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博碩士論文 etd-0813104-101907 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0813104-101907
The Research on Revaluing the Development of Taiwan in Feng Shang Reservoir in Kaohsiung
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Tourism, Feng Shang Reservoir, WTP(Willingness To Pay), CVM(Contingent Valuation Method), Revalue
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本研究利用條件評估法(CVM),以鳳山水庫為觀光遊憩之虛擬市場,以實際參訪過鳳山水庫之民眾為研究對象做問卷調查,研究目的除了分析探討其發展之市場潛力、未來使用經濟效益(Future Use Benefits)、非使用之經濟效益(Non-User Benefits)等議題外,並從其受訪者「不同的社經屬性」、「不同的戶外遊憩類型偏好」、及「對自然生態的認知與態度不同」等面向,對受訪者的「參與意願」與「付費意願」進行檢定以瞭解其客源屬性,分析結果有以下發現:

The Research on Revaluing the Development of Taiwan in Feng Shang Reservoir in Kaohsiung

Since weekend holidays were carried out, the government has emphasized the tourist recreation and advocated making state-run enterprises with special scenic spots open to the public for promoting use value of their resources. With a trend of economic liberalization, government businesses such as TSC, TPC, and TSIC need operating in diversification and start investing in the tourist industry, each of which is owned based on the government’s initiating plans for increasing the number of tourists.
The protective areas of water resource that belong to TWSC are abundant in the ecological environment; however, forbidding people to go there has led to an obvious phenomenon against the unique sources shared by the masses. On one hand, this research, by opening Feng Shang Reservoir in Kaohsiung, can make people closed to water, realize the processing water, understand the importance of water resources to construct a society concerning about water. On the other hand, by using the natural resources there well and multiplying services to attract tourists, it not only has the educational function implied in entertainment but also augments income. But running the protective area of water resources as a tourist site will cause some negative effects of environment and water pollution as well as the anxiety about scaring migratory birds. Therefore, the protection and management of water resources must be under the cautious control.
Making use of CVM, this research regards Feng Shang Reservoir as a fictitious market, and the visitors there as research objects of the investigation questionnaire. Besides analyzing the topics like the Development Market Potential, Future Use Benefits, Non-User Benefits…etc, the aims of the research include inspecting the attitudes of customers toward the willingness to participate in and to pay according to the interviewees’ different attitudes of social experiences, different preferences of outside recreations, different identifications of the nature…etc. The results are the followings:
1. Feng Shang Reservoir possesses the market potential.
2. Future use Benefits estimated between $NT30,000,000 and $NT50,000,000 every year are high.
3. Non-User Benefits estimated between $NT160,000,000 and $NT220,000,000 every year are quite high.
4. For the attitudes of customers, labors, government employees, staffs of public school, and people of middle and old age who recognize more about the nature have high willingness to participate in; the common people who recognize less about the nature need to inspire their willingness through educational advocacy.
Judging from the above results, this research advises that after appropriately developing Feng Shang Reservoir to the masses, the educational functions of water resources and the social benefits of environment are shared by all the society, which are equal to the return for society and even to TWSC’s positive performance.
Keywords:CVM(Contingent Valuation Method), WTP(Willingness To Pay), Tourism, Revalue, Feng Shang Reservoir.
目次 Table of Contents

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究假設與對象 4
第四節 研究方法及流程 5

第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 觀光遊憩之定義與分類 7
第二節 遊憩資源經濟效益分類 10
第三節 非市場估價法中之「條件評估法」 12
第四節 條件評估法相關文獻 18
第五節 國內發展案例 20

第三章 研究設計 23
第一節 研究架構 23
第二節 問卷設計 24
第三節 抽樣方法 27
第四節 信效度分析 28
第五節 分析方法 29

第四章 實證分析與討論 31
第一節 受訪者基本資料分析 31
第二節 鳳山水庫發展觀光遊憩市場分析 46
第三節 鳳山水庫發展觀光遊憩未來使用經濟效益之估算 57
第四節 鳳山水庫發展觀光遊憩非使用之經濟效益估算 58
第五節 鳳山水庫發展觀光遊憩客源屬性之分析 60

第五章 結論與建議 69
第一節 結論 69
第二節 建議 70

參考文獻 72

附錄 76
參考文獻 References

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