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Behaviour associated with shell competition in the urchin crab, Dorippe quadridens
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competition, Dorippe quadridens
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四齒關公蟹(Dorippe quadridens)位於背甲上第四、第五對步足的末端成鉤狀,使四齒關公蟹具攜物的能力,有關此蟹的研究大多集中在牠的攜物行為,而目前對於四齒關公蟹種內的資源競爭的了解甚少,故本研究目的(1).使用體型、背足是否殘缺和攜殼與否,探討這些因素對於四齒關公蟹種內的資源競爭形式、行為表現、競爭時的決策與競爭結果之影響。(2).蟹體的背足寬和體重對其選擇的殼之條件的影響。結果發現,體型大和小的個體先找到殼的機會無顯著差異,而背足缺失和正常的個體先找到殼的機會也是相同。挑選殼的實驗結果顯示在可選擇且殼重小於或稍大於蟹重的情形下,對殼的選擇性則以本身的條件當最低底限,因為短於背足寬不易緊握且保護能力低,所以四齒關公蟹不挑小於背足寬的殼。不對稱競爭者在競爭殼資源的結果發現,先攜殼者較易獲勝(即能在競爭後持有殼),而體型差異和背足是否殘缺並不影響勝負。但在體型相似的組別卻否定了攜殼者的優勢,顯示尚有其他因素干擾。從行為表現上來看,體型小者不論是作為攜殼者還是侵入者,在面對比他大的對手會大多採取逃避或防衛的行為,而當對手變為體型與其本身相似時,主動攻擊對方行為次數就增多。在背足是否有缺失的影響上,缺背足和背足正常的侵入者之行為表現沒有差異,但缺背足的攜殼者之打鬥行為表現則比正常者明顯,顯示缺背足者不會容易放棄殼。而體型和背足缺失對於打鬥持續時間的影響上,僅有兩競爭者的體型差距對於打鬥持續時間呈現負的關係,大小差異越大時,打鬥時間越短。大和小個體的體型則與打鬥持續時間無相關。而四齒關公蟹會避免對手搶走已背負的殼,不論是主動攻擊侵入者還是逃避對手的搶奪,且在實驗中發現個體間尋找資源的速度沒有差異,因此四齒關公蟹的種內競爭模式應該為干擾型競爭,並會依個體本身狀況和所面對的情況為何,進而改變競爭行為策略的決定。
The tips of the fourth and fifth pairs of pereiopods of the Dorippe quadridens are hook-liked that enable them to carry some objects. Many researches have studied the carrying behavior of this crab, but very few on its behavior related to competition for resource (i.e., the objects such as shells). This study was designed (1), to investigate the effects of body size, autotomy (loss of these pereiopods), and order in occupation of shell on the final passion of the shell (i.e., the resource), and (2) selectivity of shell. Dorippe quadridens often chose the shells larger than its pereiopod width. Weights of the selected shell were not related to the body weight of the crabs; they preferred larger but lighter shells. Probability of finding a shell did not correlated either with body size or the condition of the pereiopods. Under an asymmetric contest for shell, a shell owner stood a higher chance of holding on to the shell against an invader which tried to rob the shell. This situation did not replay in a symmetric contest. A small shell owner and a smaller invader for shell behaved differently against their larger competitor as contrast to a symmetric contest for shell. Duration of fight for shell was related to the size differences of the contestants. Under the symmetric-contest condition, durations of fight in pairs of variable sizes remained relatively constant that this parameter was not affected by the sizes of the contesting pairs. It appeared that the D. quadridens made decision on the fighting strategy by assessing the conditions of the opponent and themselves; they would fight against or escape from the opponents under different conditions. The behavioral performances observed in this crab species conform to the definition of interference competition.
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