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Title page for etd-0818105-134740
中小企業赴大陸投資其經營策略之研究 以散熱風扇PCB組裝廠A公司為例
Research of the Mainland Investment’s Business Strategy for Small and Medium Enterprises
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Entry Model, World Factory, Business Strategy
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在中國大陸之世界工廠強力吸金下,國內經營環境亦產生劇烈變動,各產業外移的現象嚴重,其中資訊產業的競爭優勢有逐漸消逝的趨勢。在現今3C電子產品迅速發展的過程中,輕薄短小的設計已成為未來發展趨勢,伴隨而來的是散熱技術需快速升級,CPU 散熱器成為現今資訊產業中重要之零組件,散熱器零組件行業成為當今之熱門焦點,但亦隨高科技業、資訊業紛紛移往大陸設廠生產,其中在散熱器OEM母公司周圍的以小企業為主的眾多衛星工廠,立刻面臨欠缺台灣訂單與市場的困境,該如何因應,有何策略上的思考,擬定其經營策略,是台灣眾多衛星廠商面臨的重要課題。




本研究亦建議,對於衛星工廠或外包廠商角色者的中小企業進入大陸地區投資,當資本額需求不大,訂單來源穩定,經營獲利有相當把握時,宜採用獨資之進入模式;應於初期,考慮租賃當地廠房、設備之彈性做法,以降低高資源投入所可能帶來的經營風險,並快速量產、回收投資 。



As affected by the massive capital into the Mainland China known as the world factory, not only the national business environment has been changed dramatically, but the outgoing trend of various industries has also been raised severely. In particular, the competitive advantage of the information sector has reflected a sign of falling behind in gradual. On the other hand, 3C electronic products on the tendency toward the flipping and short design have been promptly developed in the prevailing evolution process, along with necessity of rapid upgrade on heat-radiating technique. The heat-radiator module industry becomes the most heat as the CPU radiator plays the vital component of the information sector. Following high-tech industry and information sector shifting their production plants to mainland, however, small enterprises based on numerous satellite factories around the radiator OEM parent company encounter an instant dilemma for lack of the Taiwan’s order and market. For this instance, an essential subject what they confronted and considered is to constitute the business strategy adaptable to the existence.

According to the study, it was deemed that seeking for the suitable entry model and defining the feasible business strategy are the primary rules of the Taiwan firms toward the mainland investment at the initial stage. Since factors that they took into considerations overlapped and influenced one another, this research on both the basis of the relevant literatures and the demonstration of the practice business case probed into sorts of entry modes and considering elements that the upstream electronic parts suppliers of the radiator industry among small and medium enterprises migrated to the mainland. It also explored the business strategy along with its implementation and achievement through all strata of core competency, HR policy, value chain activity and so on while integrated the related factors of counterparts, as well as submitted suggestions and deliberations on the strategic aspect for the subject firm and the interesting relevant sector as a result of 5S and SWOT analyses.

The object of this research was a PCB process assembly factory engaging in productions of heat-radiating fans – one of the small-/mid-sizes electronic parts suppliers, basing on the case study approach by processes of the concerned records conference, research structure confirmation, interview subject affirmation and profound survey fulfillment to collect data directly.

In the respect of the adaptable entry model that the “A” firm got to set up in the mainland was primarily considering on the country, industry, market, itself and etc. It included political risks of the cross-strait, low, regulation and system of the mainland, infrastructures, and administration efficiency of the government for country factor, as well as industry cluster formation, strategy alliance of major downstream correspondents, and growth potential of market for industry factor. The firm itself also considered compatibility, dependency, business strategy, financial capability and core technology ability of partners. Whereas product factor, assessments were taken on the life circle, time to market and decision making. Finally, the “A” firm was the venture exclusively with its own investment on the mainland after all of the aforesaid was cohered as the evaluation criterions of control strength and resource input.

This research also suggested that exclusive venture is the adaptable model for satellite factories or outsourcers to penetrate into the mainland with less capital, stable order and predictable business profits. In the primary stage, the lease of local premises and installations is regarded as the rational practice to diminish the managing risks of vast investment in addition to swift mass productions and investment retrieve.

With the prospective business strategy, the “A” firm proceeded with the equal combination of the costs shrinkage and diversifications. Namely, competitive advantages were derived from the diversified quality products and the cheap prices underpinned by the total low costs. Aggressive engagements for the latter included foundations of critical mass facility, strict cost control, production capability and utilization rate promotion, productive efficiency improvement, and effective procurement system, along with persistent process upgrade, quality control and mass production velocity advancement. The focus on the former featured on the R&D experiences accumulations, production molder creation, process technique and quality management enforcement, strategy alliance with OEM parent firm to strengthen R&D, new technology engrossment, customer service, realistic delivery, in time to market and so on.

In the alternation of miscellaneous objective conditions, this research proposed that business model as considered has to be gradually transformed from vertical integration to horizontal segmentation. Relatively, it will either blend the mainland local industry or nourish the native suppliers to compete with the Taiwan products in the mainland market. If the radiator OEM parent company shifted the said horizontal segmentation style, for instance, numerous satellite factories and outsourcers of small and medium enterprises should seek for the feasible direction to link up with the local counterparts for technique R&D promotion toward the mainland market with product application, commercialization ability and management technology.

Furthermore, it has been fragile for small and medium enterprises to convert the professional knowledge into intellectual property rights while popular examples such as certain inventions missing advantages resulting from the mainland imitation have been seen everywhere. Thus, it also could be the feasible way for small and medium enterprises to positively participate in the relevant R&D alliances with logical input for intensive interests. Such intents emphasized on R&D and innovation stress, technology upgrade initiation, well knowledge management, literalizing and digitalization, and commercialization and value creation. Through the strategy consideration, the decision on transferring of technology for becoming one member of the strategy alliance or the transformation model of upstream and downstream plants has not only attained the global leverage, but also acquired benefits from technique franchises, in addition to the accomplishment of the win-win prospects for the Taiwan investors on the great China sector.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------II
英文摘要 -----------------------------------------------------------V
目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------X
圖目錄 -----------------------------------------------------------XII
第一節 研究背景與動機-----------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的與問題 ----------------------------------------4
第三節 研究流程-----------------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討-----------------------------------------------------7
第一節 台商赴大陸投資概況-------------------------------------7
第二節 中國大陸吸引外資概況----------------------------------12
第三節 散熱器產業概況----------------------------------------14
第四節 台商赴大陸投資進入模式及其考量因素--------------------19
第五節 台商赴大陸投資之經營策略------------------------------38
第三章 研究設計----------------------------------------------------55
第一節 研究對象----------------------------------------------55
第二節 研究方法----------------------------------------------56
第三節 研究架構----------------------------------------------58
第四章 個案分析----------------------------------------------------61
第一節 個案公司簡介------------------------------------------61
第二節 進入模式及其考量因素----------------------------------65
第三節 經營策略分析------------------------------------------67
第四節 五力分析與SWOT分析-----------------------------------70
第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------------78
第一節 研究結論---------------------------------------------78
第二節 研究限制---------------------------------------------82
第三節 後續研究建議---------------=-------------------------83
附錄一 在大陸地區從事投資或技術合作許可辦法-----------------------88
附錄二 個案訪談題目-----------------------------------------------93

表2-1.1 經濟部核准資料---------------------------------------------8
表2-1.2 台商對大陸投資統計 行業別-------------------------------10
表2-1.3台商對大陸投資統計 地區別-------------------------------11
表2-1.4 廠商投資年數分析------------------------------------------12
表2-1.5 台商投資型態分析------------------------------------------12
表2-2.1 直接外資對中國大陸的貢獻表--------------------------------13
表2-4.1 國際企業進入策略選擇--------------------------------------20
表2-4.2 國際市場進入模式類型之彙總--------------------------------21
表2-4.3 國際市場進入模式類型與函義--------------------------------22
表2-4.4 台商赴大陸投資主要進入模式特性----------------------------23
表2-4.5 Dunning OLI 三因素進入模式-------------------------------25
表2-4.6 進入模式之相關理論----------------------------------------28
表2-4.7 台商赴大陸投資進入模式相關文獻內容整理--------------------36
表2-5.1 近代主要學者對企業競爭策略定義----------------------------38
表2-5.2 H.Boyd 組織整體、事業與行銷策略的要素---------------------40
表2-5.3 企業經營策略類型的劃分與特徵------------------------------42
表4-1.1 台灣母公司與大陸子公司概況--------------------------------61
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