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博碩士論文 etd-0814109-164505 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0814109-164505
Study on Lubricating Properties of Emulsions in Cold Rolling
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
emulsion, plasto-hydrodynamic lubrication, oil pooling
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5701 times, has been downloaded 1362 times.
本研究提出適用於乳化液在冷軋塑液動潤滑模型,以牛頓-瑞福遜法求解油水兩相之等效雷諾方程式及薄板塑性變形方程式。在數值模擬中,影響冷軋塑液動潤滑模型收斂最主要的二個因素,為進口端油膜厚度以及薄板進口區速度,而進口端油膜厚度可由Willson & Wallowit公式[5]估算當作猜值。而本文探討初始油相比、滾輪速度、縮減比、前向張力、後向張力、黏度壓力係數及表面張力群對於乳化液潤滑特性之影響。
In this study, a model suitable for the plasto-hydrodynamic lubrication of cold rolling with the oil-in-water emulsions has been developed. The coupled modified Reynolds and von Karman equations are solved by the Newton-Raphson method. In the numerical simulation, the main factors of influencing the numerical convergence are the initial guess for the inlet film thickness and the inlet speed of strip. The inlet film thickness can be estimated by the Wilson and Walowit formula [5]. The effects of oil volume fraction, surface speed of roller, reduction ratio, forward tension, backward tension, pressure viscosity coefficient, and surface tension group on the lubricating properties of cold rolling are investigated.
Results show that the film thickness increases with increasing surface speed of roller, but its effects on the film pressure, the roll force and the roll torque are not conspicuous. In addition, the film thickness increases as the pressure viscosity coefficient increases. In the condition of the very low pressure viscosity coefficient, hydrodynamic lubrication of cold rolling works by enhancing the forward tension. Ahead of the roll bite, the metal surface has a higher affinity to the oil phase so that water is excluded and the oil pooling is formed because of the difference in the viscosity of the two components of the emulsion. Hence, in the condition of the lower initial oil volume fraction, the thicker film thickness is formed by the higher oil volume fraction in the work zone due to the oil pooling. The oil pooling is mainly influenced by the surface tension group. The surface speed of roller and the reduction ratio could enhance the oil volume fraction ahead of the roll bite.
目次 Table of Contents
總 目 錄

總目錄 i
圖目錄 v
表目錄 ix
符號說明 x
中文摘要 xiii
英文摘要 xiv

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 乳化液概述 1
1.3 文獻回顧 2
1.4 本文重點 5
1.5 論文架構 5
第二章 理論分析 7
2.1 前言 7
2.2 基本假設 8
2.3 無因次化 10
2.4 黏度方程式 10
2.5 進口區分析 11
2.5.1 油膜厚度的幾何分析 11
2.5.2 純油雷諾方程式 12
2.5.3 乳化液雷諾方程式 12
2.5.4 剪應力方程式 13
2.5.5 邊界條件 14
2.6 塑性區分析 14
2.6.1 薄板及油膜厚度的幾何分析 14
2.6.2 純油雷諾方程式 15
2.6.3 乳化液雷諾方程式 16
2.6.4 剪應力方程式 17
2.6.5 邊界條件 17
2.6.6 薄板塑性變形方程式 18
2.7 出口區分析 18
2.7.1 油膜厚度的幾何分析 18
2.7.2 純油雷諾方程式 19
2.7.3 乳化液雷諾方程式 19
2.7.4 剪應力方程式 20
2.7.5 邊界條件 21
2.8 進口及出口位置 21
2.8.1 進口位置 21
2.8.2 出口位置 22
2.9 其它相關參數方程式 22
2.9.1 滾輪負荷 22
2.9.2 滾輪轉矩 22
第三章 數值分析 23
3.1 純油 24
3.1.1 進口區 24
3.1.2 塑性區 25
3.1.3 出口區 28
3.2 乳化液 29
3.2.1 進口區 29
3.2.2 塑性區 33
3.2.3 出口區 39
第四章 結果與討論 41
4.1 純油 41
4.1.1 滾輪速度對於冷軋特性的影響 41
4.1.2 縮減比對於冷軋特性的影響 42
4.1.3  前、後向張應力對於冷軋特性的影響 43
4.1.4 黏度壓力係數對於冷軋特性的影響 44
4.1.5 彈性變形對於冷軋特性的影響 44
4.1.6 簡易雷諾方程式對於冷軋特性的影響 45
4.2 乳化液 45
4.2.1 油相比對於冷軋特性的影響 45
4.2.2 滾輪速度對於冷軋特性的影響 46
4.2.3 縮減比對於冷軋特性的影響 47
4.2.4 前、後向張應力對於冷軋特性的影響 48
4.2.5 黏度壓力係數對於冷軋特性的影響 48
4.2.6 表面張力群對於冷軋特性的影響 49
第五章 結論與建議 50
5.1 結論 50
5.2 建議 52
參考文獻 97
參考文獻 References
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