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蘇珊 史翠菊之國際政治經濟學理論研究
A Research of IPE Theories of Susan Strange
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international political economy, structure, structrual power analysis, new diplomacy, risk, value
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蘇珊 史翠菊(Susan Strange, 1923-1998),英國人、女性、大學畢業、六個小孩的媽媽,這樣毫不顯赫的學、經歷背景下,卻正凸顯了史翠菊不平凡且獨特的生命歷程。她是英國國際政治經濟學的創始者、英國國際關係研究協會英國國際研究協會(British International Studies Association, BISA)創始者、並且是以非美國人成為二十世紀美國國際關係協會(International Relations Association, ISA)主席的第二人,也憑著她對於IPE這樣一門新興學門的熱情與期許,史翠菊以訪問學者身份走遍世界多國遍及美洲、歐洲、亞洲、澳洲等洲,倡議國際政治經濟學(International Political Economy, IPE)理當成為提供各學門論點交流的場域,並主張以多元的途徑和多元的價值來進行IPE的相關研究。最難能可貴的是,即便是這樣繁忙的生活也沒能減損她的文章或著作發表量,她的著作發表量驚人,相關的論文也往往發人深省。
史翠菊是當代研究IPE理論者不能不知的代表性人物。在國外,史翠菊的「結構權力分析」(Structural Power Analysis)提供的四個架構,已經成為多數IPE教科書的章節安排的基本架構,而其「新外交」(New Diplomacy)趨向的提出也引起巨大的迴響,但是,綜觀台灣學術圈中對於史翠菊的IPE理論研究,多半僅只提及史翠菊這個人或借用她的理論,至於專著根本就付之闕如,筆者以為這是國內IPE研究亟需填補的漏洞,本論文也期盼藉此研究能發揮拋磚引玉的作用。有鑑於此,在其理論主體討論前,筆者則先以史翠菊的生平、著作與其所處時代的背景、她對於IPE這門獨到學門的看法為鋪陳,至於理論主體的部分,筆者則認為「價值」、「結構」、「危機」是三個主要貫穿史翠菊IPE理論的概念,因此,本論文也就依循著「危機發生」→「結構改變」→「價值改變」→「危機的發生」循環過程論證史翠菊的「結構權力分析」、「新外交」、以及她對於「霸權與全球體系」的論點。
Susan Strange who is British, female, a master and a mother of six children. This woman can be one of us but who has much rich life than anyone. She is foundation of IPE of British, and foundation of British International Studies Association (BISA), and who also is one of two non-American chairmen of American International Relations Association (ISA) in 20 century. She also visits many countries worldwide American, European, Asia and Australia areas for promote her ideas of IPE, which should be an open field for each subject of Social Science, and the research approach should be multi-value and multi-approach. Even in such busy life, Strange still published lots articles and books, and the ideas also spirit lots people who is contemporary with her or later.
Strange is a representative of IPE in 20 century. Strange’s Structural Power Analysis has become a framework of many IPE textbooks and her New Diplomacy also point out a new trend of Diplomacy. In the overseas, the research of her is important and popular. But in Taiwan, We can’t find any research about her and her theories; even some articles may be mention about her name or her theory parts. Therefore, A research of theories of Strange is essential and important work for research circle of IPE in Taiwan. That is what this Article tries to aim at, and hope can provoke responses. So, the person, her life and authors are first thing we should know, and then her ideas of what is IPE subject. Of Course, her theories, which are Structural Power Analysis, New Diplomacy and what is hegemony and who’s duty in International Society, is what the main point of this article. I regard the three main concepts of her theories are risks, structures and Values. So, this article also develop by “Risk Occur” → “Structures Change” → “Values Change” → “Risk Occur”.
目次 Table of Contents
蘇珊 史翠菊之國際政治經濟學理論研究
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1

第二章 生平、著作及其時代背景……………………………………13

第三章 史翠菊對IPE的看法………………………………………...25
第一節 IPE作為一門獨立學科………………………………………...25
第二節 IPE是回歸本質的研究………………………………………...29
第三節 IPE與其它學科的關係………………………………………...40

第四章 史翠菊的分析架構…………………………………………..45
第一節 結構權力分析…………………………………………………..45
第二節 四大結構………………………………………………………..46
第三節 社會的權力來源………………………………………………..54
第四節 西發利亞體系的瓦解…………………………………………..59

第五章 新外交………………………………………………………..63

第六章 霸權與全球體系……………………………………………..81

第七章 結論:反思史翠菊……………………………………………99

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