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Title page for etd-0808113-164807
Economic analysis of the resource of the mantis shrimp in Taiwan
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maximizing the present value of net revenues model, sustainable management, mantis shrimp, Gordon-Schaefer models, overfishing
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本研究以再生性資源的生物經濟架構利用Gordon-Schaefer模型,利潤等於價格(p)乘上捕獲量(Y)、成本等於成本系數(c)乘上投入努力漁獲量(E)為基礎,給定期初存量(X),求出極大化利潤淨現值均衡下產出、存量及努力漁獲量為基礎作分析,實證研究採以87至97年度行政院農業委員會漁業署(以下簡稱漁業署)統計之蝦蛄單一生物資源捕獲量、價格、成本、單位捕獲努力量(CPUE)及100年度郵政儲金匯業局1年期定存利率1.37%為折現率(δ)作實證分析,參數的選用以Leslie- Delury模型及Graham’s method並用迴歸分析,估出期初資源存量、捕獲系數(q)、生物資源內生成長率(r)、環境最大容載量(K),再導入極大化利潤淨現值動態模型中,代入實際的參數值Y、p、c、δ,求出均衡的捕獲量Y*、X*、E*,並作三漁場經濟模型(靜態、動態、開放漁場)的比較靜態分析及推估至128年資源存量未來趨勢,瞭解臺灣蝦蛄生物資源的資源量狀況及各內生變數對外來衝擊的影響敏感度,俾提供計畫者作為管理漁業資源決策的參考。實證結果與模型推導的結果是相符的,蝦蛄生物資源在臺灣尚無過漁情況,但漁業人捕獲供給量有逐年下降的風險存在及捕撈瓦解的情形,而鄰近的中國大陸、日本等地皆有蝦蛄生物資源過漁的研究報告提出,管理當局似宜先防患未然,一般管理措施例如在捕撈器具及設備上應予管制限制、捕獲限額等等,為永續經營及早作準備,另管理決策的執行上,生態經濟學與經濟學上的要素是同等重要。
This study’s framework is used to bioeconomic of a renewable resource that is used by Gordon-Schaefer models, net revenues to be equal to price times harvest, cost to be equal to cost coefficient times fishing effort being basic analysis. This empirical research utilized mantis shrimp resource statistic data from 1998 to 2008 for conducting the harvest, price, cost, and catch per unit effort by Fishery Bureau. Adding Directorate General of Postal Remittance and Saving Bank announced about one year deposits rates of 2011 1.37% to be discounted rate for the empirical research analysis. The analysis parameters were estimated by Leslie-Delury’s model and Graham’s method including regression analysis, derived resource stock, catch ability coefficient, resource’s intrinsic growth rate, environmental carrying capacity, and importing in maximizing the present value of the net revenue model, substituted real parameter's value Y, p, c, δ. Solving equilibrium Y, X, E, and comparative statistical analysis of three kinds of fisheries economic models (static, dynamic, and, open access). In the current study, we estimated the status of resources stock of mantis shrimps in 2039 and how external shocks will be occurred in future. Likewise, we predicted the impact of the modification of endogenous variables. Our results may provide a management of fishery resources how to settle a policy in the future. The empirical results were confirmed by model derivation results, then the resources of mantis shrimp in Taiwan hasn’t overfishing condition existed, but the resource of mantis shrimp harvest supply by fisherman that there is the risk of a gradual declined and the collapse of the fishing situation. Caused by many related published literatures about the resource of mantis shrimp in the neighboring mainland China, Japan district that have been overfishing, regulatory authorities should take precautions, in the general management project, such as restraint on harvesting gears, fishing quota, etc. The regulatory authorities need to early prepare for the sustainable management. Furthermore, both of the bioeconomics and economics are important when we reach a decision.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 漁業生物經濟理論 5
第二節 漁業理論模型變數的建構 8
第三節 蝦蛄生物資源在生物及生態學上的研究 12
第三章 經濟模型研究方法與理論模型之均衡分析 16
第一節 研究方法 16
第二節 模型的均衡分析 17
第三節 三種漁場經濟模型分析 22
第四節 三種漁場經濟模型比較靜態分析 29
第五節 期初資源存量、捕獲係數、內生成長率及環境最大容載量的推估 42
第四章 實證研究 44
第一節 各變數資料分析 44
第二節 三種漁場經濟模型下的實證均衡解及實證動態模擬 47
第三節 實證敏感度分析 57
第五章 結論與建議 68
第一節 結論 68
第二節 建議 70
參考文獻 71
中文部分 71
英文部分 74
網路部分 76
附錄 78
附錄 蝦蛄的生物分類及生態習性 79
附表 81
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