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博碩士論文 etd-0813108-101001 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0813108-101001
The Implementation PLM of Semiconductor Assembly Industry – An Example of A Company
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New Product Development, Product Lifecycle Management System, Collaborative Product Commerce
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As the consumption trend has shifted to personal uniqueness, the traditional mass production of a single product has already been replaced by a small amount of various production to match consumption pattern. To meet challenge imposed by the market, manufacturers must change tactics and methods in their R&D activities.
Consumers have already taken the high-quality products or services for granted, hoping to obtain the desired products or services that as soon as possible. The manufacturer expects to push new products or services to the market earlier than the competitors’ move in order to gain extra profit margins. Higher price can be sold for a product pushed earlier to the market than a later product with the similar function. The products that lag behind in the market introduction will suffer lower prices or no profit.
The manufacturer always wants to clear out the stock of existing products to control costs, and attempts to introduce new products or new services with more new functions before followers do. The purpose is to dominate the market and let followers not to enjoy profit margins. So, how to speed up the products’ lifecycle should be the goal for enterprises to pursue.
Recently, each enterprise emphasizes the core competencies, keep and strengthen the strong abilities of enterprises, and conducts outsourcing the less competitive products to those companies that are familiar with related manufacturing technologies. In the process a new product is developed or the modification for the product design has taken place. Questions arise as to : (1) how to transmit information to the person who must know as soon as possible? (2) how to guarantee the product information that the research personnel receive is the correct edition? Collaborative Product Commerce between the organizations will encounter more difficulties and challenges than the Collaborative Product Commerce within the organization. And this subject has already become serious challenges in the supply chain.
The products function has grown more complicated, and a lot of unconfirmed factors exist in the development of new products. While the project developed carries on, customers’ requirement, manufacturing technology and restriction of engineering ability, and the restriction of the supplier's engineering ability, may all influence the new product engineering. So while the new product development project carries on, because of these changes they will cause design modification or manufacturing operation modification, in order to enable development of the products to maintain integrally, and reach the goal of the project. So how to use PLM system to coordinate with among different functional organization department, and to coordinate inter-organization project team members, have become the main issues of this thesis.
For Semiconductor Industry, Taiwan is the most important manufacture area of the world, from IC design, wafer fabrication, wafer probing, IC packing and final test, etc. Taiwan has a entire and strong supply chains. Count according to Dataquest, the global semiconductor assembly and testing industry subcontractor, Taiwan got the 43.7% market share in 2005, nearly have about 30% of leading disparity with No. two U.S.A. with scale of 6,641 million dollars, it is obvious Taiwan is the leading status of the industry in the whole world.
This research takes case A Company as an example, and compares the new product development procedure before PLM implementation and after, including the project workflow, data access, information sharing, knowledge sharing, decision making and information security, in order to offer a reference model for the manufacturing industry especially semiconductor assembly and testing industry of Taiwan to implement PLM System.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究問題 4
第四節 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 新產品的定義與新產品開發流程 6
2.1.1新產品的定義 6
2.1.2新產品開發流程 7
第二節 協同產品商務(Collaborative Product Commerce) 11
第三節 產品生命週期管理 12
2.3.1 產品生命週期管理概念的產生 12
2.3.2產品生命週期管理的定義 13
2.3.3實施產品生命週期管理的原因 14
第四節 差異事件 15
第三章 研究架構與研究方法 17
第一節 研究架構 17
第二節 研究流程 17
第三節 個案選擇 18
第四節 資料蒐集與分析 19
第四章 個案探討與分析 21
第一節 參數科技的產品生命週期管理解決方案 21
4.1.1 PTC參數科技公司簡介 21
4.1.2 PTC「產品生命週期管理」解決方案簡介 23
4.1.3 Windchill解決方案的產品簡介 25
4.1.4 PTC產品生命週期管理流程參考模型簡介 30
第二節 個案A公司 34
4.2.1 公司簡介 34
4.2.2 半導體封裝代工產業環境 37
4.2.3 個案描述 41
第三節 個案分析 55
4.3.1 量產產品開發專案 55
4.3.2 新材料及新製程驗證專案 70
4.3.3 新產品導入專案 76
第五章 結論與建議 79
第一節 結論 79
第二節 建議 80
參考文獻 81
(ㄧ)、中文部份 81
(二)、英文部份 81
(三)、網站部份 82
參考文獻 References
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