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博碩士論文 etd-0808112-141549 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0808112-141549
Vital Sign Detection Using Active Antennas
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Active integrated antennas, vital sign detection, doppler radar, self-injection locking, vocal vibration signal detection
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5711 times, has been downloaded 1548 times.
Active integrated antennas (AIAs) are divided into oscillator type AIAs, amplifier type AIAs and frequency-conversion type AIAs. The AIAs designed in this master thesis are oscillator type. Instead of using lumped component like inductors and capacitors, I use a half-wavelength antenna as resonator. In this design, antenna is also treat as a radiated loading. According to reciprocity, antenna receives the reflection signal affected by human body movement and vital sign at the same time. This behavior is regarded as a self-injection locking oscillator.
In this master thesis, active antenna is used in monitoring and contacting measurement. In monitoring measurement, active antenna and subject keep their distance. Subject random body movement affects the measured result. Contacting measurement means active antenna pastes on the subject, thus there is no relative displacement between active antenna and subject. Random body movement affect iscancelled in theory. In contacting measurement design some different body motions to test the tolerance of this measurement structure, and use correlation to cancel random body movement. The sensitivity of active antenna structure is enough to detect the vocal vibration in contacting measurement.
目次 Table of Contents
摘要 .................................................................................................................................. i
Abstract ........................................................................................................................... ii
目 錄 ............................................................................................................................. iii
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................................. iv
表目錄 ............................................................................................................................. vi
第一章 緒論 .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 現有生命徵象訊號偵測產品介紹 .................................................................. 2
1.3 都卜勒雷達架構生命徵象訊號偵測器 .......................................................... 5
1.4 論文章節規劃 ................................................................................................ 11
第二章 主動式天線 ................................................................................................ 12
2.1 主動式天線簡介 ............................................................................................ 12
2.2 振盪器式主動天線原理與設計 .................................................................... 12
2.3 振盪器式主動天線模擬與量測 .................................................................... 16
第三章 應用主動式天線於生命徵象訊號偵測 .................................................... 28
3.1 生命徵象訊號偵測器架構 ............................................................................ 28
3.2 監測式生命徵象訊號量測 ............................................................................ 31
3.3 接觸式標籤生命徵象訊號量測 .................................................................... 32
3.4 聲帶量測 ........................................................................................................ 38
第四章 結論 ............................................................................................................ 41
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 42
參考文獻 References
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