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博碩士論文 etd-0820108-155414 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0820108-155414
Application of Health Risk Assessment on a Chlorinated-Solvent Contaminated Site
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Date of Exam
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Sensitivity, @RISK, RBCA, Monte Carlo, Risk assessment, Risk, Uncertainty
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近年來美國環保署針對絕大多數常見土壤及地下水中之污染物,對其危害性、劑量效應及假設中最嚴重之暴露途徑,做一風險推估,而發表了基於風險度的土壤整治初步目標(Draft Guidance for Soil Screening Level)及最保守之允許值。美國材料試驗協會(American Society for Testing and Materials ,簡稱ASTM) 也於1995年所提出基於層次性(Tiered Approach)的「風險基準矯正行動應用於石油洩漏場址之評估準則(Standard Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action Applied at Petroleum Release Sites ,簡稱RBCA),E1739號準則」,修訂版並於2002年公佈;於2004年再提出「風險基準矯正行動應用於化學洩漏場址之評估準則(RBCA),E2081號準則」,其評估步驟的標準化,成為國內外最常被引用之評估模式,使風險評估的步驟因而更加標準化。
本研究主要以受含氯有機物污染之場址進行風險評估分析。本場址曾因含氯有機物之洩漏而造成地下水之污染。地下水中所檢測出濃度較高之含氯有機物,包括三氯乙烯(trichloroethylene, TCE)及1,1-二氯乙烯(dichloroethylene, DCE),其濃度檢測值皆超出第二類管制標準(0.05及0.07 mg/L),且有隨地下水往下游移動之趨勢。本研究目的包含: (1)針對受含氯有機物污染之場址進行風險評估,評估下游受體之風險;(2)分析致癌風險與可能之污染傳輸途徑,提供管理者未來整治場址規劃與技術選擇之依據;(3)加入現地微生物之評估,以區分自然衰減作用對風險評估之影響及(4)以蒙地卡羅分析法針對場址進行不確定性分析。主要方法架構則分為兩個部份:(1)利用Groundwater Service, Inc.所建置之「健康風險評估模擬系統1.3版(RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases 1.3)」及我國行政院環保署健康風險評估模擬系統,進行第二層次之風險評估模擬;(2)應用商用軟體@RISK配合微軟公司之EXCEL試算表,進行蒙地卡羅法來分析風險機率分佈,進行第三層次分析。

在不確定分析方面,主要以水力傳導係數(hydraulic conductivity, K值)及污染物濃度值進行分析。在敏感參數相關性方面,對於飲用水攝食途徑致癌風險值而言,以三氯乙烯之敏感度1為最大,呈正向相關性關係,表示當三氯乙烯污染濃度值(致癌)愈高對於飲用水攝食途徑之風險值也就愈高;飲用水攝食途徑非致癌風險值而言,亦是以三氯乙烯之敏感度0.944為最大,呈正向相關性關係。另外,飲用水攝食途徑致癌機率與非致癌統計方面,在累計機率為90%時統計結果,分別為致癌風險值約為6.38×10-5;非致癌風險值約為3.28,因此存在對人體健康之威脅。
Risk-based corrective action (RBCA) is rapidly becoming an accepted approach for the remediation of contaminated sites. Under a RBCA approach, the risks to human health and the environment associated with a contaminated site are evaluated and appropriate corrective measures are taken as needed to reduce risk to acceptable levels. A series of standard guides of RBCA have been developed by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The main task of this study was to conduct a risk assessment at a site contaminated with chlorinated organic compounds. The studied site had a chlorinated organic compound leakage incident, which caused groundwater contamination. The contaminants of concern included trichloroethylene (TCE) and dichloroethylene (DCE). The concentrations of TCE and DCE exceeded the control standards of 0.05 and 0.07 mg/L, respectively. The contamination has a tendency to move downstream along with groundwater. The goals of this study were to: (1) conduct risk assessment at the site, and to evaluate the risk of downstream acceptor; (2) analyze the carcinogenicity risk and the possible pollution transmission pathway to provide the management personnel a basis for future site screening, planning and technical improving; (3) evaluate the effect of natural attenuation (NA) processes on risk reduction; and (4) apply Monte Carlo analysis method to conduct uncertainty analysis at the site. In this study, RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Release, 1.3 edition established by Groundwater Service, Inc. was applied for risk assessment. Moreover, the health risk assessment stimulation system developed by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration was also applied to conduct risk assessment simulation for comparison. The commercial software @RISK and Microsoft’s EXCEL spreadsheet was used to conduct Monte Carlo analysis to analyze risk probability distribution.
Results show that the health risk assessment result has indicated that the main risk at this site was through groundwater exposure pathway. If the biodegradation process occurs, the contaminant plume will be controlled and the risk will be reduced. Thus, the total carcinogenicity risk and hazard index (HI) of the downstream residential area will be reduced to acceptable levels (cancer risk < 1 ×10-5, and HI < 1). Results from the Monte Carlo simulation show that the carcinogenic risk is about 6.38×10-6 when the accumulation rate is 90% via inhalation. The calculated risk levels are higher than the requirement for minimum target risk level (cancer risk of 1x10-6) described in Taiwan’s “Soil and Groundwater Remediation Act”. Results also show that the hazard index of non-carcinogenic risk is about 3.28 via the route of ingestion, which is higher than the acceptable level of 1. Based on the results of risk assessment, it is very important for the decision makers to incorporate remedial activities including institutional controls, engineering controls, and remediation programs from RBCA results. This study provides a streamlined process and guidelines of developing the risk-based decision-making strategy for contaminated sites in Taiwan.
目次 Table of Contents
誌謝 I
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 V
目錄 ..VI
表目錄 . IX
圖目錄 . XII
第一章 前言 1-1
1.1研究緣起 1-2
1.2 研究目的 1-3
1.3 研究內容與架構 1-3
第二章 文獻回顧 2-1
2.1含氯有機物之相關特性 2-1
2.1.1含氯有機物特性及來源 2-1
2.1.2對人體及環境之影響 2-5
2.1.3 含氯有機物傳輸途徑 2-8
2.1.4含氯有機物之生物降解 2-12
2.2健康風險評估 2-15
2.2.1 健康風險評估的定義 2-20
2.2.2 國內外風險評估的發展 2-21
2.3不確定性分析 2-28
2.3.1 不確定性的來源 2-28
2.3.2 不確定性的定義 2-28
2.3.3 不確定性分析的種類 2-29
2.4不確定性降低之研究 2-33
2.4.1 蒙地卡羅模擬法的定義 2-33
2.4.2蒙地卡羅模擬法(Monte carlo simulation,MC) 2-34
第三章 研究方法 ..3-1
3.1 土壤及地下水污染之健康風險評估 3-1
3.1.3 暴露評估(EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT): 3-6
3.2 場址概念模式建立 3-10
3.3 層次性健康風險評估 3-12
3.3.1 第一層次健康風險評估 3-16
3.3.2 第二層次健康風險評估 3-16
3.3.3 第三層次健康風險評估 3-17
3.4 參數不確定性分析 3-19
3.4.1 蒙地卡羅模擬法原理 3-19
3.4.2 本研究之蒙地卡羅模擬法應用 3-20
第四章 案例探討 4-1
4.1模擬之場址背景資料收集 4-1
4.1.1地下水位及流向 4-1
4.1.2地下水質 4-4
4.1.3地質 4-8
4.1.4氣象概述 4-10
4.2評估模式介紹 4-13
4.2.1 RBCA健康風險評估模式 4-13
4.2.2環保署健康風險評估模擬系統 4-21
4.3場址健康風險評估之模擬 4-25
4.3.1關切物質之判定與評估點選擇 4-27
4.3.2暴露評估 4-32
4.3.3風險特徵描述 4-36
第五章 結果與討論 5-1
5.1 RBCA健康風險評估模式模擬結果 5-1
5.2環保署風險模擬系統與RBCA模式模擬結果評估 5-17
5.2.1環保署風險評估模擬結果 5-17
5.2.2環保署風險評估模式與RBCA模式模擬結果評估 5-33
5.3蒙地卡羅模擬評估結果 5-35
5.3.1台灣石油公司風險評估軟體模擬結果 5-35
第六章 結論 6-1
參考文獻 .參-1
符號說明 .符-1
附錄一 案例參數與出處 附錄1-1
附錄二 關切污染物成份相關參數資料 附錄2-1
附錄三 風險基準篩選水準計算公式 附錄3-1
附錄四 健康風險評估數學模式推導 附錄4-1
附錄五 致癌性與非致癌性計算公式 附錄5-1
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