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Title page for etd-0808117-143624
A Qualitative Study Exploring Male and Female Experiences of Work-Life Balance in Taiwan
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Family Role, Taiwan, Work Role, Boundary Management, Boundary Segmentation Preference, Collectivistic Culture, Work-Life Balance
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5796 times, has been downloaded 24 times.
本研究主要目的為在集體文化主義的台灣社會中,進行一個工作與生活平衡之研究,使用質性研究方法對12位台灣女性與8位台灣男性工作者進行深入訪問,受訪者年齡介於26歲到43歲並涵蓋不同婚姻狀況與工作性質。本研究探討台灣女性與男性之間, 對於工作角色, 家庭角色, 以及自身的經驗及方法如何達到工作與家庭生活平衡之共同性與差異性。
作者在訪問受訪者如何達到工作與生活平衡自身不同經驗的過程中得到相當有價值的發現。大部分的受訪者偏好將工作與家庭私人生活分開,但只有一半的受訪者表示可以依照他們偏好的生活方式。相較於男性, 女性受訪者更能利用溝通與劃定時間界線的方式來清楚區分工作與生活角色的界線。本研究也發現能成功分割專業和私人生活,與達成工作和生活平衡的目標是息息相關的。最後,有幾個共同的主因造成無法達到工作與生活平衡,這些因子包括為了維持工作環境氣氛的和諧,以及為了表現對公司的忠誠度及承諾,這些都導致受訪者間接接受過長工時的狀況。
Over the past decade, Work-Life Balance (WLB) has gained increasing importance in today’s workforce in Taiwan, mainly due to changes in the society and in the labor market. Those changes are, for instance, the new family formation of dual-career couples, the arising presence of women in the workforce and the increasing demands of individuals to pursue higher quality of life.
This study aimed to contribute to the current literature by conducting research of WLB through a qualitative study in Taiwan, a country that is considered being a collectivistic society. This study was conducted using in-depth interviews with 20 Taiwanese employees, 12 women and 8 men aged between 26 and 43 years, with different marital status and different types of occupations. The commonalities and differences in the view of achieving WLB, which was assessed by work roles, family/personal roles, and personal experiences and management of transitioning between work and family roles, were explored between Taiwanese women and men.
The findings provide valuable insights into the different experiences of achieving WLB among Taiwanese women and men. The majority of the respondents prefer to segment their work and family/personal life, but only half of the respondents are able to enact their preferred strategy of segmentation. Notably, more women compared to men were able to draw a clear boundary between work and family/personal life using primarily communicative and temporal boundary management strategies. A link between segmenting professional and personal life and the achievement of WLB was noted. Lastly, factors that prevented a number of participants from achieving WLB included the maintenance of harmony as well as strong commitment and loyalty towards the organization which subsequently, lead to higher levels of acceptance of long working hours.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
Acknowledgements ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
List of Tables vii
List of Figures vii
Abbreviations viii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Work-Life Balance 1
1.1.1 Introduction to Work-Life Balance 1
1.1.2 Definition of Work-Life Balance 2
1.1.3 Structure of the Thesis 5
Chapter 2: Literature Review 5
2.1 Collectivistic Culture 5
2.1.1 Definition of Culture 5
2.1.2 Collectivistic Culture 6
2.1.3 Work Ethics and Family Values in Collectivistic Culture 7
2.1.4 Characteristics of Work-Life Balance in Collectivistic Culture 8
2.2 Roles 9
2.2.1 Definition of Roles 9
2.2.2 Role of Women and Men in Collectivistic Culture 10
2.2.3 Psychological Contract in Collectivistic Culture 11
2.3 Boundary Management 13
2.3.1 Definition of Boundary Management 13
2.3.2 Concept of Integration and Segmentation 14
2.3.3 Integration or Segmentation in Collectivistic Culture 18
2.3.4 Role Transition Process 19
2.3.5 Boundary Management Tactics 22
2.4 Conclusion and Research Questions 23
Chapter 3: Methodology 25
3.1 Research Philosophy 25
3.1.1 Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research 26
3.2 Choice of Method 29
3.3 Sampling Method and Procedure 30
3.4 Justification of the Research 31
3.4.1 Background of the Research Participants 31
3.4.2 Justification of the Research Participants 31
3.5 Analyzing Method 32
3.6 Coding Process 33
Chapter 4: Participant Information 36
Chapter 5: Findings and Discussion 44
5.1 Research Question 1 44
5.2 Research Question 2 66
5.3 Research Question 3 78
Chapter 6: Conclusions 97
6.1 Practical Implications 100
6.2 Limitations 101
6.3 Future Research 102
References 104
Appendix 116
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