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博碩士論文 etd-0821106-154812 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0821106-154812
Kinetic Analysis of Particle Distribution of a Plasma in Contact with a Surface
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kinetic analysis, plasma, sheath, presheath
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此篇論文主要探討電漿與工件表面之間電子與離子因時間的不同各項轉換變數的關係。本文主要探討的區域為碰撞之Presheath區,此區域介於無碰撞Sheath區與電漿之間。其中離子與電子之非穩態速度分佈函數及各項轉換變數可經由動力分析模式獲得解析解。而在此篇研究中,我們利用BGK模型來模擬取代原本繁複的碰撞函數,與離子源函數同樣為Emmert et al.所提出。由這些基本假設可以求出於Presheath區與Sheath區之離子與電子之分佈函數,其中離子與電子在於接近工件表面之Sheath趨呈現高度非Maxwell-Boltzmann速度分布函數,Presheath區之電子速度分布函數為擬Maxwell-Bolzmann速度分布函數,離子速度分布函數則為非Maxwell-Boltmann速度分布函數。最後利用改變各項獨立之無因次參數來探討對於各個時間中於Presheath區之速度函數的影響。
In this study, the unsteady velocity function of the ions and electrons in the collisional presheath and collisionless sheath of a plasma near a completely absorbing wall are determined from a kinetic analysis. The
collisions in the presheath are modeled by a relaxtion time approximation (namely BGK model,Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook ). The model and analysis from Emmert et al. are used to find the variation in electrostatic potential with position. Distribution functions of the ions and electrons in a collisionless presheath and sheath can be exactly obtained. Velocities of the ions in the presheath and sheath are highly non-Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions. The electrons in the presheath are close to Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions, but those in the sheath are non-Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions. The computed distribution functions for a completely absorbing surface agree with theoretical results provided in the literature.
目次 Table of Contents
目錄 2
圖表索引 3
符號說明 4
中文摘要 6
英文摘要 7
第一章 緒論 8
1-1 研究背景 8
1-2 研究目的 8
1-3 文獻回顧 9
1-4 研究範圍 11
第二章 理論分析 12
2-1 前言 12
2-2 離子分佈函數之建立 13
2-3 電子分佈函數之建立 20
第三章 結果討論 24
第四章 結論 26
參考文獻 36
參考文獻 References
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