連性,本文分兩部分,採實證研究方法,運用 Anselin, Varga et al. (1997)所提出的空間計量方法。第一部分研究以 Griliches (1979)所發展之知識生產函數為基礎,並採用G20國家集團1997–2008年追蹤資料(panel data)為樣本,分析知識產出與知識外溢的關聯性。並應用晚近 Krugman (1991)所發展之新經濟地理學架構,以空間誤差模型估計知識產出與研發投入、人力品質、政府政策、產業聚集之因果關係。實證結果顯示,當G20各國增加研發經費、每人平均收入、研發人員數量與產業聚落之際,各國知識產出將產生顯著正面之直接影響。本文另一重點為知識外溢效果,當鄰近國家增加研發經費、高等教育入學率、高等教育經費支出,對G20集團國內知識產出產生正面影響。值得注意的是知識外溢所產生的負面效果,當鄰近國家大量延攬研發人才與他國產業聚落興起之際,將導致G20國家知識產出之下降。
第二部分研究全球化對於國內政治民主化是否有互為因果的關係?以G20中成員國為樣本,資料長度為1995~2009年之追蹤資料(panel data)。結果顯示,在民主化發展的過程中,當G20各國提升政治全球化、經濟成長、城市化程度時,對本國的民主化發展產生正面的影響。其中,中產階級的興起對G20國家的民主化過程中,助益最大。就如 Lipset (1959)及 Huntington (1993)指出經由工業化與都市化產生龐大的中產階級,新興的中產階級知識分子相信透過民主程序可以提高他們的權益,使得他們願意見到民主制度的建立。相對地,在全球化發展的過程中,當G20各國提升經濟自由、開放網路、新聞自由、社會文化相似度高時,對本國的全球化過程產生正面的影響。對G20集團而言,基本人權如生命保障、生活自由、財產私有、言論自由及法治平等普世價值的延伸,才是全球化過程的發展中對本地或鄰近地區都有正面影響的重要因素。
In this study, we discuss the spatial relationship between knowledge spillovers, democratization and globalization. Based on the spatial econometrics function developed by Anselin, Varga et al. (1997), there are two parts in this paper. First, Based on the Knowledge Production Function developed by Griliches (1979), this research analyzes the relationships between knowledge production and knowledge spillovers for open economies. The empirical study applies G20 countries panel data for the period of 1997 through 2008. Also incorporated in the theoretical framework is Krugman’s New Economic Geography theory (1991), which employs a spatial error model to estimate the causal relationships between R&D investment, human qualities, government policies, industrial agglomeration, and knowledge production. The results of this study show that R&D funding, per capita incomes, the number of researchers, and industrial agglomerations have positive direct effects on domestic knowledge production for G20 countries. Another important finding is the spillover effect from the neighboring countries: R&D funding, education enrollment, and education expenditures from neighboring countries have a positive impact on domestic knowledge production for G20 countries. However, when a large number of researchers are recruited by neighboring countries and industrial agglomeration in neighboring countries rises, a significant negative impact on knowledge production is observed.
Second, we try to research the causality between globalization and democratization. The empirical study applies G20 countries panel data for the period of 1997 through 2009. The results of this study show that per capita incomes, economic growth, urbanization, have positive direct effects on domestic democratization for G20 countries. The middle class play an important role in the democratization process for G20 countries. As Lipset (1959) and Huntington (1993) said, Industrialization in urban areas created more factory jobs resulting in the rise of the middle class people. The middle classes will demand democracy, once they are sufficiently prosperous so as not to constantly worry about their survival and economic existence. In addition, in the process of globalization, the results of this study show that the network user popularity rate, freedom of the press, and the cultural close have positive direct effects on domestic globalization for G20 countries. In fact, the basic human rights of universal value such as life support, liberty, privatization, Freedom of speech, and political equality etc. has a positive impact on domestic and neighboring countries in the development process of globalization for G20 countries.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 前言……………………………………………………………................1
第二章 創新與研發、知識外溢之因果分析…………………………….............4
第三章 G20成員國在民主化程度與全球化之區域關聯性分析……................31
第四章 結論……………………………………………………………...............70
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