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Title page for etd-0812103-082409
Outcomes of organizational Politics preceptions:the experiences of Taiwan
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job involvement, perceptions of organizational politics, intention of demission, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organization citizenship behavior, pressure from work
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本研究主要目的在綜合各方學者對組織政治知覺的文獻,並蒐集台灣經驗資料,以軍方、公、私立醫院、政府機關、公營服務業、民營金融服務業、民營服務業、民營高科技製造業及民營傳統製造業等九大類30個機關為研究對象,且採用Ferris , Kacmar (1992)31題版量表及Kacmar, Carlson (1997)15題版量表,作為新建研究量表之題項來源,來了解員工的組織政治知覺與工作滿足、工作投入、工作壓力、離職傾向、組織承諾、組織公民行為之關聯性。

一、 組織政治知覺量表經由主成分分析得到三個構面,命名為:
1. 上司與同事政治行為
2. 保持沈默靜待好處
3. 政策與實務差距

二、 組織政治知覺對後果變項之影響性分析
1. 組織政治知覺各構面對工作滿足具有顯著影響力,部分成立。
2. 組織政治知覺各構面對工作投入具有顯著影響力,部分成立。
3. 組織政治知覺各構面對工作壓力具有顯著影響力,成立。
4. 組織政治知覺各構面對離職傾向具有顯著影響力,部分成立。
5. 組織政治知覺各構面對組織承諾具有顯著影響力,部分成立。
6. 組織政治知覺各構面對組織公民行為具有顯著影響力,部分成立。
Many free enterprises in the world, regardless the size of these businesses, have encountering the globally affected financial crises in the twenty-first century. Especially the enterprises in Taiwan, they are affected not only by international incidents but also by natural plagues such as 921 earthquake and SARS. Therefore, some members in these enterprises, for pursuing their own personal goals, acquiring self-advantages or authorities, meditate the “political action” that may interfere other member’s working attitude as well as their job performance.

The purpose of this project was to assemble the documents about “perceptions of organizational politics” from several scholars and professors. To accomplish the purpose, a review of collected information from the thirty selected organizations such as both public and private hospitals, government offices, banks, high-tech industry, manufactures was conducted. Additionally, Kacmar’s (1992) 31 Assessment Sheet and Carlson (1997) 15 Assessment Sheet were applied to understand and study the connection among the employee’s “organizational politics perceptions”, job satisfaction, job involvement, the pressure from work, the intention of demission, organizational commitment, and organization citizenship behavior in the enterprises.

The result of the research are as followings:
Three subscales were obtained from the “Organizational Politics perceptions Sheet”:
1.Political behavior between supervisors and co-workers
2.Go along to get ahead
3.The interval between policy and practice

The affect of the outcomes of organizational politics perceptions.

1.Partially existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences job satisfaction.
2.Partially existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences job involvement.
3.Existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences work pressure.
4.Partially existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences demission intention.

5.Partially existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences organizational commitment.
6.Partially existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences organization citizenship behavior.

Key words: perceptions of organizational politics, job satisfaction, job involvement, pressure from work, intention of demission, organizational commitment, organization citizenship behavior
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機---------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的---------------------------------------2

第二章 文獻探討-----------------------------------------------3
第一節 組織政治知覺-----------------------------------3
第二節 工作滿足---------------------------------------7
第三節 工作投入---------------------------------------9
第四節 工作壓力--------------------------------------11
第五節 離職傾向--------------------------------------15
第六節 組織承諾--------------------------------------19
第七節 組織公民行為----------------------------------22
第八節 組織政治知覺與後果變項之相關研究--------------24

第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------29
第一節 研究架構--------------------------------------29
第二節 研究假設--------------------------------------30
第三節 操作型定義與衡量工具--------------------------30
第四節 研究對象與資料蒐集方法------------------------36
第五節 資料分析方法----------------------------------36

第四章 實證分析----------------------------------------------38
第一節 樣本與量表信度分析----------------------------38
第二節 研究變項間之關係------------------------------43
第三節 組織政治知覺對後果變項之影性分析--------------46

第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------50
第一節 研究結論--------------------------------------50
第二節 研究限制與建議--------------------------------55


附錄一 本研究使用問卷--------------------------------65
附錄二 組織政治知覺量表(POPS)使用題目審核表-------73
附錄三 組織政治知覺量表(POPS)測量因素構面彙整表-----75
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