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博碩士論文 etd-0819109-005410 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0819109-005410
Application of UV/O3 to Mineralize NMP in Aqueous Solution
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N-甲基吡咯酮(N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone; NMP)在半導體及光電產業製程中被大量作為去光阻劑及清洗劑使用,然而以現階段傳統廢水處理程序並無法有效地使其降解;本研究之目的為將含有NMP之溶液以高級氧化程序進行處理,期能為礦化此類物質找尋嶄新之處理方法;本研究以O3為主要之高級氧化單元,結合UV光以及H2O2等程序,進行NMP礦化效率之探討;實驗中以TOC為NMP之礦化效率指標,TOC分析原理為UV/過硫酸鹽法和催化燃燒氧化法,偵測方法為NDIR(非分散性紅外檢測器)。
研究結果顯示,於不同高級氧化程序,控制NMP 初始反應濃度20mg/l、UV 照射強度37.2mWcm-2、H2O2 注入劑量2.5×10-4 mol min-1、O3 注入劑量5.0×10-4 mol min-1,反應時間60 分鐘後,對NMP 之礦化效率依次為:UV/O3(89%)>UV/H2O2/O3(58%)>O3/H2O2(48%)>O3(42%) > UV/H2O2(34%) 。UV/O3 程序在NMP 初始反應濃度20mg/l、UV 照射強度37.2mWcm-2、O3 注入劑量5.0×10-4 mol min-1之反應條件下,反應時間60 分鐘後,NMP 之最佳礦化效率為89%。UV/O3 程序隨著NMP 初始反應濃度之增加,礦化效率隨之降低,系統反應60 分鐘後,隨著NMP 初始濃度由20 mg/L 增加至80 mg/L,NMP 礦化效率分別為89%、82%、61%、54%;且由實驗結果可觀察到UV/O3 程序礦化NMP 為擬一階反應(Pseudo first-order reaction),不同NMP 初始濃度之擬一階反應常數(kobs)介於0.0365~0.0127 min-1之間,半衰期(t1/2)則介於18.99~54.58 min 之間;UV/O3 程序礦化NMP為擬一階反應,主要原因為隨著NMP初始反應濃度之增加,於UV/O3程序在完全礦化NMP 前會先將NMP 轉化為有機酸,⋅OH 對此等有機酸之礦化速率較慢,NMP 初始反應濃度愈高,反應期間之有機酸濃度亦隨之增高,相對之NMP 礦化效率隨之降低。H2O2 同時扮演液相中⋅OH 之誘使者與掠奪者之角色,H2O2/O3 之添加莫耳比率會影響UV/O3 程序礦化NMP 之效率;就本研究反應器之設置狀況及NMP之濃度範圍,H2O2 在UV/O3 程序會與NMP 競爭⋅OH,並扮演⋅OH 掠奪者之角色,於UV/O3 程序添加H2O2 對本研究之NMP 礦化並無正面效益。本研究針對二價鐵離子對UV/O3 程序礦化NMP 效率之實驗結果顯示,系統反應60 分鐘後,NMP 礦化效率介於48%~89%之間,隨著二價鐵離子濃度之增加,UV/O3 程序礦化NMP 之效率隨之減
少,由於二價鐵離子於UV/O3 反應系統中被氧化形成氫氧化鐵沉澱物
並增加系統之濁度,進而阻礙UV 光之穿透度,反應機制消長之下,
本研究中二價鐵離子對UV/O3 程序礦化NMP 之效率並無實質之助益。控制pH 值為3.0~10.0,實驗結果顯示UV/O3 程序礦化NMP 之擬一階反應常數(kobs)介於0.0349~0.0362 min-1 之間,半衰期(t1/2)則介於19.15~19.86 min 之間;pH 值於3.0~10.0 對於UV/O3程序礦化NMP效率之影響可被忽略。於UV/O3 系統中分別添加K2SO4 及NaClO4,以增加SO42-及ClO4-離子強度,實驗結果顯示SO42-及ClO4-離子強度並不會抑制UV/O3 程序礦化NMP 之效率,亦不會影響UV/O3 程序產生⋅OH 之反應路徑,反應常數(kobs)與半衰期(t1/2)相關係數與無添加SO42-及ClO4-離子強度之UV/O3 程序礦化NMP 實驗結果並無明顯差異。
This study evaluated the performance of advanced oxidation processes that combines UV, O3 and H2O2 to mineralize N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) in an aqueous solution. As a photoresist stripper, NMP is widely used in the semi-conductor and optoelectronics industries, and difficult to be degraded by bio-treatment of wastewater. The concentration of total organic carbon (TOC) was selected as a mineralization index of the decomposition of NMP by the advanced oxidation process.
Results of this study indicate that UV irradiation 37.2 mWcm−2 UV(254 nm) and O3 doses of 5×10-4 mol/min causes the best 89% mineralization of NMP (20 mg/L) over a reaction time of 60 minitues and the the mineralization efficiency follows the sequence of UV/O3 (89%)>UV/H2O2/O3 (58%)>O3/H2O2 (48%)>O3 (42%)>UV/H2O2 (34%). The effect of the initial NMP concentration over the range of 20 to 80 mg/L on the mineralization rate of NMP was studied, and the experimental results indicates that the mineralization efficiency of NMP declines as the initial NMP concentration increases, the mineralization efficiencies were 89%、82%、61%、54% after a reaction time of 60 min. This result indicates that the photocatalytic mineralization of NMP by UV/O3 is not simple first-order but pseudo first-order. Since NMP generates organic acid compounds, which cannot easily be decomposed by hydroxide radicals (⋅OH ) before fully mineralization, a higher concentration of NMP results in a higher concentration of organic acid compounds. Hence, the mineralization rate of more highly concentrated NMP is lower. The pseudo first-order rate constant (kobs) is calculated between 0.0365~0.0127 min-1 and half-life (t1/2) between 18.99~54.58 minitues. The existence of the H2O2 may influence the NMP mineralization rate in the UV/O3 system, because H2O2 plays the role of initiator and scavenger at the same time. The experiment results inducate that as the concentration of H2O2 increases, the mineralization rate of NMP declines. In the UV/O3 system, the H2O2 consumed hydroxide radicals and acted as a scavenger of hydroxide radical. Adding H2O2 to the UV/O3 system has a negative effect of NMP mineralization. Adding ferrous ions is likely to reduce the mineralization rate of NMP, the mineralization efficiency reduces from 89% to 48% as the ferrous ions increses from 0 mg/L to 10 mg/L, because the ferrous ions in the solution are oxidized into the ferric hydroxide
precipitate in a UV/O3 environment and produce turbidity in the reactor. This precipitation phenomenon somewhat obstructs the penetration of UV light. UV/O3 is less capable of mineralizing NMP. The presence of ferrous ions reduces the effectiveness of UV/O3 in mineralizing NMP.
The result indicates that this pH range does not affect the mineralization process. The pseudo first-order rate constant (kobs) is calculated between 0.0349~0.0362 min-1 and half-life (t1/2) between 19.15~19.86 minitues over the range of pH:3.0 to pH:10.0 in the UV/O3 system. The pH values of the solution do not affect the mineralization efficiency of the UV/O3 process. The results also show that in highly SO42- and ClO4- ionic environment, NMP mineralization is not suppressed, indicating that a highly ionic environment does not negatively affect the generation of hydroxide radical by UV/O3 system.
目次 Table of Contents
謝 誌 Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅲ
英文摘要 Ⅵ
目 錄 Ⅷ
表目錄 ⅩⅠ
圖目錄 ⅩⅢ
第一章 前 言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的與內容 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 NMP之特性 5
2.2 高級氧化程序介紹 8
2.2.1 臭氧基本性質 10
2.2.3 UV光基本性質 20
2.2.4 氫氧自由基基本性質 23
2.3 UV/O3程序 25
2.4 高級氧化程序於液相中礦化NMP之文獻 27
2.5 高級氧化程序礦化其他有機化合物之文獻 40
第三章 實驗設備與方法 48
3.1 實驗設計 48
3.1.1 不同反應程序實驗 48
3.1.2 不同反應條件實驗 50
3.2 實驗系統架構與測試 52
3.2.1 實驗系統架構 52
3.2.2 實驗系統測試 53
3.3 實驗器材與藥品 56
3.3.1 實驗器材 56
3.3.2 實驗藥品 57
3.4 分析方法 58
3.4.1 氣相臭氧濃度分析方法 58
3.4.2 水中臭氧濃度分析方法 60
3.4.3 UV照射強度分析方法 60
3.4.4 總有機碳分析方法 62
第四章 結果與討論 64
4.1 不同反應程序礦化NMP效率之探討 64
4.1.1 UV/H2O2之NMP礦化效率 65
4.1.2 O3之NMP礦化效率 66
4.1.3 O3/H2O2之NMP礦化效率 67
4.1.4 UV/O3之NMP礦化效率 68
4.1.5 UV/O3/H2O2之NMP礦化效率 70
4.1.6 不同反應程序礦化NMP結果彙整說明 71
4.2 不同反應條件礦化NMP效率之探討 74
4.2.1 NMP初始濃度對UV/O3程序礦化NMP效率之影響 74
4.2.2 pH值對UV/O3程序礦化NMP效率之影響 79
4.2.3 H2O2注入劑量對UV/O3程序礦化NMP效率之影響 81
4.2.4 離子強度對UV/O3程序礦化NMP效率之影響 83
4.2.5 二價鐵離子對UV/O3程序礦化NMP效率之影響 86
4.2.6 UV/O3程序於不同反應條件礦化NMP結果彙整說明 89
第五章 結論與建議 90
5.1 結論 90
5.2 建議 93
參考文獻 94
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