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Title page for etd-0817105-224110
Analyzing the relationship among risk-attitude, organizational climate, motivation and organizational commitment
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motivation, risk-taking, organizational climate, organizational commitment
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The capital, material resources, equipments, organizational employees, and technological resources are the key points for a business to maintain competitive. Amongst these, “human resources” are the main body for allocating the resources; and within the human resource system, environmental factors such as the organizational climate and sense of inspiration are the most significant causes of the employees’ behaviors. Moreover, apart from the market competitiveness and beneficial abilities, the unity amongst the employees and their working attitudes are also main factors depending on which the business would succeed or not. Whether the employees are willing to work hard and grow with the company would be depending on how the company treats its employees.
The personal needs and preferred risk differ from person to person; some work for money, whilst some work for work; thus, for some people, an inspirational measure might be very important, for it would inspire them to work hard, whilst for others, the measure might be of no inspirational effect at all. As for the organization, to effectively meet this goal, the business executives would need to understand associated topics of inspiration, and design effective and strategic inspirational combinations focusing on the needs and expectations of the employees, so as to attract and keep excellent human talents, inspire the potentials of the employees, and consequently elevate the organizational promises and the work achievements.
The developing staffs, business sales persons and the administrative staffs of listed companies in Taiwan were used as the study population in the present research, with the risk preference as the independent variable, the organizational promise as the dependent variable, and the awareness of the organizational climate as the moderator variable; the associations and influences between the variables were studied. Moreover, the inspirational factor was further included as the confounding variable for studying its confounding effects on the other variables. A total of 1,322 surveys were sent out, and 269 of which were completed and returned. Through differential analysis, correlational analysis, and multiple regression analysis, the empirical findings of the present study are as the following:
1.Risk preference, awareness of the organizational climate, inspirational factor, and organizational promises differed depending on the different individual attributes.
2.Risk preferences and organizational climate were correlated with the promises the employees made for the organization.
3.the employees’ awareness of the organizational climate had influences on risk preference and the promises for the organization
4.The relationship between risk preferences and the awareness of the organizational climate and the relationship between organizational climate and organizational promise are confounded by the inspirational factor.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 研究流程4
第二章 文獻探討5
第一節 風險偏好5
第二節 組織氣候12
第三節 激勵因素19
第四節 組織承諾31
第五節 風險偏好、組織氣候、激勵因素、組織承諾之相關研究43
第三章 研究方法47
第一節 研究架構47
第二節 研究假設48
第三節 研究變項操作性定義49
第四節 研究工具53
第五節 研究對象及資料蒐集60
第六節 資料分析方法62
第四章 研究結果與分析63
第一節 樣本描述性分析63
第二節 個人屬性在各構面之差異分析65
第三節 各構面之相關分析74
第四節 風險偏好、組織氣候與組織承諾之影響性分析76
第五節 組織氣候之中介效果分析78
第六節 激勵因素之干擾效果分析81
第五章 討論與建議90
第一節 結論90
第二節 研究限制94
第三節 研究結果之意涵與建議95

表 目 錄
表 2-1 國內研究者對組織氣候定義的彙總12
表 2-2 國外研究者對組織氣候定義的彙總13
表 2-3 國內外研究者的組織氣候構面整理15
表 2-4 激勵定義彙總20
表 2-5 Herzberg的兩要因模式23
表 2-6 激勵因素的分類28
表 2-7 國內研究者的組織承諾定義整理32
表 2-8 國外研究者的組織承諾定義整理33
表 2-9 組織承諾的分類整理34
表 3-1 激勵因素之主要構面及研究變數50
表 3-2 各量表之項目分析摘要表54
表 3-3 風險偏好因素分析結果彙整表55
表 3-4 組織承諾因素分析結果彙整表58
表 3-5 各量表之信度結果彙整60
表 3-6 問卷回收情況61
表 4-1 樣本特徵顯示結果63
表 4-2 性別於各構面間之差異分析65
表 4-3 年齡於各構面之差異性分析66
表 4-4 教育程度於各構面之差異性分析67
表 4-5 婚姻狀況於各構面間之差異分69
表 4-6 隸屬部門於各構面之差異性分69
表 4-7 現任職務於各構面間之差異分71
表 4-8 現職年資於各構面之差異性分72
表 4-9 風險偏好、組織氣候、激勵因素與組織承諾各構面之相關分
表 4-10 風險偏好對組織承諾之迴歸分76
表 4-11 組織氣候對組織承諾之迴歸分77
表 4-12 風險偏好及組織氣候對組織承諾之層級迴歸分80
表 4-13 激勵因素對於風險偏好與組織承諾關係之干擾效82
表 4-14 激勵因素對於組織氣候與組織承諾關係之干擾效85
表 4-15 研究假設驗證彙總90
圖 目 錄
圖 1-1 研究流程4
圖 2-1 激勵之行為模式19
圖 2-2 Maslow之層次需求模式22
圖 2-2 工作豐富化模式25
圖 2-3 Vroom期望模式的過程26
圖 2-4 Porter & Lawler’s Mode26
圖 2-5 強化模式的過程27
圖 2-6 Robbins之激勵獎酬制度30
圖 2-7 Steer之組織承諾前因後果模式37
圖 2-8 Mowday 的組織承諾模式38
圖 2-9 組織承諾的發展階段38
圖 2-10預期承諾的決定因素39
圖 2-11初期承諾的決定因素39
圖 2-12鞏固期承諾的決定因素40
圖 2-13承諾態度與行為之交互影響40
圖 2-14Mathieu and Zajac 的組織承諾前因後果變項41
圖 3-1 研究架構47
圖 4-1 外附非財務性激勵對風險規避傾向與價值承諾之干擾作用83
圖 4-2 內滋激勵對風險愛好傾向與留職承諾之干擾作用83
圖 4-3 外附非財務性激勵對風險愛好傾向與留職承諾之干擾作用84
圖 4-4 外附財務性激勵對權責與價值承諾之干擾作用87
圖 4-5 外附財務性激勵對管理氣候與努力承諾之干擾作用87
圖 4-6 內滋激勵對人情與努力承諾之干擾作用88
圖 4-7 外附財務性激勵對管理氣候與努力承諾之干擾作用89
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