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博碩士論文 etd-0820108-163843 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0820108-163843
The Research of feasibility of High-level Manpower Dispatch
Year, semester
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
the manpower dispatch, high-level manpower, the human resources
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摘 要

The manpower dispatch development in US, Japan and European country, all become mature industrial stage, in Taiwan also gradually develops under this tidal current, and gradually becomes one of frequently strategies adopt by the enterprise human resources department for human flexible scheduling. The manpower dispatch not only may provide the enterprise human resource in response to peak time or obtains the support of special specialized talented person, simultaneously can outside of administration responsibility, exempt from related cost for the employment of permanent staff, lets the enterprise have the extra mental effort to concentrates in its core specialty, therefore the enterprise get much attention and use it, further enhance its development of the enormous potential.
The manpower dispatch already is one of 12 prioritizes service industries in "service industry development guiding principle and the course of action" by the Economic Construction Committee of Executive Yuan, according to the industry and commerce general survey that held by DGBAS (Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics) in 2001, there are approximately 790 manpower supplies industry, from the experiences of US, the manpower dispatch will be very important in the future duty field. According to the estimates of Economic Construction Committee, the average labor force are 9,900 thousand people in Taiwan, the dispatch laborer population might reach 300 thousand people in the future.
But recently, the type of knowledge worker change the manpower dispatch level (Yang Ch'aoan, 2004). Perhaps the dispatches worker's image impression of most people is still the image of low-end manual worker, the administration worker or the sanitation worker, but the nowadays enterprise's demand gradually transformed to technical role in specialist, high-level white-color worker as well as telecommunication ,marketing specialist.
At present in practice, some company runs the dispatch of tradition low level affairs or the labor work, some runs the recommendation or dispatch of the high step personnel (commonly knows as:head hunting) ,as for the high-level manpower dispatch that different from the dispatch of traditional dispatch and head hunting, in Europe/America and Japan had the explicit law definition and business volume, but in Taiwan is whether feasible? In the limit of not having enough literature for reference, this research attempts from the demand of enterprise, the supplies of high-level manpower, the barrier in practical and the economical scale of market, to analyze its feasibility, provides some reference for the dispatch industry.
This research discovered that:
(1) the high-level manpower dispatch truly has its demand in
Taiwan, and increases day by day.
(2) the supplies of the high-level manpower due to lack of protection of the law, presents recruits difficult and high turnover.
(3) the high-level manpower dispatches will match the expectation for both supply and demand sides (for example, the cognition of the employer, the trust, authorization and support to high-level dispatch manpower, and whether is willing to give reasonable service fee for which provides dispatch service) the challenge still many, was the key point of high-level manpower dispatch management.
(4) the business volume of high-level manpower dispatch at present in Taiwan is not enough, and is insufficient to support the dispatch industry to run this service only.
(5) the high-level manpower dispatch is feasible, and will be supposed to the mainstream of manpower dispatch market for the future.

Keyword: the manpower dispatch, the human resources, high-level manpower, dispatch demand enterprise
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 人力派遣的定義及相關概念 4
第二節 人力派遣興起與持續成長之原因 9
第三節 全球人力派遣現況 15
第四節 台灣人力派遣興起、沿革與現況 22
第五節 企業使用人力派遣服務之原因及類型 27
第六節 派遣員工的特性與背景 33
第七節 高級人力派遣之意涵 36
第三章 研究方法 40
第一節 研究取向 40
第二節 研究工具與研究限制 40
第三節 研究對象 42
第四節 概念性研究架構 45
第四章 研究結果 47
第一節 國家法令-美、日、歐盟人力派遣法令彙整 47
第二節 高級人力需求面-依行業別分類彙整 52
第三節 高級人力供給面-高級人力觀感及看法 53
第四節 企業採用高級人力派遣之實際案例分析 55
第五節 運用高級人力派遣成功之關鍵因素 57
第六節 高級人力派遣的未來契機與困難 58
第五章 結論與建議 62
第一節 結論 62
第二節 建議 65
第六章 參考文獻 68
中文參考文獻 68
英文參考文獻 73
第七章 附錄 75
附錄一 企業主訪談問卷 75
附錄二 專業人員訪談問卷 76
附錄三 派遣業者訪談問卷 77
附錄四 勞委會「職業類別薪資調查報告」(2005) 78
附錄五 全台灣中大型企業抽樣問卷調查分析結果 84

表2-1-1 人力派遣定義彙整表…………………………………………………..................5
表2-2-1 國民生產毛額與人力派遣成長之關係………………………………………….13
表 2-2-2 人力派遣業興盛之成因………………………………………………………….13
表 2-3-4 日本「人才派遣」內容及相關法規的演進…………………………………..…21
表 2-3-5 日本人力派遣之現況………………………………………………..……………22
表2-4-1 台灣人力派遣業發展階段..……………………………………………………...26
表2-5-1 企業使用人力派遣的原因…………………………………………………..........30
表 2-6-1 派遣勞工投入派遣勞動市場成因整理表………………………………………..35

表2-6-2 各家學者關於派遣勞工從事派遣工作之因素…………………………………..36
表3-1 研究對象之基本資料…………………………………………………………….42
表3-1-1 企業需求面:要派企業之基本資料……………………………………………..42
表3-1-2 人才供給面:高級人力之基本資料……………………………………………..43
表3-1-3 供需媒合者:派遣業者之基本資料…………………..…………………………44
表4-1-1 全球派遣國家之法令規範、薪資及限制、契約內容比較表…………………..48
表4-2-1 企業需求分類彙整表……………………………………………………………..52
表4-3-1 高級人力觀感及看法彙整表………………………………………………..…....53
表4-5-1 運用高級人力派遣成功之關鍵因素……………………………………………..58
表4-6-1 高級人力派遣的未來契機與困難………………………………………………..59
表5-1-1 高級人力派遣研究發現…………………………………………………………..63
表5-1-2 高級人力派遣可行之驅動因子……………………………………………….…64
圖1-3-1 研究流程圖…………………………………………………………………………..3
圖2-1-2 人力派遣運作之三角關係圖………………………………………………………..6
圖2-3-1 各國人力派遣分佈圖……………………………………………………………….15
圖2-3-2 美國1998年至2004年人力派遣市場佔總體勞動市場比例……………………….17
圖 2-3-3 1999年與 2003年美國派遣市場職務類別比較……………………………………..18

圖2-7-1 預估 1980年至 2020年戰後嬰兒潮的 25歲至 54歲工作人口數變化圖…………….38
參考文獻 References
第六章 參考文獻

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