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約翰密爾論現代性: 一個政治哲學的考察
John Stuart Mill on Liberty: A Poliyical Philosophy Examination
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modus vivendi, John Gray, utilitarianism, John Rawls, modernity, value pluralism, overlapping consensus, liberalism, John Stuart Mill
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本文主旨在以一個政治哲學的角度來闡述約翰密爾(John Stuart Mill)思想中關於現代性之論述。第一章為緒論,除了第一節闡明本論文的主旨、目的與問題意識之所在外,第二節則簡要介紹密爾的著作以及說明本論文的編排架構與章節安排。第二章說明哲學現代性之產生歷程、後果與問題,第一節從歷史演進的角度說明形塑現代性的諸歷史事件、思潮與運動,第二節則闡述現代性在政治哲學上的問題核心之所在:價值多元主義(value pluralism),密爾的思想如何回應此價值多元主義問題的論述是本文所要闡釋的最主要目的。第三章筆者從政治哲學的角度去闡述密爾由其倫理學基礎的效益主義與自由理論的自由原則對於現代性產生的這個價值多元主義問題與危機之回應,第一節闡明密爾自由主義理論基礎之效益主義所闡釋的效益原則之論述,第二節則闡述密爾自由主義的自由原則論述,其中,筆者亦闡述羅爾斯(John Rawls)正義理論的交疊共識(overlapping consensus)理念與葛雷(John Gray)自由主義的暫定協議(modus vivendi)理念,從他們的論述中企圖找到密爾的思想如何回應現代性價值多元主義的答案。第四章則陳述筆者對於密爾的論述的幾點批評,第一節是對其效益主義論述的評論,第二節是對其自由主義論述之評論。最後,第五章則為本論文的結論。
The purpose of this essay is, in a political philosophy perspective, to offer an illumination of John Stuart Mill’s thoughts on modernity. In this essay, firstly, in the first chapter, I will try to elaborate the reason why I write this essay and take a perspective of history and political philosophy as my analytic viewpoint. Moreover, I also briefly introduce Mill’s writings and the frameworks of this essay. In the second chapter, I describe the events, movements, and thoughts that gradually shape the modernity. From the standpoints of Weber, Hume and Romanticism, I also refer to one of the most important characteristics of modernity in political philosophy: value pluralism. In Mill’s thoughts, how to response to the problem derived from value pluralism is my most important discourse. In the following chapter, I offer an exposition to detail Mill’s discourses on modernity, focusing on his utilitarianism and liberalism. I mainly discuss how Mill’s principles of utility and liberty response to the problem derived from value pluralism. I also discuss two contemporary thinkers’ thoughts to find Mill’s discourses on modernity, namely John Rawls and John Gray. In the fourth chapter, I assess and review the criticisms on Mill’s discourses on modernity. In the conclusion chapter, I briefly go through the major viewpoints of this essay.
目次 Table of Contents

目 次

第一章 緒論………………………………………………………… 1
第一節 問題意識之緣起 ……………………………………………… 1
第二節 密爾的著作與本文架構 ……………………………………… 17

第二章 哲學上現代性的後果與問題……………………………… 19
第一節 形塑現代性的歷史事件 ……………………………………… 19
第二節 哲學上現代性的後果與問題…………………………………… 29

第三章 密爾對現代性危機之回應的論述………………………… 45
第一節 密爾的效益主義 ……………………………………………… 45
第二節 密爾的自由主義 ……………………………………………… 65

第四章 對密爾論述的幾點評論…………………………………… 101
第一節 對密爾的效益主義的幾點評論 ……………………………… 101
第二節 對密爾的自由主義的幾點評論 ……………………………… 115

第五章 結論………………………………………………………… 127
參考書目 …………………………………………………………… 135
參考文獻 References


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